- adj.单独的; 个人的; 独特的
- n.个人; 某种类型的人
- 复数:individuals;
We interviewed each individual member of the community.
The minister refused to comment on individual cases.
respect for individual freedom
an individual pizza
a highly individual style of dress
The competition is open to both teams and individuals.
Treatment depends on the individual involved.
donations from private individuals (= ordinary people rather than companies, etc.)
She's grown into quite an individual.
an odd-looking individual
So this individual came up and demanded money.
They wait for the group to decide rather than making individual decisions...
Aid to individual countries would be linked to progress towards democracy...
...anonymous individuals who are doing good things within our community.
...the rights and responsibilities of the individual...
It was really all part of her very individual personality...
The language is highly individual.
Products of individual labour are turned into commodities.
It's only been latterly that we've discovered that it's lots of individual reefs, around about 2,900 separate reef systems which make up the Great Barrier Reef.
直到近来我们才发现,它们其实是众多独立的礁石, 大约有2900个独立的礁石系,组成了大堡礁.
He is an unimaginative individual who does everything by the book.
It's up to the government to uphold the rights of individual citizens.
The measurement of individual intelligence is very difficult.
Even in the age of open-plan offices and social networks some work is best left to the individual.
出自-2017年6月阅读原文Yet I, too, have resisted the idea that food shortages could bring down not only individual governments but also our global civilization.
出自-2016年6月阅读原文What does the author say about pre-kindergarten education?It should cater to the needs of individual children.
出自-2016年6月阅读原文The individual who promoted this idea was a Stoic philosopher.
出自-2016年6月阅读原文Real friendship is when two individuals share the same soul.
出自-2016年6月阅读原文Personality isn't destiny , and everyone knows that individuals can learn to change.
出自-2016年6月阅读原文Just because I have a business relationship with an individual and I can profit from that relationship, it does not necessarily mean that this person is my friend, Soupios says.
出自-2016年6月阅读原文By following individuals over time, Salthouse said, we gain insight in cognition changes, and may possibly discover ways to slow the rate of decline.
出自-2016年6月阅读原文As the world's food security falls to pieces, individual countries acting in their own self-interest are actually worsening the troubles of many.
出自-2016年6月阅读原文The teachers must be free to teach in their own way—the curriculum should be flexible enough so that they can use their individual talents to achieve the goals of the course.
出自-2016年12月阅读原文They are convicted regardless of their individual circumstances.
出自-2015年12月阅读原文Many of these penalties are imposed regardless of the seriousness of the offense or the person's individual circumstances.
出自-2015年12月阅读原文Just as peer-to-peer businesses like eBay allow anyone to become a retailer, sharing sites let individuals act as an ad hoc ( 临时的) taxi service, car-hire firm or boutique hotel (精品酒店) as and when it suits them.
出自-2013年12月阅读原文Ideally, both high schools and colleges can prepare individuals for the ever-changing roles that are likely to be expected of them
出自-2013年12月阅读原文Furthermore, students will be able to purchase sections of the text instead of buying the whole thing, with individual chapters costing as little as $
出自-2013年6月阅读原文In those where ties to family and community are strong, lifelong marriages can be promoted by practices such as the cultural prohibition of divorce and arranged marriages that are seen as a contract between two families, not just two individuals.
出自-2013年6月阅读原文It doesn't have much effect on individual job seekers.
出自-2012年12月阅读原文As part of its 30 Ways in 30 Days program, It's asking communities across the country to help the more than 200 food banks and 61,000 agencies in its network provide low-income individuals and families with the fuel they need to survive.
出自-2012年6月阅读原文But individual choices have an intense cumulative (累积的) effect.
出自-2011年12月阅读原文Such incidents take a tremendous toll on our nation's economy and our individual well-being
出自-2011年12月阅读原文There are many examples of the vast harm that is caused when individuals forget or ignore the effect their dishonesty can have.
出自-2011年12月阅读原文Small dishes, shared meals and "mixing it up" is not something commonly done in Britain, but Yorkshire Pudding will bring full dishes to the table and offer individual plates for each diner.
出自-2011年6月阅读原文They are owned by individuals and by private businesses and corporations, lending institutions, direct mailing and telemarketing firms, credit bureaus, credit card companies, and government agencies at the local, state, and federal level.
出自-2013年6月听力原文Classes are small,and based on the individual needs of each child
出自-2012年12月听力原文Well, to continue, as I mentioned earlier, there is also research that demonstrates that individuals perform worse, not better on tasks when other people are there.
