- regular tea drinking improves your health常饮绿茶,增进健康
- risk (or riskbearing) capital承担风险的资本
- revoke a case placed on file撤销立案
- recourse fund偿还预备金
- rescind the original judgement and remand the case ro the or撤销原判,发回重审
- registration of property right产权登记
- repayment analysis偿债分析
- resident correspondent常驻记者
- rotary pump with liquid piston液体活塞回转泵
- right of revocation撤销权
- ready seller;quick seller;quickselling product畅销品
- receive salaries,subsidies,or other supported from the gover吃皇粮
- reserve balance储备余额
- reserving fund储备基金
- right of admission承认权
- robe for medical personnel医生护士服
- reserve capital储备资本
- relieving rheumatism,chills and pains除湿散寒,祛风定痛
- rotary blade vacuum pump for medical use医用旋片式真空泵
- remit vt.传寄,汇寄,送
- Red balance赤字结余
- reproduction on an enlarged scale大规模再生产
- RRO Review档案及接待员(检讨)
- representative duty job代职
- rail slewer移轨器
- riveter打铆机
- ratio of cash reserves to deposits存款支付准备率
- Rubber Tires for buses and trucks大客车、大货车使用之橡胶轮胎
- R. response;registered;return答复,已注册,收益
- RRO Remand档案及接待员(押候)
- REP Office representative office代办处,代表处
- reagent for instrumental analysis仪器分析试剂
- RRO General档案及接待员(一般)
- return banquet答谢宴会
- removable screen移动筛
- risk of theft,pilferage and nondelivery (TPND)盗窃提货不着险
- RECEIVED B/L received for shipment bill of lading待装云提单
- running weight type dynamometer移动重式测力计
- Records & Reception Officer档案及接待员
- RRO Criminal档案及接待员(刑事)
- Registry & Admin Administrator档案与行政主任
- RRO Reception档案及接待员(接待)
- RRO Condemn档案及接待员(死囚)
- ratio of loans to deposits存放款比率
- restrictive lending policy贷款紧缩政策
- Regessive tax递减税
- Realization of Mortgage Right抵押权的实现
- revocation of lawyer license吊销执业证
- regional banks地方银行
- Regional and departmental protectionism地区和部门保持主义
- regional corrency blocks地区货币集团
- Roth Werke GmbH德国热德有限公司
- Roth Werke GmbH Shanghai Office德国热德有限公司上海代表处
- revoking business license吊销营业执照
- Registration Dues and Taxes登记税(费)
- Readjust the assetliability ratio of stateowned enterprises调整国有企业资产负债比
- regional specialization地区专业化
- Regional jurisdiction地区管辖
- Regional Customer Manager地区客户经理
- Readjust and reorganize Stateowned enterprises to调整改组国有企业促进资产重组
- region structure地区结构
- Regional Fund地区基金
- registry of collateral抵押物登记
- Road Toll道路费
- Russian interpreter俄语翻译
- rights to information对信息的认股权
- raw white;offwhite本白
- Rowmate抑草灵
- Russian俄罗斯
- rythmodan capsule异脉停胶囊
- responsibility system of the chief executive officer under t董事会领导下的经理负责制
- report to management对经营的报告
- right of scientific discovery发现权
- risk of bad odour(change of flavour)恶味险,变味险
- real estate evaluator房产估价师
- Real Estate Company房地产公司
- rose dust豆灰
- RedFrance法国红
- real estate account房地产帐户,不动产帐户
- REP INTERNATIONAL Rep Beijing Office法国瑞普公司
- Real Estate Development/Planning房地产开发/策划
- raw silver fox skin银狐皮
- real estate tax房地产税,不动产税
- Real Estate Agent/Broker房地产中介/交易
- rat fish oil银鲛油
- removing obstruction,smoothing circulation and stopping pain芳香开窍,理气止痛
- ralchak; changtainpashmina银灰色山羊绒
- Real Estate Appraiser房地产评估师
- Real Estate Manager房地产经理
- Real Estate Investment Trusts房地产投资信托基金,不动产投资信托公司
- ratfish银鲛鱼
- real estate management房管
- real estate lawyer;real property lawyer房地产律师
