- dry stuff干料
- dry way process干法过程
- drum winding槽筒式卷绕
- disturbing pulse干扰脉冲
- denierperfilament单丝旦数
- dammar达玛脂
- domestic shipment国内装货
- denim粗斜棉布
- domestic receipt国内接收
- dead pulley游滑轮
- deviation from the index value给定值偏差
- determination of denier旦尼尔测定
- dacron大可纶
- duffel blanket粗呢毯
- degree of anisotropic reflectance各向异性反射率
- divided circle圆度盘,刻度盘
- diskannulus pattern圆环状图样
- drop bottle,dropper bottle,dropping bottle,dropping glass,dr滴瓶
- disc type shutter圆盘快门
- doffer cover道夫盖
- dobby for lowering底开口多臂机
- driving wheel for spindles锭子传动齿轮
- detour phase effect迂回相位效应
- doffer stripping comb;doffer comb;doffer blade;fly comb道夫斩刀
- detectornoiselimited system有限噪声检测器系统
- doffer strips道夫抄针花
- dresden point德累斯顿刺绣
- dosing sausage stuffer定量灌肠机
- derived weave导出组织
- drawoff mechanism;drawoff roll;cloth guider;edge guide,selve导布器
- drying machine for carpets地毯干燥机
- dome director圆顶指示器
- disc laser圆盘形激光器
- doffing tube导纱管
- detonation yield核爆炸威力
- diethanolamine soap二乙醇胺肥皂
- dialdehyde starch二醛基淀粉
- distancelens远视透镜
- denaturation of nuclear fuel核燃料变性
- dobby card多臂机纹板
- double cure method二段烘焙
- Double ripening二次成熟
- dome slot圆形糟,半球形缝
- disincrustant防水锈剂
- dimethyl benzyl carbinol二甲基苄基甲醇
- dichloropyrimidine dye二氯嘧啶型染料
- dobby weaving多臂提花织造
- dry resistance防干燥性
- dressing percentage胴体率
- dope dyeing纺液染色
- dobby drive多臂传动
- distance cathode远距阴极
- Dougong斗
- discharge nozzle放出喷丝板
- distant shot远摄,远景
- die cone分炼
- developmental figure展开曲线
- double staining复染
- disintegration of elementary particles基本粒子衰变
- double action press复动式压力机
- delayed neutron failed element monitor缓发中子破损燃料元件监测器
- dry curing干腌渍
- dry color干色料
- dry powder ponding干式粉体粘合
- date module照像机用之日期显示模组
- double point pass复式山形穿经
- drawing in by groups分组穿综
- dry wrinkle recovery;dry crease recovery干折皱回复
- dry bleaching干料漂白
- delayed critical缓发临界的
- double lift jacquard head复动式提花机龙头
- dezitex分特数
- dry coloring干法着色
- dry spinning干式纺丝
- dried malt干燥麦芽
- dry ironing干法熨烫
- dry creasing angle干折皱回复角
- dry carbonizing干碳化
- dried blood干血
- dryfinishing干整理
- double scutcher复式清棉机
- delayed neutron缓发中子
- dry starch干淀粉
- delayed neutron emitter缓发中子发射体
- dry laid fabric干法成网织物
- doubleactingdobby; doublelift,dobby; doublesheddobby复动式多臂机
- dry sausage干香肠
- dry spun yarn干纺纱
- dress fabric;dress goods妇孺衣料
- distorted wave theory畸变波理论
- darkening ring遮光圈
- dry decatising;dry decating干蒸呢
- dry relaxation干松弛
- dividingrod;separatingbar分纱辊
- dephlegmator分凝器分馏塔
- delayed neutron method缓发中子法
- divider;dividing roller分毛辊
- Detachment surface滑脱面
- delayed particle缓发粒子
- dry hopping干式权添加
- dose ratemeter剂量率表
- dosimeter charger剂量计充电器
- dose limit剂量极限