出自-2012年12月听力原文Individuals doing better in front of an audience
出自-2012年12月听力原文"Each body starts the day differently—and those individual differences need to be researched more closely," Spitznagel says.
2019年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B"Just because I have a business relationship with an individual and I can profit from that relationship, it does not necessarily mean that this person is my friend," Soupios says.
2016年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section BEither side of a person infected with flu, as well as those sitting one roe in font of or behind this individual, had about an 80 person chance of getting sick.
2019年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section AHands, foods and utensils can carry individual bacteria living in communities contained within a protective film.
2018年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section BResearchers found that only people who were seated in individual - had a high risk of catching the illness.
2019年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section AThat means students are asked to use their individual experience to come up with answers to general questions.
2019年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section CThe teachers must be free to teach in their own way— the curriculum should be flexible enough so that they can use their individual talents to achieve the goals of the course.
2016年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section CWhile the "average" male and "average" female brains were slightly different, you couldn't tell it by looking at individual brain scans.
2016年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section AThe video challenge does not put individual students on the hot seat—so it's less intimidating by design.
出自-2017年6月阅读原文The bills in both chambers would create health insurance exchanges on which small businesses and individuals could choose from an array of private plans and possibly a public option.
出自-2016年6月阅读原文The Senate Finance bill would impose an excise tax on health insurance plans that cost more than $8,000 for an individual or $21,000 for a family.
出自-2016年6月阅读原文Contrary to some stereotypes, most adolescents believe they must be tolerant of differences among individuals environment of high school).
出自-2016年6月阅读原文a basis for explaining human genetic diversityan aid to understanding different populationsan explanation for social and cultural differencesa term to describe individual human characteristicsmodern genetics research is likely to fuel racial conflictsrace is a poorly defined marker of human genetic diversityrace as a biological term can explain human genetic diversitygenetics research should consider social and cultural variablesit is absolutely necessary to put race aside in making diagnosisit is important to include social variables in genetics researchracial categories for genetic diversity could lead to wrong clinical predictionsdiscrimination against black people may cause negligence in clinical treatmentThey be more precise with the language they use.
出自-2016年12月阅读原文So what other variables could be used if the racial concept is thrown out? Yudell said scientists need to get more specific with their language, perhaps using terms like ancestry or population that might more precisely reflect the relationship between humans and their genes, on both the individual and population level.
出自-2016年12月阅读原文The shift, little noticed outside the medical establishment but already controversial inside it, suggests that doctors are starting to redefine their roles, from being concerned exclusively about individual patients to exerting influence on how healthcare dollars are spent.
出自-2015年12月阅读原文The passive attitude we have to climate change as individuals can be altered by counting us in — and measuring us against - our peer group.
出自-2015年12月阅读原文Fifth graders tended to focus on features of individual eagles .
出自-2015年12月阅读原文He believes that team corporation results when members go beyond their individual capabilities, beyond what each is used to being and doing.
出自-2015年12月听力原文A group of individuals is notautomatically a team.
出自-2015年12月听力原文students and postdoctoral scientists to follow an individual development plan (IDP).
出自-2013年12月阅读原文In this situation, only government can protect the economy as a whole, because most individuals and companies are involved in the self-defeating behavior of self-protection.
出自-2013年6月阅读原文Individuals and companies adopted self-protection measures
出自-2013年6月阅读原文On occasions it is the fear that certain disclosures may be unacceptable to family or friends that motivates an individual to seek professional help.
出自-2012年12月阅读原文Greater chances for individual development
出自-2012年12月阅读原文And there is, to date, only the flimsiest(脆弱的)of publicly-funded health care and pension systems, which increases incentives for individuals to save while they are working.
出自-2012年12月阅读原文Organizations cannot thrive without being focused on their desired end results any more than an individual can thrive without goals to provide a sense of purpose.
出自-2012年6月阅读原文This settlement hands Google the power - but only with the agreement of individual rights holders – to exploit its database of out-of-print books.
出自-2011年12月阅读原文But national data masks the very large variation in the performance of individual universities
出自-2011年12月阅读原文When Stephen Covey, founder and director of the Leadership Institute, explored leadership styles in the past decade, he focused on the habits of a great number of highly effective individuals.
出自-2011年12月阅读原文Companies and individuals who don't have a strategy to export more, or to get more involved in foreign markets, or to play a role in global trade, are shutting themselves out of the lion's share of economic opportunity in our world
出自-2011年12月阅读原文Higher education has been able to duck this issue for years, particularly the more selective schools, by saying the responsibility is on the individual student," says Pennington of the Gates Foundation.
