- driving efficiency掘进效率
- duration of tide涨潮时间
- differential aeration cell氧差电池
- diamond drill金刚石钻具
- dynagraph验轨器
- decorating with colourful light张灯结彩
- degree of elevation仰度
- door stoop井筒安全柱
- down hole equipments井下设备
- diamond field金刚石产地
- diagram of light arrangement照明布置图
- double layers welding rod药皮焊条
- drillability index可钻性指数
- digging reach控掘半径
- dust flotation矿尘浮选
- deflecting plate折向板
- demolish折毁
- discount price折扣价格
- direction of extraction开采方向
- development roadway开拓巷道
- deflectiontype bossing折向导流罩
- distant action instrument遥测仪表
- descaler氧化皮清除机
- druggist药商,药剂师
- dioptric lighting折射灯
- development section开拓区
- dry screen干法筛分
- ditch blasting开沟爆破
- degree kelvin开耳芬度数
- depreciation factor折旧率
- depositing tank矿泥沉淀箱
- distant controlled,distantoperated,remotely operated,remote(遥控的
- dioptric lighthouse折射光灯塔
- dysoxidation氧化障碍
- door tender看门工
- dogleg breakdown折线型击穿
- divisibility,fissility可劈性
- differential aeration cell corrosion氧浓差电池腐蚀
- davy man矿灯工
- dat wil zeggen这就是说
- developement drift开拓平巷
- distancereading manometer遥测压力计
- dry feeder干给矿机
- diazo erect image blueprint paper蓝图纸
- demand for payment要求付款
- diagnositc诊断的
- diagnositc analyser诊断分析仪
- dry grinder干磨机
- Diagnosis system诊断系统
- detonator lead雷管导线
- dry digging干料挖掘
- diagnositc trace program诊断跟踪程序
- diagnositc decision诊断判定
- dry drilling干式钻眼
- diesel mine locomotive矿用柴油机车
- Detonator雷管
- Diagnosis analysis诊断分析
- dressing method连矿法
- diagnosis center诊断中心
- dry filling干式充填
- diagnositc complier诊断编译程序
- dryer drum干燥机滚筒
- dumping grate振动式炉排
- diagnositc function test诊断功能测试
- dry concentrator干式选矿机
- diagonal deck table菱形盘面摇床
- distillate,distilland蒸馏液
- Distillation characteristic蒸馏特性
- distilled water pump蒸馏水泵
- dust precipitation煤尘沉降
- distilled蒸馏的,渗出的
- drop crushing落锤破碎
- distillation unit蒸馏装置
- distilling condenser蒸馏装置冷凝器,造水设备冷凝器
- drop bottom cage落底式罐笼
- distilling plant蒸馏设备,造水装置
- distillatory蒸馏器,蒸馏的
- distilling unit蒸馏装置造水装置
- distiller condenser蒸馏装置冷凝器
- distillate test tank蒸馏水检验柜
- distillation output蒸馏产量
- distilled water tank蒸馏水柜
- distilled water bottle蒸馏水瓶
- drainage pipeline排水管道
- drain opening排水囗
- diamond pressure一粒金刚石所承受的压力
- degassing hole排放瓦斯钻孔
- disposable product一次用产品
- disc pulverizer盘式粉磨机
- drainage well排水井
- direct address; firstlevel address; onelevel address; single一级地址
- draghead teeth耙齿
- Drainage roadway排水巷道
- discharge trough排矿槽
- drill round炮眼组
- drainage borehole排水钻孔
- dredge pump泥泵
- dual a well一口井两用
- ds blasting秒延迟爆破
- drive sleeve一段厚壁管
- drillhole burden炮眼的负裁
- discharge chute排泄槽
- drainage level排水平巷
- dime一角
- diagonal slicing倾斜分层开采法
- detonation velocity起爆速度
- dessert正餐后的水果等
- displacement force thrust移动力
- driving up the pitch倾斜掘进
- dollymounted jack移动式顶管机
- DIPLOG一种计算地层倾角和倾向的程序
- drifting平巷掘进
- denumerant一组方程式解的数目
- dry compressor气冷压气机
- due time of arrival正点到达时间
- direct proortion正比例
- drift pillar平巷矿柱
- displacement fault移位断层
- doghouse computer仪器车上的计算机
- deflection angle偏角
- displaced mass移位岩体,推覆体
- dormant fire潜伏火灾
- displacement transducer移位换能器
- detonation property起爆性
- detonating charge起爆装药
- detonating composition起爆粉
- donutron一种可调磁控管
- detonating capacity起爆能力
- dragsteelrope牵引钢丝绳
- dresser coupling一种为联接平头管子用的带盘根套筒
- Detonating charges起爆药包
- DollarhideHall method一种初期动滤失测定法
- decanol正癸醇
- discharge air shaft上风竖井
- day eye倾斜探井
- dumping track倾卸线
- direct vernier正游标
- developed field已开发的油田
- defruit异步回波滤除
- DCS筛选设备
- dumping place倾卸场
- dead front panel正面无接线的面板
- DRLD已钻的
- decay pattern of anomaly异常衰减模式
- diallage异剥辉石
- direct impulse正向脉冲
- decimal base以十为底的
- daily advance日掘进进度
- dead aft正后方
- dumping station倾卸站
- dead ahead正前方
- demagnetization effect去磁效应
- destress blasting去应力爆破
- Doppelduro method乙炔火焰表面淬火法
- dump skip倾卸箕斗
- demagnetizing force去磁力
- dead front switchboard正面无接线的配电盘
- drilled in已钻过的
- demodulated signal已解调信号
- dust distributor撒岩粉器
- drilled area已钻区
- dump pocket倾卸仓
- dissolving熔解
- decimal porosity以小数表示的孔隙度
- draft protocol议定书草案
- Double bond双键
- duplex jig双室跳汰机
- decoded output译码输出
- disorbit逸出轨道
- deep mining深井开采
- decode operation; decoded operation译码操作
- drawee支付汇票人
- dissimilar electrode cell异种电极电池
- double tracked incline双轨斜井
- dust yield生尘量
- duplex compressor双动压气机
- decipher译码,解释
- double bank cage双层式罐笼
- double track heading双线平巷
- Distomodus异牙形石属
- double intakes双进风道
- deephole water infusion深孔注水
- duplex table双摇床
- deep hole blasting深眼爆破
- domeykite砷铜矿
- different quality with same form异质同形
- duration of certificate证书期限
- decoding noise译码噪声
- dipper door勺斗门
- dummy roadway石垛平巷
- double tracked plane双轨上山
- double entry双平巷
- derby back异条板
- daliquescent易潮解的
- double chain conveyor双链刮板输送机
- disprove证明……不成立,反驳,反证
- double stage compressor双级压气机
- date of payment支付日期
- Double cone crusher双圆锥破碎机
- double drum separator双浓筒磁选机