- Gaspe加斯佩
- Geraldton杰拉尔顿
- Galveston加尔维斯顿
- Guimaras Island吉马拉斯岛
- Gabes加贝斯
- Ghazawet加扎韦特
- Ghana加纳
- general cargo barge杂货驳
- Gavrion加夫里翁
- Gulfhavn基尔夫港
- GuineaBissau几内亚比绍
- Gizan季赞
- Garlieston加利斯敦
- Gizo吉佐
- Gallipoli加利波利
- gestonorone caproate孕诺酮己酸酯
- Galeota Point加莱奥塔角
- Galle加勒
- Gulf of California加利福尼亚湾
- gestodeneethinyl estradiol孕二烯酮一炔雌醇
- gymshorts;athletic shorts;running trunks,sporting horts运动短裤
- Gulluk居吕克
- giltedged security金边证券
- Gleditsia sinensis皂荚
- Gem Fully Enterprise Co.,Ltd.金富丽企业股份有限公司
- Guinness健力士啤
- gleditschia xylocarpa hance皂刺片
- gasballast pump载气泵
- gradual Taiwan independence渐进式台独
- granite axe hammer凿石斧形锤
- Great Australian Bight大澳大利亚湾
- gain time controller增益时间控制器
- glazing unit轧光器
- Golden State Warriors金州勇士队
- gafferedsilk; gaufr'esilk轧纹绸
- gabardine trenchcoat轧别丁军服式大衣
- gauffered resin轧花树脂
- gaufr'esatin轧花绉缎
- gainselector switch增益选择开关
- Grand Bassam大巴萨姆
- Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect.金无足赤,人无完人
- gate type area meter闸板式面积流量计
- gang crime结伙犯罪
- GLLO Induction Equipment Co.,Ltd. Beijing Branch洁利来福州感应设备有限公司北京分公司
- gabardine raincoat轧别丁雨衣
- Gold Ear Credit Card金穗卡
- gabardine coat轧别丁大衣
- gaufr'esilk轧花绸
- Guinea Equatorial赤道几内亚
- gabardine bibtop overalls轧别丁胸围挂肩工装裤
- GLLO Induction Equipment Co.,Ltd. Guangzhou Branch洁利来福州感应设备有限公司广州分公司
- gain limited receiver增益有限接收机
- gain control key增益控制键
- Grand Bassa大巴萨
- gain measuring set增益测量器
- griddetection voltmeter栅极检波伏特计
- gate inverter栅极反相器
- Gin Fizz毡菲兹鸡尾酒
- grid plate oscillator栅板振荡器
- groundedgate amplifier,groundedgrid amplifier栅极接地放大器
- grid cell栅电池
- gridcontrolled arc rectifier栅控电弧整流器
- goingrate/competitive parity pricing竞争性平价定价法
- grid bias relay栅偏压继电器
- grid suppressor栅极抑振电阻器
- gridcathode capacitor栅极-阴极电容器
- grid bias detector栅偏压检波器
- guillotinetype cutting machine铡刀式切截机
- grid transformer栅极变压器
- gridlead detector栅漏检波器
- Gulf of Riga里加湾
- gridleak capacitor栅漏电容器
- gridmodulated amplifier栅调放大器
- grid leak capacitor detector栅漏电容检波器
- gridleak resistance; gridleak resistor; grid leak栅漏电阻
- grid field effect transistor栅场效应晶体管
- grid disc栅极圆盘
- grid limiter栅极限幅器
- Gin and Tonic毡酒加奎宁水
- gridglow relay栅极辉光继电器
- gridcontrolled vacuum tube栅控真空管
- grid indicator栅格型指示器
- griddip oscillator栅陷式振荡器
- grating nephoscope栅状测云器
- gridcontrolled relay tube栅控继电器管
- gas relay闸流管继电器
- gridcavity tuner栅极空腔调谐器
- grid variometer栅极可变电感器
- griddip wavemeter栅陷式波长计
- gridcontrolled rectifier tube栅控整流管
- gatecontrolled diode闸控二极管
- guillotine sliding gate valve闸刀式滑动闸阀
- grid rectification detector栅极整流检波器
- grid cutoff separator栅截止信号分离器
- gated oscillator counter闸门式振荡计数器
- grid pool tube栅极汞槽整流管
- grid coil栅极线圈
- grid pool tank栅控汞槽整流器
- gin glass毡酒杯
- gridcathode diode栅阴二极管
- general product cost analysis可比产品成本分析
- gastesting lamp沼气检验灯
- gummed paper for sticking drawing粘图胶纸