- reverse twist worsted隐条精纺花呢
- right fly里襟,钮子
- roundlotplus order非整手买卖盘
- recognition of expense费用的确认
- raw silk hairiness;hairiness毛羽类
- round rotor synchronous generator隐极同步发电机
- rose carmine;rose mauve玫瑰紫红
- risk premium风险补贴,风险溢价
- R/C blended yarn粘棉纱
- risk array algorithm风险排列算式
- risky reserve风险储备
- risk parameter风险参数
- rubber guide belt for printing flower印花用橡胶导带
- risky income风险收入
- risk transfer风险转移
- Real silk yarn真丝线
- risk and materiality风险和重要性
- Rabbit hair兔毛纱
- right of claiming cancellation否认权
- riskspreading风险分摊
- risk minimization风险减至最小限度
- Rolldown hem下卷边
- Risk fund风险基金
- risk control mechanism风险控制机制
- risk tolerance风险容限
- risk array margining system风险排列按金制度
- risk probability风险率
- rust red铁锈红
- risk loss风险损失
- rustic brown铁锈棕
- risk hedging instruments风险保值工具
- rubber gasket of application valve应用阀胶垫
- Risk Disclosure Statement [GEM]风险披露声明书[创业板]
- risky project风险项目
- razorsharp smash锋利扣杀
- risk segregation风险隔离
- Ricinate湿润分散剂
- risk weight风险权重
- risk hedge风险保值
- risk array method风险排列方法
- risk cost风险成本
- rope impregnating mangle绳状浸染机
- risk management风险管理
- riskreturn characteristics风险与收益特性
- RADR风险调整折现率
- Relationships among reform,development and stability改革发展和稳定的关系
- Reemployment of redundant workers富余职工再就业
- rigid dirigible硬式飞船
- rayon shadow striped影条纺
- rich in poetic and pictorial splendor富有浓厚诗情两画意
- renewed bill改写,换新票据
- Reexamination复验
- resumption of marriage复婚
- rigid steel rule硬钢尺
- Resumption of trading复牌,恢复买卖
- ruling Hong Kong by its people港人治港
- Reform,reorganization and upgrading改革,改组和改造
- Ramie Yarn Series苎麻系列纱线
- review engagement复阅约定
- Redundant Workers富余人员
- Rehabilitation Classification Officer改造归类员
- Reorganization,association,merger,joint改组,联合,兼并,股份合作制
- Rich in Elasticity富有弹性
- Right issue供股(集资)
- rigid polyurethane foam plastics硬质聚醚型泡沫塑料
- replacement fee更新费用
- rules for registration of company公司注册章程
- renew and reform fund,renewal and reconstruction fund,renova更新改造基金
- Rate ranges工资率系列
- renewed technology of hard metal alloy mould硬质合金模具翻新工艺
- reform school工读学校
- regulation of salary工资调整
- RTW right to work工作权利
- revaluation of fixed assets固定资金重估
- ratio of equity(ROE)股本利润率
- resolution of the general meeting of shareholders股东大会决议
- registration statement股票注册上市申请书
- Related parties关系企业
- Return on Shareholder's Equity股东权益收益率
- releasing coating有机硅防粘涂料
- rotary drill with oil pressure油压转盘钻机
- Reevaluation of fixed assets固定资产重估
- regulated polymer有规聚合物
- rubber stencilling brush油印胶刷
- rail motor有轨汽车
- ragging roll有槽轧辊
- rule of procedure of shareholders' meeting股东大会议事规则
- rate of return on equity股本收益率
- railway sleeper轨枕
- ratio of home made国产化率
- regulations规章制度
- relay for line telecommunication有线电讯继电器
- Redlamone诱虫混剂
- right rotating magneto右旋磁电机
- right disengaging fork lever右分离叉杆
- Ro/Ro ship滚装船
- right screw右旋螺钉
- required reserve规定的准备金
- Ryanicide鱼尼汀
- rosewood cabinet with bamboo design有竹子图案的檀木柜
- roro crane ship有起重机的滚装船
- rain cap雨帽
- raincoat yarn雨衣纱
- Regulation on the supervision and management国有企业监督管理条例
- Reserve for Loss in Outward Investment国外投资损失准备
- red and gold dusted native glazed paper玉扣粉贝蜡金纸
- rain boots雨靴