- Gaussian probabilitydensity function高斯概率密度函数
- Gausscondition error高斯条件误差
- Gaussian profile高斯线型
- grain handling unit谷物装卸运输机
- grain mill谷物磨粉机
- Gaussian flux law高斯通量定律
- Gaussian function高斯函
- Gaussian wave train高斯波列
- graph of relation关系曲线图
- Gaussinvariant coordinates高斯不变坐
- give full play to the initiative and creativity充分调动积极性和创造性
- Ganecke projection甘奈克投影
- Gaussian bandpass filter高斯带通滤波器
- Gauss point高斯点
- Glazebrook prism格累兹布鲁克棱镜
- GlanFoucault polarizing prism格兰-傅科偏振棱镜
- grasshof number革拉秀夫数
- GreenTwyman interferometer格临-揣曼干涉仪
- general Party branch党总支
- green mercury light汞绿光
- greenough microscope革忍欧夫显微镜
- ground effect craft地效飞机
- Gunn effect oscillator耿氏效应振荡器
- Grandagon格朗达贡
- goldberg wedge戈伯劈
- Ground to air missile地对空导弹
- Green's theorem格临定理
- Gotar lens戈塔镜头
- Green's function格临函数
- Gregorian mirror格雷果反射镜
- Gregorian telescope格雷果里望远镜
- groundedemitter amplifier共射放大器
- geocide地球末日
- glanthompson prism葛兰-汤普生棱镜
- glan spectrophotometer葛兰分光光度计
- guideway transit system轨道输送系统
- Glan polarizer格兰起偏振镜
- gas development of East China Sea东海油气开发
- growth of records档案增长
- green disk革忍碟
- gramme ring格阑姆环
- give up a pawn to save a chariot;sacrifice something minor t丢车保帅
- Grum recording spectroadiometer格卢姆自动记录分光辐射谱仪
- GlanThomson prism格兰-汤姆逊棱镜
- government prosecutor检控主任
- Guardianship Board监护委员会
- gang switch共轴开关
- grasp the two links at the same time;attach equal importance坚持两手抓
- gross basic salary基本薪金总额,底薪总额
- group argumentation集思广益
- grating line光栅划线
- give consideration to both the army and the people/take care军民兼顾
- grating shearing interferometer光栅剪切干涉仪
- glossmeter,glarimeter;gloss meter;luster meter光泽计
- grossmeters光泽度计
- goldcollar worker金领工人
- grating space光栅间距
- grating satellite光栅伴线
- grating (chromatic resolving power)光栅(色监别能力)
- giant;extra large巨无霸
- gross import and export进出口总额
- Gradually forms a batch of internationally competitive congl具有国际竞争力的大型企业集团
- Gan讦
- grating spectrum satellite光栅光谱伴线
- gratingruling engine光栅刻线机
- group gambling;gamble in a group聚赌
- Golden Rooster Awards金鸡奖
- golden adj.金(黄)色的,黄金般的
- grating coupled光栅耦合的
- grating spectronmeter光栅分光计
- grating beamdivider光栅光束分离器
- gratingcoupled radiation光栅耦合辐射
- grating lobe光栅波瓣
- graphical design of otpical system光学系统图解设计
- grating recombiner光栅光束重合器
- gold pin [meritorious service]金章(优良服务)
- gases for optical application光学用气体
- grating substrate光栅衬底
- Golden Tax project金税工程
- glossy specimen光泽样品
- grating dip光栅浸渍
- groundfault interrupter接地故障断路器
- generalized relative aperture广义相对孔径
- grounding contact接地触点
- grounded metal接地金属
- ghoststrenght鬼像强度
- guest conductor客席指挥
- gauge[block] interferometer规块干涉仪
- give a stop light to开红灯
- generalized Lagrange invariant广义拉格朗日不变量
- gauge block规块
- generalized pupil function广义光瞳函数
- ghost prism鬼棱镜
- grounding接地,地线
- general isoplanatism theorem广义等晕定理
- gonogo gauge过端-不过端量规
- grass widower留守男士
- guard control center警卫设备控制中心
- grass widow留守女士
- green science and technology绿色科技
- grain risk fund粮食风险基金
- Grain and Cooking Oil Processing Factory粮油加工厂
- guard supervisory service警卫监视设施
- groundlaunched cruise missile陆基巡航导弹
- guard tour station警卫巡视站
