


  • v.支持; 帮助,资助; 养活,维持; 支撑; 证实
  • n.支持; 帮助; 支撑(物); 证据



to support a proposal



The government supported the unions in their demand for a minimum wage.



These measures are strongly supported by environmental groups.



If you raise it at the meeting, I'll support you.



an organization that supports people with AIDS



The company will support customers in Europe (= solve their problems with a product) .



Several major companies are supporting the project.



Mark has two children to support from his first marriage.



He turned to crime to support his drug habit.



The atmosphere of Mars could not support life.



a platform supported by concrete pillars



Support the baby's head when you hold it.



The witness's story was not supported by the evidence.



Which team do you support?



They were supported by a local Liverpool band.



This digital audio player supports multiple formats.



There is strong public support for the change.



Can I rely on your support (= will you vote for me) in the election?



The vice president insisted that he supported the hard-working people of New York...


The National Union of Mineworkers pressed the party to support a total ban on imported coal.


It was hard to come to terms with her death after all the support she gave to me and the family...


We hope to continue to have her close support and friendship.


...the government's proposal to cut agricultural support by only about 15%.

仅削减约 15%的农业拨款的政府提案

I have children to support, money to be earned, and a home to be maintained...


She sold everything she'd ever bought in order to support herself through art school.


The Freudian theory about daughters falling in love with their father has little evidence to support it.


...the thick wooden posts that supported the ceiling...


Let your baby sit on the floor propped up with plenty of cushions to support him.


He supported himself by means of a nearby post.


Tim, 17, supports Manchester United.

17 岁的蒂姆支持曼联队。


Although these numbers appear low, it is much higher than if people try without support.


If you are a graduate student, you may depend on your adviser for many things, including help with improving grades, acquiring financial support, forming an examining committee and getting letters of recommendation.


Support Bill Perry's pub, and any other bar or restaurant that doesn't ask you to do drunken math.


Many oil producers built up huge reserve funds when prices were high, so when prices fall they will draw on their reserves to support government spending and subsidies for their consumers.


But with the new rules in France, U.S. support could make a difference.


Where the penalties are not a must, they should be imposed only if the facts of a case support it.


Lack of government support.


It does not support the strategies adopted by smart companies.


This finding supported ConAgra’s decision to position the product against other high quality frozen dinners, rather than as a diet or health food.


Americans turn to their families for support.


Millions of American families may now be in the initial stage of their responses to the current crisis, working together and supporting one another through the early months of unemployment.


Help it to obtain financial support from industry.


The effects are complex, affected by socio-economic factors, health-service provision, emotional support and other more physiological (生理的) mechanisms


Linda Waite's studies support the idea that marriage can help make up for ill health.


They provide timely support for those in need


The paper provides support for newer forms of psychotherapy (心理治疗) that urge people to accept their negative thoughts and feelings rather than fight them.


How did Donna make extra money to support herself?


Sam has a big family to support


They lack consistent support from peers.


In contrast, a spouse usually the wife, is much less likely to use support services or to put the dependent person in a nursing home.


The support provided by the regular clients.


A wonderful bond formed between the two, and within a couple of weeks, the stranger named White helped raise $190,000 on the website to support the Memphis teenager and his disabled mother.

2017年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

Basically, what we need from you is financial support.

2019年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section B

But even if people are able to economically support a retirement at 65, over thirty years of potential inactivity is harmful to cognitive (认知的) and emotional vitality.

2019年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

given that sustained social contacts have been shown to support health and a long life, those wishing to maximize the health value of crafts might consider joining a group of like-minded folks.

2017年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

I see schools taking this idea of projects and looking at: How do they support children in a higher level learning?

2019年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

I'm looking for something to support my family.

2016年12月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section B

It is impossible that a single shot of education, administered in childhood and early adulthood, will be able to support a sustained, 60-year career.

2019年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

It is impossible that a single shot of education, administered in childhood and early adulthood,will be able to support a sustained, 60-year career.

2019年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B

It is proof that taxes on sugary drinks can win substantial support outside super-liberal areas.

2019年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

Last October, the company pledged $1 million in cash and transportation support for Hurricanes Florence and Michael.

2019年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

Many students drop out of online courses because of the lack of teaching support.

2019年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C

Offering support services to spouses caring for their other halves may reduce marital stress and prevent divorce at older ages, she said.

2019年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

Private postal companies also support disaster relief efforts by distributing urgent supplies.

2019年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

Support bill Perry's pub, and any other bar or restaurant that doesn't ask you to do drunken math.