出自-2011年6月阅读原文They should also be seeking individuals who have backgrounds in areas such as political science, the creative arts, history or philosophy, which will allow them to put business decisions into a wider context.
出自-2011年6月阅读原文The origins, though not the cause of Ebola-Sudan, can be traced back to a single individual in a Sudanese town.
出自-2013年6月听力原文A lot of the government advertising has been about individual responsibility, but actually understanding that drinking is very much about the social activity and finding ways to help young people get home safely and not end up in hospital is one of the th
2017年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section CAnd cutting the working week would be conducive to the individual, giving millions of workers more time to spend as they see fit.
2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section CCollaboration certainly makes your individual competencies and contributions more difficult for outsiders to identify.
2019年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section CFrom the lack of secure, affordable housing to growing job insecurity and rising personal debt, the individual is trapped.
2019年12月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section CFurthermore, with continuing advances in individual genome sequencing and the advent of personalized medicine, more non-scientists will need to be comfortable analyzing complex scientific information to make decisions that directly affect their quality of
2018年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section CHowever, finding a balance between team efforts and individual projects that give you independent recognition is important for making a name for yourself and providing opportunities for advancement.
2019年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section CIt follows a specific individual, such as a doctor or nurse, who can use it to record and access patient data.
2018年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section CIt is certain that the Census procedures, which lump the online sales of major traditional retailers like Walmart with "'non-store retailers" like food trucks, can mask major changes in individual retail categories.
2019年6月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section BOur workplace culture, social norms and individual behaviors all play a part.
2017年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section BThe exact type of stimulation that an individual uses is not as important as being intellectually engaged.
2016年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section CThe most important one is that you have to take more individual responsibility for your actions.
2019年6月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section AThe robot who rescues Spooner's life in I, Robot follows Asimov's zeroth larobots cannot harm humanity as opposed to individual humans or allow humanity to come to harm—an expansion of the first law that allows robots to determine what's in the greater go
2017年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section CThe Senate finance bill would impose an excise tax(消费税) on health insurance plans that cost more than $8, 000 for an individual or $21, 000 for a family.
2016年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section BThe shift, little noticed outside the medical establishment but already controversial inside it, suggests that doctors are starting to redefine their roles, from being concerned exclusively about individual patients to exerting influence on how healthcare
2015年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section CThis can hinder your ability to make decisions, speak up and gain recognition for your individual skills and strengths.
2019年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section CThis was found across measures like self-esteem, life satisfaction, happiness and satisfaction with individual domains like job, neighborhood, or friends.
2019年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section BThrough regular regional educational meetings, a large annual meeting, individual farm visits and thousands of phone calls, the Amburghs pass on the principles of pasture management.
2019年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section BUnder this scheme, the number of individual working hours is reduced in an effort to avoid layoffs.
2016年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section BYet our schools focus primarily on students as individual entities.
2018年6月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section BYudell said scientists need to get more specific with their language, perhaps using terms like "ancestry"or "population" that might more precisely reflect the relationship between humans and their genes, on both the individual and population level.
2016年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section CAnother study of 302 volunteers at hospitals in Chicago focused on individual differences in the degree to which people view "volunteer" as an important social role.
2015年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文Because they think as one, they have a collective 集体的 intelligence greater than you would expect from its individual parts.
2015年高考英语安徽卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文Each individual (个体的) ant hardly weighs anything, but put together they weigh roughly the same as all of mankind.
2015年高考英语安徽卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文For any individual, of course, the boundaries of these two classes are not stable.
2015年高考英语江苏卷 任务型阅读 原文If you can't make the official office hours, most professors are willing to make individual appointments to help you out.
2015年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 主旨概括 原文In baseball, the performance of individual players is less dependent on teammates.
2019年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 七选五 原文In contrast, when individuals are involved in deliberate practice, they exhibit behavior focused on improving performance by the most effective means available.
2015年高考英语上海卷 阅读理解 阅读表达 原文Individuals or groups may enter one of the following categories.
2019年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文Interestingly, this trend isn't evident in baseball, where additional individual talent keeps improving the team's performance.
2019年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 七选五 原文It's an amazing accomplishment and one we cannot achieve without generous support from individuals, corporations, and other social organizations.
2017年高考英语全国卷1 阅读理解 阅读A 原文Most people believe the best way to build a great team is to gather a group of the most talented individuals.
2019年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 七选五 原文Schools should be lively places where individuals are encouraged to develop to their greatest potential.
2015年高考英语江苏卷 单项填空 原文Surround yourself with uplifting individuals who challenge you to be better while loving you for who you are, and be patient to the people who are the complete opposite of that description.
