- refuse transfer station废物转运站,垃圾转运站
- road alignment works改路工程
- relief against reentry/vesting撤销重收/转归
- Rice with Fish Fillet and Curry Sauce咖喱鱼排饭
- raschel经织舌针布
- reform in economic structure经济结构改革。
- raging waves pound on the banks惊涛拍岸
- Rach Gia迪石
- revert复归,归还
- Rice with Spare Ribs京都排骨饭
- roasted whole sheep烤全羊
- rewriting rules重写规则
- Roasted Lemon Marinade Chicken Leg with French Fries烤柠檬鸡腿配炸薯条
- regain ground重新获得利润
- Repurchase Behavior重复购买行为
- Roast Beef and Mushroom Pizza烤牛肉蘑菇比萨
- Roasted Salmon Steak in Tagliatelle and Saffron Sauce烤三文鱼排意大利宽面和藏红花汁
- Remolding (Remoulding)重塑、重模
- roasting pig烤乳猪
- roast leg of sheep烤羊腿
- regularization合化法,纳入规范
- rerouting重布
- Roast Lamb Chops in Cheese and Red Wine烤羊排配奶酪和红酒汁
- Roasted Salmon Fillet in Pesto and Black Olive Purée烤三文鱼柳配香草汁和黑橄榄酱
- Roasted Fresh Catfish烤鲶鱼
- Roasted Eggplant烤汁茄子
- Remolded soil重塑土壤
- regression analysis逐步回归分析
- repeated ballot system重复投票制度
- Roast Turkey with Cranberry Sauce烤火鸡配红浆果沙司
- reinstatement works恢复原状工程
- Rice with Stewed Chicken in Coke Sauce可乐鸡饭
- refuse incinerator垃圾焚化厂
- regain lost ground重新获得(失去的)利润
- Roast Beef Sandwich烤牛肉三文治
- river training works河道治理工程,河道疏浚工程
- rhizomyidae竹鼠科
- Reinhold Niebuhr莱因霍尔德 尼布尔
- realignment [of the road]更改道路路线
- race and ethnic origin种族和民族
- Remolding loss重塑弱化量
- repositionings重新定位产品
- roast duck jelly烤鸭冻粉
- Rice with Chicken and Chili and Pepper辣子鸡饭
- rifled sheet iron绉纹铁
- Roasted Lamb烤羔羊
- Roast Lamb Tenderloin烤羊里脊
- Roast Stuffed Turkey烤瓤火鸡
- roller mass loss method转轮实验法
- resite village迁置村
- Rayong罗勇
- Richelieu黎塞留
- Radisson雷迪森、瑞迪森
- Raymond Aron雷蒙 阿隆
- Raider追击手
- Roi Et黎逸
- Ramie root苎麻根
- Research Associate助理研究员
- registered body注册团体
- rationalchoice institutionalism理性选择制度主义
- Ratanakiri腊塔纳基里
- risks in 6 key areas (U.S. Federal Reserve criterion)六大风险
- Rum朗姆酒
- Richard Nixon理查德 尼克松
- Regrant Unit (Urban and NT)契约重批小组(市区及新界)(地政总署组别)
- recreational facilities clause康乐设施条款
- rational actor model理性行为体模型
- row upon row of;packed with鳞次栉比
- reform of the grain marketing system粮食流通体制改革
- Richard Ashley理查德 阿什利
- Rice with Spare Ribs and Chili Sauce老干妈排骨饭
- revolving bridge转桥
- Registrar注册主管
- renewable Crown lease可续期官契
- rotational partition sums转动配分函数
- Ranong拉廊
- Ribs肋骨
- reservations权益保留条款
- Ratchaburi(Rat Buri)叻武里(叻丕)
- Rahula罗睺罗
- Rochford,Reserve,Pinot Noir罗富酒庄 黑比诺特选
- rana swinhoana棕背蛙
- Ronald Reagan罗纳德 里根
- religion宗教学
- Rob Roy罗布·罗伊
- Rudolf Kjellen鲁道夫 契伦
- Rumtek隆德寺
- ribbing罗纹,凸纹织物
- religious subsector宗教界界别分组
- Reprographic Section摄影制图部(地政总署组别)
- Rakhine若干
- rice paper contract沙纸契
- retractable canvas伸缩式帐篷
- religious service宗教仪式,礼拜
- religious rites宗教仪式
- radish seedling萝卜苗
- resumption of Crown land收回官地
- resource endowment资源禀赋
- right to inspect视察权
- Railway Development Section铁路发展组(地政总署组别)
- Raleigh罗利
- Robert Cox罗伯特 考克斯
- right of selfdetermination自决权
- Rhone罗纳河谷产区
- Religious Organizations宗教团体
- rib/double jersey罗纹织物/双面平纹