- grey viscosecotton blended cloth粘棉混纺坯布
- grey viscosecotton blended cloth twill粘棉斜纹坯
- gauge pipe胀力表管
- give special favor开小灶
- gold rolling mill辗金辘
- grey viscose vinylon cotton blended cloth粘维棉三合一混纺坯布
- gimmick,stunt噱头,掉包袱
- germanium photon spectrometer锗光子能谱仪
- galvanometric camera照相示波仪
- germaniumbase alloy锗基合金
- germanium glass锗玻璃
- Ge rectifying transistor锗整流管
- germanium probe锗探针
- germanium pellet锗丸
- graded index fibre折射率渐变的光导纤维
- gateleg table折叠式桌子
- germanium power transistor锗功率管
- Ge switch transistor锗开关管
- ground clothing针布毡
- General Office,Customer Services Unit客户服务总办事处
- germanium radiation detector锗辐射探测器
- General,First Class空军一级上将
- germanium rectifying diode锗整流二极管
- germanium detective transistor锗检波晶体管
- germanium power diode锗功率二极管
- germaniumimmersed thermistor detector锗浸没热敏电阻探测器
- germanide glass锗化物玻璃
- GeAPD锗雪崩光电二极管
- germanium semiconductor锗半导体
- germanium pointcontact detector diode锗点接触型检波二极管
- germanium tunnel diode锗隧道二极管
- germanium ingot锗锭
- group/category product manager类别产品经理
- good companions for children as well as adults老少良伴
- Gamagori蒲群
- Grolon针织弹力丝
- gift coupons礼品卷
- glass vacuum coffeemaker真空玻璃咖啡壶
- Georgetown乔治敦
- Ginsbo真时宝牌手表
- grain and oil rationing registration粮油关系
- Gulf of St.Lawrence圣劳伦斯湾
- gazebluter真丝筛绢
- (government's) grain procurement (purchasing) agencies粮食收购部门
- grasp both links at the same time and attach sufficient impo两手抓,两手都要硬
- General San Martin圣马丁将军镇
- granitesoie真丝花绸
- ghatpot,silktwill真丝绫
- gustsonde阵风探空仪
- gang of hoodlums流氓集团
- genuine creping tissue真皱纹薄纸
- Greenwood Air Management Ltd.绿林通风换气系统公司
- General First Class陆军一级上将
- green,hightech and people friendly Olympic Games绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运
- Greenshoe绿鞋,超额配售选择权[股市]
- gross profit analysis毛利分析
- gross profit margin毛利润率
- garden shears整篱剪
- Gross Profit Tax毛利润税
- go long买进,多头
- gas purifier,gas washer煤气净化器
- gross rate毛税率
- gross earnings毛利,毛收益
- General Timber Corp.美国泛木公司
- Gulf of Tomini托米尼湾
- Guatemala危地马拉
- gross profit,gross benefit毛利,总利润,利益毛额
- gazefaconnee织花纱罗
- goodneighborly and friendly relations (cooperation)睦邻友好关系(合作)
- Gulf of Aqaba亚喀巴湾
- Gulf of Aden亚丁湾
- Grand Canyon,Arizona USA美国亚利桑那州大峡谷
- gain in both fame and wealth名利双收
- gourmet festival美食节
- Gefle耶夫勒
- georgettebrocade织花乔其纱
- Greece希腊
- General Principles of Civil Law民法通则
- griseille yarn织制黑白提花绸的丝线
- gear slotting cutter for spur gear直齿圆柱齿轮插齿刀
- glove knitter织手套机
- Gythion伊西翁
- gardenia栀子
- gardenia yellow栀子黄
- gear shaping cutter for straight bevel gear直齿圆锥齿轮刨刀
- Gardenia flower栀子花
- GI Gibraltar直布罗陀
- gum rosin脂松香
- grantinaid for agriculture农业财政拨款
- gardenia florida栀子仁
- Green Pepper Beef w/ Black Bean Sauce豉椒炒牛肉
- gap between the rich and the poor贫富悬殊
- "glassy" shrimp beancurd with spinach玻璃虾球
- get snubbed碰钉子
- greens & Chinese meatballs菜心狮子头
- great varieties品种繁多