2016年高考英语浙江卷(6月) 阅读理解 七选五 原文The focus on fitness is as much about science and the future as it is about keeping any individual healthy.
2015年高考英语湖北卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文The professor doesn't remember the comments he or she wrote on your individual piece of work, though he or she will be able to recall them after just a brief glance at your work.
2015年高考英语浙江卷 阅读理解 主旨概括 原文The robot doesn't just deliver general answers to questions; it responds based on what it learns about each individual in the household.
2015年高考英语天津卷 阅读理解 阅读B 原文The workshops all take the same form, focusing on a single play as a kind of case study, and using individual scenes as specific lessons.
2015年高考英语上海卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文Their child is at the stage where she can say individual words but not full sentences.
2019年高考英语天津卷 单项填空 原文These results, once again, lead to concrete advice: "once an individual begins volunteering, continued efforts might focus on developing a volunteer role identity.
2015年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文They conclude that when task interdependence is high, team performance will suffer when there is too much talent, while individual talent will have positive effects on team performance when task interdependence is lower.
2019年高考英语北京卷 阅读理解 七选五 原文This has led companies and individuals to donate money to developing countries to buy computer equipment and Internet facilities.
2019年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文Understanding technological trends is very important for correctly designing economic policies, both at the national and the international levels, and for making the right career choices at the individual level.
2019年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读C 原文When an individual ant comes under attack or is dying, it sends out an alarm pheromone to warn the colony to prepare for a conflict as a defense unit.
2015年高考英语安徽卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文When individuals are involved in deliberate play, they experiment with new or different combinations of behaviors, but not necessarily in the most effective way to improve performance.
2015年高考英语上海卷 阅读理解 阅读表达 原文Where we use sound and sight to communicate, ants depend primarily on pheromone, chemicals sent out by individuals and smelled or tasted by fellow members of their colony.
2015年高考英语安徽卷 阅读理解 阅读D 原文While chronologica tells the stories of famous people in history such as thomas edison and Alexander the great, this book also gives an account of the lives of lesser-known individuals including the explorer Mungo Park and sculptor Gutzon Borglum.
2017年高考英语江苏卷 阅读理解 阅读A 原文He notes that each individual has many ancestors-numbering in the hundreds just a few centuries back.
出自-2009年考研阅读原文In his book The Tipping Point,Malcolm Aladuell argues that social epidemics are driven in large part by the acting of a tiny minority of special individuals,often called influentials,who are unusually informed,persuasive,or well-connected.
出自-2010年考研阅读原文Closer inspection reveals important differences among the biggest national markets, especially in their customer segments and wholesale structures, as well as the competitive dynamics of individual food and drink categories.
出自-2010年考研阅读原文Nevertheless, as any biographer knows, a person’s early life and its conditions are often the greatest gift to an individual.
出自-2011年考研翻译原文This is the credibility process, through which the individual researcher’s me, here, now becomes the community’s anyone, anywhere, anytime.
出自-2012年考研阅读原文But in her new book Join the Club, Tina Rosenberg contends that peer pressure can also be a positive force through what she calls the social cure, in which organizations and officials use the power of group dynamics to help individuals improve their lives and possibly the word.
出自-2012年考研阅读原文As a discovery claim works it through the community, the interaction and confrontation between shared and competing beliefs about the science and the technology involved transforms an individual’s discovery claim into the community’s credible discovery.
出自-2012年考研阅读原文It is speculated that gardens arise from a basic need in the individuals who made them: the need for creative expression.
出自-2013年考研翻译原文Especially significant was his view of freedom, which, for him, was associated with the rights and responsibilities of the individual: he advocated freedom of thought and of personal expression.
出自-2014年考研翻译原文The Nobels were, of course, themselves set up by a very rich individual who had decided what he wanted to do with his own money.
出自-2014年考研阅读原文In one case, many researchers working around the ancient Maya city of Copan, Honduras, have located hundreds of small rural villages and individual dwellings by using aerial photographs and by making surveys on foot.
出自-2014年考研阅读原文In 2010, leading congressional Democrats and Republicans sent letters to the AAAS asking that it identify actions that could be taken by “federal, state and local governments, universities, foundations, educators, individual benefactors and others” to “maintain national excellence in humanities and social scientific scholarship and education”.
出自-2014年考研阅读原文How does your reading proceed? Clearly you try to comprehend, in the sense of identifying meanings for individual words and working out relationships between them, drawing on your explicit knowledge of English grammar you begin to infer a context for the text, for insta4ce, by making decisions about what kind of speech event is involved: who is making the utterance, to whom, when and where.