2016年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

The city's current mayor, Luigi Brugnaro, has ridiculed UNESCO and told it to mind its own business, while continuing to support the cruise ship industry, which employs 5, 000 Venice residents.

2018年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

The museum's social media account has been flooded with messages of support.

2019年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A

What we really need at a policy level is to decide where the money will come from to help support good quality local green spaces.

2018年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section C

Teachers in low-income urban and rural areas with no history of participating in math competitions may not know about advanced-math opportunities like MathCounts—and those who do may not have support or feel trained to lead them.


Futures markets, which show only a modest recovery of prices to around $60 a barrel by 2019, support this view.


But finding hard evidence to support the thesis is not so easy.


The U.S. trails far behind every wealthy nation and many developing ones that have family-friendly work policies including paid parental leave, paid sick days and breast-feeding support, according to a 2007 study.


Not only that, it supports a number of platforms: Apple's i OS, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows phone.


More than $100 billion in funding has been put on the table for supporting developing nations to reduce emissions.


And early identification, support and treatment for mental health issues, he says, are the best ways to keep them from turning into full-blown disorders.


Unfortunately, there tends to be a lack of information and support to help students think bigger and broader.


They underestimate themselves when selecting a university, said Dave Jarrat, a marketing executive for Inside Track, a for-profit organization that specializes in coaching low-income students and supporting colleges in order to help students thrive.


There is a lot of support at Yale, to an extent, after a while, there is too much support, he said, half-joking about the countless resources available at the school.


Some top institutions like Yale seem to provide first-generation students with more support than they actually need.


Our support structure was more like: ‘You are going to get through Yale; you are going to do well,' he said, hinting at mentors , staff, and professors who all provided significant support for students who lacked confidence about belonging at such a top institution.


Howard, a well-regarded historically black college, had an array of resources for its first-generation students, including matching kids with counselors, connecting first-generation students to one another, and TRIO, a national program that supported 200 students on Howard's campus.


A retired member of the Public and Commercial Services Union, she is setting up one of 1,100 action groups with the support of Climate Solidarity, a two-year environmental campaign aimed at trade unionists.


"Our support structure was more like: ‘ You are going to get through Yale; you are going to do well, '" he said, hinting at mentors, staff, and professors who all provided significant support for students who lacked confidence about " belonging" at such a

2015年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

"There is a lot of support at Yale, to an extent, after a while, there is too much support," he said, half-joking about the countless resources available at the school.

2015年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

Even so, they can rarely without subsidized support address serious personal needs.

2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

He's cut back on medications and he no longer helps support his disabled mother.

2016年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section C

since 2013, global scientific bodies have begun to back policies that support increased public access to research.

2017年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B

Steinberg pointed out that parental sharing on social media helps build communities, connect spread-out families, provide support and raise awareness around important social issues for which parents might be their children's only voice.

2018年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

Teachers in low-income urban and rural areas with no history of participating in math competitions may not know about advanced-math opportunities like Math Counts—and those who do may not have support or feel trained to lead them.

2017年6月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B

This little bit of support can sometimes make a big difference.

2019年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section B

This means an unprecedented number of people are surviving longer in conditions requiring expert support.

2018年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C

A man owes his success to his family support.

2018年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读A 选项

Adjusting to an upright position was quite a challenge, especially when the bones had to support an extra-large skull.

2019年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 任务型阅读 原文

After receiving the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, Anne Benedict went on to thank all the people who had helped in her career.

2015年高考英语陕西卷 单项填空 原文

Another beneficial aspect of group exercise is the informational support participants receive from the instructor.

2015年高考英语福建卷 阅读理解 阅读E 原文

Babies are born with the knowledge of object support.

2016年高考英语浙江卷(6月) 阅读理解 阅读C 选项

During my first quarter, I spoke directly to the chancellor, asking him for support towards my initiatives, met with the vice chancellors.

2016年高考英语浙江卷(6月) 阅读理解 七选五 原文

Each time the bowl of rice is pushed over the table edge, it falls in the ground---and, in the process, it belongs out important evidence about how physical objects interact: bowls of rice do not flood in mid-air, but require support to remain stable.

2016年高考英语浙江卷(6月) 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

Ensure that each child gets financial support.

2019年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读C 选项

Evidence from the sand supports this idea.

2015年高考英语四川卷 阅读理解 阅读E 原文

For previous generations, college was decisive break from parental control; guidance and support needed help from people of the same age and from within.

2016年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

He was very upset that he couldn't earn enough money to support his family.

2019年高考英语全国卷2 听力 原文

His teacher, Thomas Whaley, is next to him, whispering support.