- dioter ring折光度调节环,屈光度调节环
- dose buildup factor剂量积累因子
- doctor kiss coater刮胶器
- drum kiln滚筒式干燥炉
- Deforestation rate减少率
- dose response correlation剂量响应相关
- dose modifying factor剂量改变系数
- drum drive滚筒传动
- Diagnostic Hruby fundus lens诊断用
- Dose Distribution剂量分布
- deboner骨肉分离机
- draining果汁的漏滴
- dose fraction剂量分割
- diopter scale折光标,屈光标
- dose unit剂量单位
- dosimetry applications research facility剂量测定法应用研究设施
- dioptra折光仪,屈光仪
- dose equivalent limit剂量当量极限
- diopter sight折光瞄准具,屈光瞄准具
- dioptric substances折光材料,屈光材料
- dioptric glass折光玻璃,屈光玻
- dish plate给料板
- doubling dose加倍剂量
- dioptri scale折光标度,屈光标度
- dielectric dryer,highfrequency drier高频干燥机
- diopter lens折光透镜,屈光透镜
- dioptric strength折光度,屈光度
- dioptrical折光的,屈光的
- dose protraction剂量迁延
- dose prediction technique剂量预报技术
- detection region检测区域
- Diagnostic condensing lens诊断用聚光镜片
- direct duplicating film真接拷贝
- dioptric adjkustment ring折光度调环,屈光度调节环
- dose effect relationship剂量 效应关系
- dose equivalent commitment剂量当量负担
- dierct vision objective prism直物镜棱镜
- dyeing retarder缓染剂
- DC are source直流弧光源
- decalescent point金属突然吸热温度
- diretpath直接路径
- DC magnetization technique直流磁化技术
- drying stove;drying oven烘燥炉
- direct calibration直接校准
- down twister;yarn ring twister,ringtwisting frame;ringdoubli环锭捻线机
- directvision spectrograph直视e谱仪
- direct reflection直读反射
- directvision prism直视棱镜
- drying installation烘燥设备
- direct reading spectrometer直读分光计
- doubling;folding,plying合股
- direct inlet system直接输入系统
- dipping counter浸入式计数管
- damaskweave花缎组织
- direct glare直照闪光
- dirct nuclear pumping直接核抽运
- directpositive photographic material直接正摄材料
- DCexcited Arion laser直流激发氩离子激光器
- directindirect transition直接-间接跃迁
- DCpumped直流抽运的
- directfire etelescope指挥射击望远镜
- direct view thermal image tube直射视式热摄像管
- directfire elbow telescope指束射击望远刽
- DCexcited直流激光的
- drafting film绘图用薄膜
- direct insertion probe直插式探针
- Drying Can烘筒
- dextrinization糊精化
- drying chamber烘燥室
- directradio spectrophotometer正比分光光度计
- diamagnetic loop抗磁圈
- decompression chamber减压室
- drawing machine制图机,绘图机
- dry cleaning fastness,fastness to drycleaning耐干洗牢度
- detention滞延
- decay rate衷减波
- driven sweep致动扫描
- duplicating film重覆测试
- decagon衷减波,减幅波
- despiker制峰器
- diagonalweave急斜纹组织
- drafting scale制图尺,绘图尺
- dense barium flint重钡火石玻璃,含钡重火石玻璃
- disability glare致残闪光
- directional focusing指向聚焦
- domestic refrigerator家庭用冰箱
- deuterium discharge lamp重氢放电飞
- degree of reentrancy重入次数
- dense phosphate crown重磷冕牌玻璃
- domestic sausage家制香肠
- dense barism crown重钡冕牌,含钡重冕牌玻璃
- devator致偏装置
- dizazo process重氮照相法
- decayng wave衷变常数
- decoct煎法
- dispersion electron致色散电子
- drumhankwinder,hank yarn spooling machine;hanktobobbin windi绞纱络筒机