- railway engineering school铁路技术学校
- Rap果断而有力地推击
- Roll over击球后手臂转动
- reverse layup反手带球上篮
- rod length杆长
- Ring mashie古典球杆的一种
- Royal and ancient皇家古代的,高尔夫球运动的传统称号
- runoff stitching线落坑
- rinsed洗涤,漂洗
- rubber gloves洗衣手套
- Reverse overlapping grip反重叠式握杆
- run and hit,hit and run击跑配合战术
- Roast Sirloin Steak with Red Wine西冷牛排配红酒少司
- reality politics现实政治
- Rice with Beef and Black Mushrooms香菇牛肉饭
- Road match公路赛
- Radiused sole弧形杆底、铁杆底部呈弧形的状态
- relief pitcher候援投手
- Real Madrid皇家马德里队
- Run up击低近球
- rear stalls戏院正方后座
- Rice with Spare Ribs and Black Mushrooms香菇排骨饭
- receiver's right half court接球员的右半区
- rookie of the year年度最佳新人
- rhythm training节奏训练
- Rusty Nail锈钉
- rear foot脚踵,或称脚后跟
- radial branch旋转式消防炮,导流式水枪
- running screen跑动掩护
- Rice Noodle Soup with Shredded Duck鸭丝上汤米粉
- reference impedance基准阻抗
- Recovery shot救球
- rim,basket篮框
- Red tees女子开球区
- reputation risk信誉风险
- rotation defense轮转防守
- remedy action修补行为
- racecourse,racetrack跑马场,赛马场
- receiver's left half court接球员的左半区
- Roast Duck Bone Soup鸭架汤
- Resort course疗养地球场/渡假村球场
- Running shot近距离滚动球的击球
- Running approach近距离滚动球
- receiver dynamic range接收机动态范围
- revers衣里外翻部分
- r.m.s.ripple factor均方根-波纹系数
- receiver multicoupler接收机分路器
- reduced carrier emission减载波发射
- rGyugilam因道
- Rub of the green球触及障碍物偏向滚转
- rockinghorse摇马
- receiver frontend接收机前端
- red mullet,surmullet羊鱼
- receive to transmit echo loss (RTEL)接收至发射的回波耗损
- reduced carrier SSB emission减载波单边带发射
- Rear Deltoid Fly三角肌后拉
- receive to transmit stability loss (RTSL)接收至发射的稳定耗损
- Raining test淋雨试验
- RITA system里达系统
- reliability and maintainability assurance可靠性和维修性保证
- Reform of medical insurance system医保制度改革
- Ramochey叶莫切寺
- receive loudness rating (RLR)接收响度评定值
- racing driver赛车驾驶员
- rms value (effective value)均方根值(有效值)
- Recessed marking球表面的小凹-同dimple
- residential intelligibility剩余可懂度
- Radish with Soy Bean Paste樱桃萝卜蘸酱
- redundant nary signal冗余n进制信号
- Recover shot挽回败局的一击,打出障碍
- responsible有责任的,(应)责任的
- Roll in推击入洞
- right back右后卫
- ray path transmission loss射手系统射线路径传输损耗
- RF signal射频信道
- reservation desk预定处
- right channel roma右脉
- restricted zone限制区
- Rubber tee橡皮球座
- residential frequency deviation剩余频偏
- releaseguard signal释放保护信号
- right half back右前卫
- realtime channel estimation实时信道估算
- radio frequency heating apparatus射频加热装置
- return of the king王者再现
- Rim out涮边球
- RF signal to interface ratio射频信号干扰比
- Rubbercore ball橡胶心球
- residential frequency modulation剩余调频
- reign man统治者,称该球员很厉害
- Reproduced stamp邮票图样
- reversible machine有倒梭缝机
- residential amplitude modulation剩余调幅
- run out of用尽,缺少
- reference voltage of regulator稳压器的基准电压
- radio service无线电通信业务
- right side [of fabric]正面[织品]
- railtrain dispatch system铁路列车调度系统
- reemployment of laidoff workers再就业下岗人员
- radio wave无线电波
- round cornered pkt.圆角袋
- relative audiofrequency intermodulation distortion相对音频互调失真
- radio link protocol无线链路协议
- Right leg hole右狗腿洞