2019年高考英语全国卷I 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

How does the author support the theme of the text?

2016年高考英语四川卷 阅读理解 阅读D 题设

However, instead of devoting themselves to their work, they find themselves working to support the lifestyle to which they have so quickly become accustomed.

2015年高考英语浙江卷 完形填空 原文

If you're serious about wanting to live healthy lifestyle, it's extremely important to surround yourself with people who'll provide you with the proper emotional support.

2015年高考英语福建卷 阅读理解 阅读E 原文

Instead, babies may form an understanding of object support through repeated experiments and then build on this knowledge to learn even more about how objects interact.

2016年高考英语浙江卷(6月) 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

It is not surprising that more and more students are taking a gap year to earn money to support their study for the degree.

2015年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

It's an amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals, corporations, and other social organizations.

2017年高考英语全国卷1 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

My goal was to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise $50,000 in support of a movement founded 30 years ago to end hunger.

2017年高考英语天津卷 完形填空 原文

The instrumental support of taking on a fitness journey with others proves more effective than going to the gym alone.

2015年高考英语福建卷 阅读理解 阅读E 原文

Residential buildings must maintain an atmosphere that supports the academic mission of the university.

2015年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文

Support is growing for a theory that sleep evolved so that connections between neurons in the brain can be weakened overnight, making room for fresh memories to form the next day.

2017年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 七选五 原文

Surrounding yourself with people who'll provide you with respect support can be very beneficial while working towards reaching health and fitness goals.

2015年高考英语福建卷 阅读理解 阅读E 原文

The arts are efficient economic drivers and when they are supported, the entire small-business community benefits.

2018年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 填空题 原文

The author supports his view by analyzing different categories of "waits".

2017年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读C 题设

The bone structure of our ancestors developed for millions of years to support a creature that walked on all fours and has a relatively small head.

2019年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 任务型阅读 原文

The camps have excellent horses, professional guides and lots of support workers.

2015年高考英语重庆卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文

The cow was their only means of support, in fact.

2015年高考英语广东卷 语法填空 原文

The fact that such practices remain officially unaccepted reflects how far we haven't come as a society from the days when we expected every full-time worker to be supported by a full-time homemaker.

2016年高考英语浙江卷(10月) 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

The foundation began another campaign called national red scarf day, a day when people donate $20 and wear red scarves in support of Canada's hungry and homeless.

2017年高考英语北京卷 完形填空 原文

The graph has a title, a main idea, and supporting details.

2015年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

These innovative solutions are meant to support better organizational performance.

2015年高考英语上海卷 选词填空 原文

Tom is so independent that he never asks his parents' opinion unless he wants their support.

2019年高考英语天津卷 单项填空 原文

We are finally waking up to the severity of the problem by supporting and developing a group of tools, apps and approaches intended to prevent scammers from getting through.

2019年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文

We supported each other financially and by showing up at events.

2017年高考英语全国卷2 阅读理解 阅读B 原文

Were it not for the support of the teachers, the student could not overcome her difficulty.

2017年高考英语江苏卷 单项填空 原文

When it comes to emotional support, the author thinks it necessary to surround yourself with supportive people.

2015年高考英语福建卷 阅读理解 阅读E 题设

Wilson first worked as a driver through a student-support programme of the non-profit organization, on point for college.

2019年高考英语北京卷 完形填空 原文

Without his support, we wouldn't be where we are now.

2018年高考英语北京卷 单项填空 原文

Your support is important to our work.

2016年高考英语北京卷 单项选择 原文

DNA testing is also the latest rage many passionate genealogists-and supports businesses that offer to search for a family's geographic roots.


In a society that so persistently celebrates procreation, is it any wonder that admitting you regret having children is equivalent to admitting you support kitten-killing ? It doesn’t seem quite fair,then, to compare the regrets of parents to the regrets of the children.


It is financially terrifying, psychologically embarrassing and you know that support is minimal and extraordinarily hard to get.


Because representative government presupposes an informed citizenry, the report supports full literacy; stresses the study of history and government, particularly American history and American government; and encourages the use of new digital technologies.


While polls show Britons rate “the countryside” alongside the royal family, Shakespeare and the National Health Service as what makes them proudest of their country, this has limited political support.


Enlist the support of professionals and share with them your goals and context.


But demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for the process.


That common-sense change enjoys wide public support and would save the USPS $2 billion per year.


"Children may face serious difficulties in coping with significant moves, especially if it removes them from their current school or support system," he said.

2019年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

But demanding too much of air travelers or providing too little security in return undermines public support for process.