- government hostel旅舍式政府宿舍
- grayout局部失去知觉
- grain comprehensive productivity粮食综合生产能力
- grain marketing system粮食流通体制
- give a false report of the out put;lie about the grain outpu瞒产
- GA(Gypsum Association,USA)美国石膏协会
- groping the way across the river摸着石头过河
- go about several tasks at a time眉毛胡子一把抓
- gear tooth venier caliper厚游标卡尺
- gapgauge厚薄尺,塞尺
- goods issue bay发货仓
- granting of increment发放增薪
- gangrene坏趄
- guide to appointment聘任指南
- gain experience in selected spots and then spread it over th蹲点跑面
- Gao/Kao高/郜
- gas hydrate非常规能源
- Good Harvest Program丰收工程
- Group of African,Caribbean and Pacific Region Countries (ACP非洲,加勒比和太平洋地区国家集团(非加太集团)
- group project分组研究项目,小组习作(训练课程)
- gratuitybearing agreement terms附带酬金合约条款,附有酬金的合约制
- gratuity relating to the final annual leave根据最终年假计算的酬金
- go with the flow;follow one's heart;do what one thinks is ri跟着感觉走
- GATT (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade)关贸总协定(世界贸易组织的前身)
- generallyaccepted principles of international relations公认的国际关系原则
- glossy paper光面相纸
- Gongsun(SP4)公孙
- Government Regulations,Circulars and Circular Memoranda on C关于品行和纪律的政府规例、通告及通函
- Guangdong Development Bank广东发展银行
- gratuity relating to the completed period of resident servic根据所完成在港服务期而计算的酬金
- gun cotton explosive火药棉炸药
- GPS全球卫星定位
- Guide of Religion Architecture,GRA区域建筑互助会
- general pay increase全面增薪
- glide plane滑移平面
- goodwill visit亲善访问
- general salary adjustment全面薪金调整
- gridiron空中分格搜索小火灾
- gray levels灰色阶层
- grey glass灰玻璃
- gyrometer回转测试仪
- gyromagnetic spin system回磁自旋系统
- gyre回转,旋转
- gyrosyn回转感应同步罗盘
- grey photometric wedge灰色光楔
- gram ion克离子
- gyrobearing回转方位
- gray scales灰色标
- gyroclinometer回转测斜仪
- grayscale modification灰色刻度修正
- gyrohorizon回转水平仪
- glow characteristic辉光特性曲线
- grey filter灰滤色镜
- gyroscopic theodolite回转经纬仪
- glow factor辉光因数
- grey body radiation灰色体射
- glow lamp辉光放电管,白炽灯
- grey surface灰表面
- gyrosight回转瞄准器
- gyro black assembly回转组件
- graylevel mask灰阶光罩
- gyrator回转器,陀螺
- gyropilot回转驾驶仪,导航仪
- gyro horizon回转地平仪
- gyro magnetic ratio回磁比
- gyro sextant回转六分仪
- gyro回转罗盘,陀螺仪
- ground state assignment基态分布
- gratuity scheme退休酬金计划
- garbage chute垃圾卸槽
- grade of quarters宿舍级别
- ground state relaxation基态弛豫
- granular snow粒状雪
- ground state speies基态族
- gegenscheinzodiacal light photometer积坚斯因,祖弟卡光线光度计
- ground state population基态粒子数
- general machinery plant,universal machine通用机械厂
- groundexcited level jump基态激发能级跃迁
- garbage combustion chamber垃圾燃烧炉
- grades not requiring five passes in Hong Kong Certificate of无须香港中学会考五科及格职系(资历组别)
- Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Id香港特别行政区政府雇员身分证
- gazetted officer宪委级人员
- gazetted general holiday宪报公布的公众假期
- group development work小组发展工作
- Government Supplies Supervisors Association物料供应监督协会
- Government Supplies Assistants Association香港政府助理物料供应员会
- GOODSMAN System [Goods OnLine Ordering,Distribution,Stock Ma线上电脑系统
- gas fired oven and range炼气炉灶
- goods inspection bay验货仓
- general grade一般职系
- general departmental expenses一般部门开支
- general conditions of service一般服务条件
- geometric extent几何领域
- General Grades Civil Servants General Union一般职系公务员总会
- goods inspection report验货报告