- Robert Gilpin罗伯特 吉尔平
- Radix Mirabilis紫茉莉根
- religious faction宗教派别
- Robbery Jervis罗伯特 杰维斯
- redemption赎回,提早清还贷款
- Robert O. Keohane罗伯特 基欧汉
- Rhode Island(RI )罗得岛
- rib tape罗纹带条
- reduce of capital资本减值
- realignment works重新划定线向工程
- River Training Section治理河道组(地政总署组别)
- reforestation plan植林计划
- registered manager [of 'tso' or 'tong']注册司理(「祖」或「堂」)
- Reassignment Memorial转回契约
- revested in the Crown重新转归官方
- Rose Lady Coffee玫瑰夫人咖啡
- Rural Committee乡事委员会,乡事会
- Rubus obcordatus钻地风
- Restrictions on the transfer of转让限制
- Roast Duck明炉烧鸭
- Research & Development研究及发展(地政总署组别)
- remedial works修补工程,修缮工程
- redevelopment重建,重新发展,重行发展
- Rosemount,Roxburgh Chardonnay玫瑰山庄 罗斯伯格 霞多丽
- rezoning重划分区
- Rosemount,Balmoral,Syrah玫瑰山庄 西拉
- Rice with Shrimps in Maggie Sauce美极酱肉虾饭
- Roast Duck with FishLike Dough面鱼儿烧鸭
- rice noodle米粉
- raw edge毛边,散口
- River Training Team治理河道小组(地政总署组别)
- router (CAD)走(布)线器
- rightleft staggered junction左右错列交叉
- restriction section阻力区
- right of renewal续期权利
- remedy修补,补偿,补救,赔偿
- repairs修补,修葺,维修
- rezone重订分区用途,重新分区
- Registries (Property Management and Regrant)总务室(物业管理及契约重批)(地政总署组别)
- Rent Concession (East)租金优惠小组(东区)(地政总署组别)
- Rakta Yamari怒尊甘露漩
- rare treasures奇珍异宝
- ripoff骗人的东西
- Rent Concession (West)租金优惠小组(西区)(地政总署组别)
- Raisin Bread葡萄面包
- Rice Served with Fried Sausage and Tomato Sauce茄汁泥肠饭
- Rice with Roasted Eel蒲烧鳗鱼饭
- removing the ladder after the enemy has climbed up the roof上屋抽梯
- Rangjung Dorje让炯多杰
- rate of deforestation森林砍伐率
- Rigsum Gonpo圣三部主
- Roast Suckling Pig乳猪拼盘
- Rice with Salmon三文鱼饭
- Rice Noodle Soup with Beef清汤牛肉河粉
- range upon range of green hills山峦迭翠
- rinpoche仁波切
- Rice with White Gourd and Assorted Meat in Soup什锦冬瓜粒泡饭
- Rennina Grappa de Brunello di Montalcino瑞妮娜-布鲁诺蒙塔尔其诺
- Rice in Shredded Vegetable Soup,Shanghai Style上海泡饭
- Reproductive insurance生育保险制度
- Remy Martin XO人头马XO
- Remy Martin Club人头马俱乐部
- Renaissance shanghai Pudong上海淳大万丽
- Riguan Peak – the Sun Watching Peak日光顶
- Rice with Braised Pork Balls狮子头饭
- regional security complex区域安全复合体
- Roast Chicken Kebabs烧鸡肉串
- Rupakaya色身
- ruler shaped pkt.曲尺袋
- Remy Martin VSOP人头马VSOP
- Rechungpa惹琼巴尊者
- Remy Martin Louis XIII人头马路易十三
- roast duck with sour cabbage酸菜烤鸭
- ribbon;sash;ribbon band;decorative tape;fascia,frieze,purfle饰带
- riverside scenery水乡景色
- raise environmental awareness amongst the general public提高全民环保意识
- Rice with Stewed Pork,Taiwan Style台式卤肉饭
- receipt收据,收条
- roast wild duck with sour cabbage酸菜烤野鸭
- Red Ginseng Honey水红参营养蜜
- roast wild goose with sour cabbage酸菜烤野鹅
- Rice with Spare Ribs with Garlic蒜香排骨饭
- Rice with Codfish with Thai Sauce泰汁银雪鱼饭
- roast chicken with vegetables素菜烤鸡
- required delivered density所需喷到密度
- roasting inashes煨
- Runup shot低滚球
- relieving the state of Zhao by besieging the state of Wei围魏救赵
- referee's crease裁判区
- royal palace王宫
- room with good ventilation通风良好的客房
- Round robin比洞赛比赛形式的一种,以各洞的输赢得分的总和决定胜负的方
- rascal countries无赖国家
- railway machinery school铁路机械学校