- dayroom work值班作业
- duty engineer's cabin值班轮机员舱室
- dead center indicator止点指示器
- drain cramp止回型疏水器
- direct course直线航向
- duty alarm值班报警
- duty log值班日志
- downward ventilation下行通风
- deck stowage only只能在甲板装运
- dressing expenses选矿费
- dog clamp止块夹扣
- duty boat值班艇
- descent下井
- downright直下,垂直,完全
- direct bill of lading直运提单直达提单
- duty row(ing) boat值勤艇
- drift miner巷道掘进工
- duty work schedule值班时间表
- downward current下降流下向流
- duty engineer值班轮机员值班工程师
- duty office值班室
- differential grinding选择磨矿
- dominated column优先列
- dominated row优先行
- designated overhaul point指定大修站
- delay number延时段
- drowned mine淹没的矿
- designated port指定的港口
- deferred production用维持油层压力的方法来保持油层的生产能力
- derivative approach用导数图版进行试井解释的方法
- designate mooring指定泊位
- dipping working沿倾斜下向开采
- dominant wave优势波
- delay igniter延发点火器
- deepen延深
- demand sign指挥信号
- debris kibble岩石吊桶
- drip gasoline由矿场回收的天然汽油
- DWO用油钻井
- designated fairway指定航道
- designated person指定人
- deleterious dust有害尘末
- directiongiving beacon指向信标
- directing line指向基准线
- disk cutter圆盘式截煤机
- directive moment指向力矩
- distance to object至目标的距离
- directing指向指向的
- dynamite magazine炸药房
- digital printer指型打印机
- directive force指向力
- deformation of support支架变形
- drilling staging凿岩台
- directive factor指向因数
- direction light指向灯
- dial counter指针式计数器
- dial thermometer指针温度计
- dirtied rock炸落岩石
- dynamic reservoir depletion油层动衰竭
- disk grizzly圆盘滚轴筛
- Discfilters圆盘过滤机
- drill water hose凿岩机供水软管
- detour迂回巷道
- drag chain制动链
- directivity index指向性指数
- delivery line refrigerant velocity制冷剂排出速度
- drum separator圆筒式分选机
- demurrage and despatch滞期费与速遣费
- dense media process重介选法
- detainer制止器
- drawing equipment制图仪器
- deflector plates致偏板
- dovetailing machine制榫机
- delay angle滞后角
- doghouse dope油矿活动消息,测井资料,油矿闲话
- displacement plating置换涂层
- detention charge滞费
- dead weight brake重锤制动器
- demurrage and dispatch滞期费和速遣费用
- Demurrage Runs Continuously滞期连续计算
- deflector brattice转向风障
- Detaining a ship滞留船舶
- depot superintendent油库工长
- drafting room制图室
- dripdrainage油流排泄
- delay eccentric滞后偏心
- dopebook油井记录,测井曲线,测井记录
- deflecting coil致偏线圈
- damage and failure report for refrigerated unit制冷装置损坏故障报告
- deadwood油罐内占油罐有效容积的构件
- demurrage days滞期天数
- date of built制造日期
- dead zone滞区
- draughtsman制图员
- drum feeder转筒给料机
- dense medium重悬浮液
- demurrage charge滞留费
- drilling hole diameter钻孔直径
- drilling shift钻眼班
- dry acid油溶性无水酸
- drill pump钻机泵
- desert float油田卡车拖挂的双轮平板拖车
- developing entry准备平巷
- drill water pipe钻机冲洗水管
- drill blower钻机吹粉器
- drilling device钻眼装置
- drill mounting钻机架
- drill bortz钻用金刚石
- Department for Average Adjustment of the China Council for t中国国际贸易促进委员会海损理算处
- district superintendent油区监督
- dowser油水勘探法
- dump body truck自卸式载重汽车
- desludging pump油泥泵
- discovery bonus油气发现定金
- drill bit gage loss钻头直径磨损量
- despatcher油品分输器,油品调度员,调度程序分配器
- drill adapter钻杆卡头
- drill autofeeder自动推进装置
- Drilling hole explore钻孔勘探
- drumlighting lamp油桶照明灯
- detrimental effect;harmful effect,deleterious effect有害影响
- degree of organic metamorphism有机质变质程度
- day to day site supervision每日现场检查
- dynamical,potent有力的
- detrimental vibration有害振动
- dextral fault右移断层
- dextr右的
- dextrorotatory crudes右旋原油
- damaging workover fluid有损害性的修井液
- dextrorotatory substance右旋物质
- dextropolarization右旋偏振
- Dgalactose右旋半乳糖
- dividing box终端套管分度箱
- Dextral movement右旋运动
- deadend feeder终端馈线
- dextropimaric acid右旋海松酸
- dextrocompound右旋物
- dextral fold右移褶皱
- dextral strikeslip fault右旋走向滑动断层
- dead space switch终点限位开关
- dextral shear右旋剪切
- distinction display apparatus终端显示设备
- dead weight ship重货船
- deposited silt淤积砂
- depthdependent Riccati system与深度有关的黎卡蒂系统
- Double Insurance重复保险
- densitydependent pressure gradient与密度相关的压力梯度
- deadweight cargo tons重量货载重吨位
- depth dependent absorption与深度有关的吸收
- drench雨淋
- depthdependent与深度有关的
- detour matrix迂回矩阵
- directed date预定日期
- driving punch重冲头
- deuteron,gravity cell重力电池
- decay time余辉时间
- dead work重活
- desired pack pressure预定充填压力
- desired setting position预定坐封位置
- declaration of reshipment重新装船申报单
- depositional gradient原始沉积倾斜度
- dirty petroleum products重油制品
- diurnal constituent周日分潮
- dirty tanker重油油船
- diurnal liberation周日天平动
- diurnal circle周日圈
- diurnal arc周日弧
- daily turn around周日运动
- DC shaft generator轴带直流发电机
- dollar元,元
- deposit fund周转金,存款
- DGC预期的纯地层颗粒密度
- direct stratification,primary stratification原生层理
- day's work周日航行定位工作
- Developmental threshold temperature阈温度
- diurnal acceleration周日加速度
- dirty oil trade重油运输
- day beacon range昼用叠标
- distillation crudestabilization原油蒸馏稳定
- dome shaped圆顶的,穹隆形的
- divergence angle of shafting轴系外斜角
- disc chromatography圆盘色谱
- disk key圆盘式判读样片
- dome seal圆盖密封
- day night switching equipment昼夜转换装置,昼夜转换设备
- disc twister圆盘式加捻装置,搓捻盘加捻装置
- depositional dip原始倾斜,最初倾斜角
- downstream floating of bamboo or log raft竹、木排流放
- draw upon逐渐靠近
- disc and donut圆环折流板
- day beacon,unlighted mark昼标
- day's run昼夜航程
- domeshape arch圆拱形砂桥
- disk scanning圆盘扫描
- disc viewer圆盘观察窗
- dipcorrected map原位地层图
- disk friction loss圆盘摩擦损失
- driving gear shaft主动齿轮轴
- drive roll主动滚筒
- distal side远极侧面