出自-2015年考研阅读原文It tells the fashion industry that it must take responsibility for the signal it sends women, especially teenage girls, about the social tape-measure they must use to determine their individual worth.
出自-2016年考研阅读原文Officials must not be allowed to play favorites in providing information or in arranging meetings simply because an individual or group provides a campaign donation or a personal gift.
出自-2017年考研阅读原文Good governance rests on an understanding of the inherent worth of each individual.
出自-2017年考研阅读原文The data of an individual there gains its value only when it is compared with the data of countless millions more.
出自-2018年考研阅读原文Privacy law builds on the concept of damage to an individual from identifiable knowledge about them.
出自-2018年考研阅读原文Clearly you try to comprehend, in the sense of identifying meanings for individual words and working out relationships between them, drawing on your implicit knowledge of English grammar.
2015年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section ⅡFor example, it is unclear whether the sequencing of a whole genome violates the patents of individual genes within it.
2012年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section ⅡGood government rests on an understanding of the inherent worth of each individual.
2017年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section ⅡHagel says we have designed jobs in the U.S. that tend to be "tightly scripted" and "highly standardized" ones that leave no room for "individual initiative or creativity".
2014年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section ⅡIn one case, many researchers working around the ancient Maya City of Copan, Honduras, have located hundreds of small rural villages and individual dwellings by using aerial photographs and by making surveys on foot.
2014年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section ⅡIt's just that individual actions are too slow, she says, for that to be the only, or even primary, approach to changing widespread behavior.
2019年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section ⅡMy concern with leaving it up to the individual, however, is our limited sense of what needs to be achieved.
2019年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section ⅡNone of this is about writing off the individual.
2019年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section ⅡPeople are, on the whole, poor at considering back around information when making individual decisions.
2013年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section ⅠRestrictions that keep highly polluting cars out of certain areas - city centers, school streets", even individual roads - are a response to the absence of a larger effort to properly enforce existing regulations and require auto companies to bring their
2020年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section ⅡThat s because they inevitably put the costs of cleaning the air on to individual drivers-who must pay fees or buy better vehicles 一rather than on to the car manufacturers whose cheating is the real cause of our toxic pollution.
2020年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section ⅡThis is the credibility process, through which the individual researcher's me, here, now becomes the community's anyone, anywhere, anytime.
2012年考研真题(英语一)阅读理解 Section ⅡWhen people place their trust in an individual or an institution, their brains release oxytocin, a hormone that produces pleasurable feelings and triggers the herding instinct that prompts humans to connect with one another.
2018年考研真题(英语一)完形填空 Section Ⅰ英英释义
1. a human being;
"there was too much for one person to do"
2. a single organism
1. being or characteristic of a single thing or person;
"individual drops of rain"
"please mark the individual pages"
"they went their individual ways"
2. separate and distinct from others of the same kind;
"mark the individual pages"
"on a case-by-case basis"
3. characteristic of or meant for a single person or thing;
"an individual serving"
"separate rooms"
"single occupancy"
"a single bed"
4. concerning one person exclusively;
"we all have individual cars"
"each room has a private bath"
peculiar, characteristic, individual, distinctive
- peculiar: 侧重指某人或某物本身与众不同;也可指种族、民族或性别,着重有其无可争议的特点。
- characteristic: 侧重指具有区别能力,典型的或本质的事物。
- individual: 指特指的人或物,着重其与众不同,强调可将其区别出的品质与特性。
- distinctive: 突出与众不同的或令人称赞的个性或特征。
personal, private, individual
- personal: 指属于或关于某人或某些特定的人,以区别于其他人。
- private: 指属于私人所有或具有私营性质,以区别于集体或公共的,有时含不公开的意味。
- individual: 与集体的相对,指个别或个体的。
- inexhaustible是什么意思
- inconsequentia是什么意思
- in-between是什么意思
- Ikin是什么意思
- iontophoretic是什么意思
- insulin是什么意思
- infiltrators是什么意思
- inconveniences是什么意思
- ice-skating是什么意思
- inheritrix是什么意思
- improvement是什么意思
- inescapable是什么意思
- ileus是什么意思
- intrathoracic是什么意思
- intellectualizes是什么意思
- innovate是什么意思
- incipiency是什么意思
- ISTM是什么意思
- iodopyracet是什么意思
- investig是什么意思
- isoprenaline是什么意思
- incomprehensive是什么意思
- inh是什么意思
- imbibition是什么意思
- indusiate是什么意思
- inexperienced是什么意思
- insipience是什么意思
- irrigable是什么意思
- interceding是什么意思
- ISTIC是什么意思