- report on the work of the government政府工作报告
- run and jump defense跃进防守
- real language真言
- relative intermodulation product level相对互调产物电平
- radio station无线电台(站)
- rare and endangered species breeding center珍稀濒危物种繁育基地
- relative voltage change相对电压变化
- right service court右发球区
- radiorelay system无线接力系统
- Radio subsystem criteria无线分系统准则
- runstitching运线
- right square右场区
- rock the boat找麻烦
- radiolink无线线路
- Radio paging system,Paging system无线寻呼系统
- radio relay communication无线电接力通信
- right hook右钩拳
- radio hearing aid system无线助听系统
- Radio Channel Group(RCG)无线信道群
- restricted free agent有限制的自由球员
- regular flight正常航班
- radiopaging code No. 1无线寻呼1号码
- read the defense研判防守
- rGyalbaiyum诸佛之母
- residential mortgage住房抵押贷款
- regenerative relay station再生中继站
- Relay transmission中继传输
- racial conflicts种族冲突
- rated impedance of loudspeaker扬声器额定阻抗
- racial superiority种族优越感
- racial problem种族问题
- relational coding相关编码
- redletter day重要的或值得纪念的日子
- Rice,Noodles and Local Snacks主食、小吃
- righthand (or clockwise)polarized wave右旋极化波(或顺时针极化波)
- red rice chilli in brine盐渍红米椒
- restart procedure再起动规程
- routing cutter油沟铣刀
- repeating distortion转发音频失真
- rural dozer乡区推土机
- relative pressure gauge相对压力计
- relative gravity meter相对重力测量仪
- reset procedure重置规程
- repeating modulation sensitivity转发调制灵敏度
- relative motion computer相对运动计算机
- rectilinear potentiometer线性变化电位器
- relative displacement sensor相对位移传感器
- Red cabbage紫色包心菜
- relative humidity telemeter相对湿度遥测仪
- relative and absolute vacuum tester相对真空及绝对真空测试器
- repeating attack rejection转发启动抗扰性
- Rangtong自空派
- rotary vacuum string discharge filter线排料回转真空过滤机
- repeating attack sensitivity转发启动灵敏度
- reconstructed sample重建样值
- ribtotoe crew anklets由统至袜头织棱纹的水手式反口短统袜
- racemorphan消旋啡烷
- rubber washer橡胶垫圈
- rubberinsulated flexible cable橡胶绝缘软电缆
- rubber and latex catheter橡胶和乳胶导管
- rubber numbering stamp橡皮号码机
- rubber band橡胶带
- rubber wedge heel boots橡胶楔跟靴
- rubber refining mill橡胶精炼机
- Rubber membrane橡胶膜
- rubber volleyball橡胶排球
- rubber wares橡胶杂件
- rubber sole cutting machine橡胶鞋底裁切机
- rubber fender橡胶翼子板
- rubberprocessing machinery橡胶加工机械
- rubber and plastics tester橡胶和塑料试验机
- rubber antiageing agent橡胶防老化剂
- rubber roll grinder橡皮辊磨床
- rubber shim橡皮嵌条
- rubberasbestos gasket,rubberasbestos plate,asbestos rubber s橡胶石棉板
- rubber filament橡胶长丝
- rubber (operating) gloves橡胶手套
- rubber gasket,rubber packing橡皮垫
- rubber bulb syringe橡胶球注射器
- rubber and plastics making machine橡胶及塑料加工机械
- rubber flat plate橡胶平板
- rubber cuff橡皮封套
- rubber antirot paint橡胶防腐漆
- rubber ice bag橡皮冰袋
- rubber bonded grinding wheel橡胶结合剂砂轮
- rubber oil plug橡胶油塞
- rosewood chair carved dragon design inlaid with mother of pe镶嵌珍珠母雕龙檀木椅
- rubber fiber橡胶纤维
- rubber cutter橡胶裁刀
- rubber date stamp橡皮日戳
- rubber rain shoes橡胶雨鞋
- rubber conveyor belt橡胶运输带
- rubber taper橡皮锥
- rubber coated wire橡胶电缆
- rubber panty橡胶短裤
- rubberinsulated wire橡皮绝缘电线