2017年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

But where is the evidence to support such alarmist advice?

2020年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

Even among those who got a cold, the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe symptoms.

2017年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

Galileo was excommunicated by the Church and imprisoned for life for his astronomical observations and his support of the heliocentric principle.

2020年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

In a recent study involving over 400 healthy adults, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs on the participants' susceptibility to developing the common cold aft

2017年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

In a society that so persistently celebrates procreation, is it any wonder that admitting you regret having children is equivalent to admitting you support kitten-killing?

2011年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

People who perceived greater social support were less likely to come down with a cold, and the researchers calculated that the stress-reducing effects of hugging explained about 32 percent of that beneficial effect.

2017年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

Progressives often support diversity mandates as a path to equality and a way to level the playing field.

2020年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

That common- sense change enjoys wide public support and would save the USPS $2 billion per year.

2018年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

The digital services tax now awaits the signature of President Emmanuel Macron, who has expressed support for the measure, and it could go into effect within the next few weeks.

2020年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ

They gave justices permanent positions so they would be free to upset those in power and have no need to cultivate political support.

2012年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ

While polls show Britons rate "the countryside" alongside the royal family, Shakespeare and the National Health Service as what makes them proudest of their country, this has limited political support.

2016年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ


  • 1. the activity of providing for or maintaining by supplying with money or necessities;

    "his support kept the family together"

    "they gave him emotional support during difficult times"

  • 2. aiding the cause or policy or interests of;

    "the president no longer had the support of his own party"

    "they developed a scheme of mutual support"

  • 3. something providing immaterial support or assistance to a person or cause or interest;

    "the policy found little public support"

    "his faith was all the support he needed"

    "the team enjoyed the support of their fans"

  • 4. a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force or aid in the performance of its mission;

    "they called for artillery support"

  • 5. documentary validation;

    "his documentation of the results was excellent"

    "the strongest support for this this view is the work of Jones"

  • 6. the financial means whereby one lives;

    "each child was expected to pay for their keep"

    "he applied to the state for support"

    "he could no longer earn his own livelihood"

  • 7. supporting structure that holds up or provides a foundation;

    "the statue stood on a marble support"

  • 8. the act of bearing the weight of or strengthening;

    "he leaned against the wall for support"

  • 9. a subordinate musical part; provides background for more important parts

  • 10. any device that bears the weight of another thing;

    "there was no place to attach supports for a shelf"

  • 11. financial resources provided to make some project possible;

    "the foundation provided support for the experiment"

  • 1. give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to;

    "She supported him during the illness"

    "Her children always backed her up"

  • 2. support materially or financially;

    "he does not support his natural children"

    "The scholarship supported me when I was in college"

  • 3. be behind; approve of;

    "He plumped for the Labor Party"

    "I backed Kennedy in 1960"

  • 4. be the physical support of; carry the weight of;

    "The beam holds up the roof"

    "He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam"

    "What's holding that mirror?"

  • 5. establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts;

    "his story confirmed my doubts"

    "The evidence supports the defendant"

  • 6. adopt as a belief;

    "I subscribe to your view on abortion"

  • 7. support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm;

    "The stories and claims were born out by the evidence"

  • 8. argue or speak in defense of;

    "She supported the motion to strike"

  • 9. play a subordinate role to (another performer);

    "Olivier supported Gielgud beautifully in the second act"

  • 10. be a regular customer or client of;

    "We patronize this store"

    "Our sponsor kept our art studio going for as long as he could"

  • 11. put up with something or somebody unpleasant;

    "I cannot bear his constant criticism"

    "The new secretary had to endure a lot of unprofessional remarks"

    "he learned to tolerate the heat"

    "She stuck out two years in a miserable marriage"


back, uphold, support, sustain, advocate


  • back: 通常指对论点、行动、事业等的强有力支持。
  • uphold: 既可指积极努力对陷入困境者的支持,也可指给某人在行动、道义或信仰上的支持。
  • support: 含义广泛,多指在道义上或物质上支持某人,也可指对某项事业的支持。
  • sustain: 侧重指连续不断的支持。
  • advocate: 多指通过写文章或发表演说等来支持或拥护,往往暗示提倡某事或为某事辩护。

help, aid, assistance, support


  • help: 最普通用词,可以与aid和assistance换用。help强调使受助者达到目的或侧重受助者对帮助的需要。
  • aid比help正式,侧重受助者处于困难或危险境地急需救助。
  • assistance: 正式用词,通常指帮助完成不太重要的那一部分工作。
  • support: 强调在迫切需要时给予支持或鼓励。
