- graduation of thermometer,temperature scale温度计刻度
- give new set用新指标
- gauge reel;size tester纤度计
- green cheese未成熟干酪
- germfree box,sterule biard无菌箱
- guyed用牵索加固的
- general diffusion equation一般扩散方程
- galvanoscope验电流
- gonad dose性腺剂量
- gravitating用油泵使油舱内的油因油压差而移动的方法
- gammon熏制火腿
- genetically significant dose有遗传影向的剂量
- gamma coincident beta spectrum与符合的谱
- gas freeing arrangement油舱除气系统布置
- gas freeing arrange油舱除气装置
- General Post Office邮电总局,邮政总局
- general postoffice邮政总局
- gloss decatizing压光蒸呢
- grid anode capacitance栅极 屏极电容
- grease degradation油脂分解
- g factor of atom or electron原子或电子的g因子
- garment design衣服设计
- Gain tuning增益调节
- grease stain油垢
- gas and oil seperating plant油气分离站
- garment component衣服部件
- generative fuel,regenerated fuel再生燃料
- gas and oil separating plant油汽分离站
- grease extractor油脂抽出器
- grease parking油脂填料
- gauge bosons中间玻色子
- Guarantee for Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage油污损害民事责任信用证书
- gincut cotton轧伤棉
- grease launching油脂滑道下水
- gyle蒸煮汁
- gill chain针梳转动链条
- guaranteed有担保的
- generation of neutrons中子的代
- grannyknot; singlethumbknot,lockknot; weaver’sknot; crosskno织布结
- gas hazard meter有害气体分析器
- gill box针梳机
- gravitational separation重力分离
- global criticality总体临界
- graticulated有十字线的
- good till cancelled有效至解约
- geared ship有装卸设备的船
- grace payment预定支付
- geared bulk carrier有装卸设备的散装船
- gridded charts有坐标的格网海图
- grassroot refinery新建炼厂
- green bit新钻头
- gasoline辛烷值改进剂
- gravel laden fluid携带砾石的液体
- genthelvite锌日光榴石
- ghost filter虚反射滤波器
- geometrical freeboard型体干舷
- gouge chisel圆凿
- geometrical draught型体吃水
- ghost arrival虚反射初至
- gusset at margin plate缘板扣板
- grab rod圆钢踏步
- ghost path虚反射路径
- ghost reflection虚反射
- gelforming形成凝胶的
- ghosted upgoing wave虚反射上行波
- gradational zone序粒带
- ghost cancellation虚反射消去法
- ghost wavelet虚反射子波
- ghost elimination虚反射消除
- greyhound远洋快速船
- grey hound远洋快船
- ghosted downgoing wave虚反射下行波
- graded siltstone turbidite序粒粉砂浊积岩
- ghost impulse虚反射脉冲
- ghost identification虚反射识别
- ghost delay time虚反射延迟时间
- ghost energy虚反射能量
- gate stull保护台
- glacial period冰河时期
- ghost pulse虚脉冲
- General Average Sacrifice of Freight运费共同海损牺牲
- gateroad bunker采区运输顺槽煤仓
- gondola侧卸漏斗车
- gathering process选排处理
- gyroplane旋升飞机
- gob caving采空区落顶
- goaf采空区
- granby car侧卸式矿车
- gate road采区顺槽
- gold saving device捕金装置
- gate circuit选通电路
- goaf road采空区中的巷道
- GM选通存储器
- goaf degasification采空区脱气
- girdle薄砾石层
- gating time function选通时间函数
- gob flushing采空区水砂充填
- gather stack选排叠加
- gyrograph旋转测度器
- Goaf stowing采空区充填
- General Average Contribution due from Freight运费共同海损分摊金额
- gritting material粗砂,砂砾
- Group of Experts on Customs Affecting Transport运输关税问题专家小组
- gravel flow packed liner completion循环砾石充填衬管完井
- goods broken in transport运输途中货损
- gummer除粉器
- grain carrier运粮船
- Groundwater Pressure地下水压力
- ground pressure地压
- guided chain excavator导链式多斗挖掘机
- general cargo freight rates杂货运价
- glove box杂物箱
- ground water drainage地下水排水
- general cargo container杂货集装箱
- ground building地面建筑物
- ground design地面设计
- general cargo rates杂货费率
- general cargo ship杂货船
- general cargo liner杂货班船
- ground settlement地层陷落
- gymnastic训练,体育的,体操的
- ground pressure control地压控制
- gaylussite单斜纳钙石
- geothermal exploration地热勘探
- general cargo carrier arranged for carriage of containers杂货船可装集装箱符号
- gradio log压力梯度测井
- general cargo berth杂货泊位
- gauge hand压力表指针
- general cargo capacity杂货载货量
- grass root's地表水准
- gradiomanometer压差密度计
- general cargo transport department杂货运输处
- general work杂务杂项工程
- ground level地面高度
- gauge saver压力表机构的减震器
- gland ring压盖环
- guide frame导向架
- gathering parting档岔道
- guide drill rod导向钻杆
- gain the wind of在…上风方向
- gas booster compressor压缩设备
- gag type straightener压直式直管机
- granulitization压碎作用
- gob pack废石充填带
- gelosite芽胞油页岩,藻烛煤
- gas explosion prevention防止瓦斯爆炸
- glory hole method放矿漏斗式开采
- go by the head在首纵倾情况下航进
- gauge tip diameter of the cone牙轮最大直径
- Gas mask防毒面具
- graded product分级产品
- grate ball mill格子排料式球磨机
- geofluid岩石孔隙中的各种流体
- gate end panel工祖配电设备
- gouge,gouge carving凿槽
- grizzly level格筛水平
- grid potentiometer栅极分压器
- graded coal过筛煤
- grid controlled mercuryarc rectifier栅极控制汞弧整流器
- gain band width product增益带宽乘积
- gain amplification增益放大
- gate characteristics栅极特性
- Grid gated impulse栅极选通脉冲
- gain reduction indicator增益衰减指示器
- gain rate增益率
- gradual sagging roof缓慢下沉顶板
- ghatti轧的树胶
- gas turbine booster增速燃气轮机装置
- grow增大放出方向
- Give her more rudder!增加舵角!
- grid winding栅极绕组
- glide plate滑行板
- gainfrequency relationship增益频率关系
- gold content含金量
- grid pulsing栅极脉冲法
- grid stopper栅极寄生振荡抑制器
- getting coal pillar回采煤柱
- gatecoupled栅极耦合
- gaining增进,单向开槽
- give her more rudder增加舵角
- grid swing栅极电压摆动
- grid battery栅极电池
- gas turbine booster propulsion set增速燃气轮机推进装置
- gas rock含瓦斯的岩石
- geotechnical property岩土力学性质
- garland lashing扎在杆上的绳圈
- gentle incline缓坡度
- grid hum栅极交流声
- gain balance增益平衡
- guard rail护轮轨
- gain adjustment增益调整
- great circle distance沿大圆弧的距离
- gridiron expansion valve栅形膨胀阀
- gathering arm loader集爪式装载机,集瓜式装载机
- grid leak bias栅漏偏压
- grid tank栅极振荡回路
- gelamite胶质硝甘炸药
- get the wind of占上风
- griddip meter栅流陷落式测振器
- glutenous,glutinous,ropy,viscid,viscous粘的