- Undischarged bankrupt debt未偿清的破产债务
- unpaid bill未付票据
- undelvd. undelivered未装运的
- Unprocessed Raw Agricultural Products未经加工之生鲜农产物
- unexpired insurance未过期保险
- unrecorded liability未记帐的负债
- unissued mortgage bond未发行的抵押债券
- Unissued未发行的
- undistributed earnings未分配盈余
- unpaid capital未缴资本
- unrecorded deposit未记帐的存款
- undistributed profits未分配利润
- Undenatured Ethyl Alcohol未变性酒精
- Unamoritized未分摊的,未摊销的
- unpaid bonus未支付红利
- unpaid liability未偿还负债
- unregistered company未登记公司,未注册公司
- undue dependence未到(支付)期的未决
- unrevd. unreceived未收到的
- unlisted bond未挂牌债券,未上市证券
- Untaxed Warehouse未税仓库
- unrecorded revenue未记帐收入
- unpaid wages未付工资
- unpaid interest未付利息
- upkeep costs,maintenance costs维修费用,养护费用
- UPR unearned premiums reserve未获得保险金储备
- uncovered interest arbitrage未担保利率套利
- unpaid dividend未支付股息
- unpaid account未付帐目
- USM Unlisted Securities Market为挂牌(上市)证券市场
- Uighur Nationality维吾尔人
- Unsecured debt无担保债务
- unqualified report无条件的报告
- Ural乌拉尔河
- unlimited guarantee无限责任担保
- Unconditional and irrevocable letter of credit无条件及不可撤销信用状
- unprotected crossing无防护设备的道口
- Unified Exchange Compensation Fund联交所赔偿基金
- Unrelated acquisition无相关关系的收购
- uncompensated无补偿
- unqualified audit report无条件的审计报告
- unsecured creditors' committee无抵押债权人委员会
- Undated无日期的
- unsecured liability无担保的负债
- Unified Exchange联合交易所(现称香港联合交易所有限公司)
- uncovered无担保的
- Unfairness显失公平
- U.S. Treasury美国财政部
- unused capital闲置资本
- underassessment评税偏低
- upset price拍卖底价,最低售价
- use one's own experience as an object lesson现身说法
- underlying share期权基础股份
- up limit升停板
- understatement of profit少报利润
- uncooled laser自然冷却式激光器
- unclaimed deposit尚未支付存款,未领存款
- understatement少报
- unissued share尚未发行的股份
- Under Reporting申报不足
- uptrend升势,上扬
- understatement of income少报入息,少报收入
- upswing上升,回升
- unabsorbed allowance剩余免税额
- undistributed postacquisition reserve收购后未分配储备
- unglazed pure kraft paper棕色平面牛皮纸
- use IT to propel industrialization,which will,in turn,stimul信息化带动工业化,工业化促进信息化
- usufruct使用收益权
- unit construction computer组件式计算机
- unequal in performanc性能无与伦比
- unresolved problem悬而未决的问题
- underlying trend of inflation通货膨胀基本趋势
- usual rate of net profit通常纯利润率
- unit head machine组合头钻床
- unsecured obligation无抵押的负债
- uncapitalized interest未化作本金的利息
- underspending未用尽款项
- unsatisfied debt未完全清付债款
- unsettled contract未交收合约
- unrealized revenue未实现收入
- uncrossed cheque未经划线的支票
- uneducatedadj.文盲的
- Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA)《统一死亡判定法案》
- unliquidated damages未经算定损害赔偿
- unreimbursed charges未偿付费用
- unspent grant未拨用的补助金
- Upfront premium payment一次清偿权利金
- unsecured guaranteed bond无抵押的保证债券
- unabsorbed loss未吸纳亏损
- unrealized profits未实现利润
- unfunded liabilities无资金准备的负债
- unsettled position未完成的合约,未成交的买卖,未平仓
- unearned premium未满期保费
- unliquidated debt未经算定债权
- unsecured loan stock无抵押债权股额
- undischarged commitment未注销承担额
- unclaimed fund无人申索的款项
- Unallocated Stores Suspense Account未编配物料暂记帐
- unencumbered无产权负担
- unsecured paper assets无担保的票据资产
- unallowed expenditure未获免税的开支
- unprofitable contract无利可图的合约
- unredeemed goods未赎回物品
- Unsecured Creditor无抵押债权人
- unlimited liability investment无限责任的投资
- uncovered position未平仓
- unexpended balance未支用的结余款项
- unqualified acceptance无规限承兑
- unsecured liabilities无抵押债务
- unearned premium portfolio未满期保费组合
- Unrealized Loss未实现损失
- undischarged bankrupt未获解除破产的破产人
- uncertificated system无股票证明书制度
- unspent balance未用余额
- unsolicited call未获邀约的造访
- unsecured无抵押
- unfit for human habitation不适合人居住
- upward adjustment向上调整
- Unchangeable period不变期间
- UCIC Srl意大利quot;易气驰quot;有限公司
- Ultra vires hereditarias不受遗产额的限制
- unnecessary harm不必要的损害
- unequal treaty不平等条约
- underlying assets相关资产
- underlying shares相关股份
- unjustifiable hardship不合情理的困难
- Union Bank of Hong Kong Ltd.香港友联银行有限公司
- unwritten law不成文法
- unitary legal system单一法律体系
- unit cost basis以单位成本为基础
- unitary government单一制政府
- U.K.f.o. United Kingdom for orders英国沿岸的指定港口
- unexpected risk意外风险
- undertake joint liability for承担连带责任
- U.K./Cont. United Kingdom or Continent英国或欧洲大陆(港口)
- UUE use until exhausted用完为止
- unification of law法律的统一
- Union Finance Limited友联财务有限公司
- Unus iudex独任承审员
- Utah Jazz犹他爵士队
- United Kingdom Royal Mint英国皇家铸币局
- undivided profit未分利润
- Uxor in manu夫权下的妻子
- use brawn rather than brain有勇无谋
- uncommitted balance未定用途的结余款项
- uncalled capital未催缴资本,未催缴股本
- uncashed dividend未兑现股息
- Use When Expired/ Used When Expired逾期使用
- unregistered share未登记股份
- unjust false and wrong cases冤假错案
- upfront fee预付费用,先期费用
- undistributed money未分发款项
- unlawful assembly非法集会
- unexpired risk未过期风险
- unsettled order report逾期交收报告
- uttering故意提供或传递伪造文件罪
- Unrecoverable or Unexercisable Claims债权及其它请求权不能收取或行使
- United Chinese Bank Ltd.中国联合银行有限公司
- underexpenditure支出节余,未达预期开支
- Uniform Regulatory Commission of the State Council国务院统一着装管理委员会
- undue hardship过度的困苦
- United States district courts美国联邦地区法院
- ultimate controlling company最终控股公司
- unsubstantial没有事实根据的
- ultimate controlling interest最终控制权益
- underwriting contract证券承销合同
- under his hand亲自签署
- unmarketable (unsalable .poor selling)product滞销货
- Unique Ancient Chinese Items中国古代独特事物
- United Nations Association of the People's Republic of China中国联合国协会
- Unde vi强取物回复令状
- Unique Traditional Chinese Foods中国独特的传统饮食
- undertake recognizance upon bail取保候审
- uberrima fides contract坦率诚实合同
- United Front Work Department,CCCPC中央统一战线部
- Usus使用权,时效婚,时效
- United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee中央统战部
- ubi supra上面提及之处
- Usureceptio时效收回
- uberrima fides坦率诚实
- Usia(substantia)实体,材料
- UHF tube超高频管
- Ulpianus乌尔比安
- Universitas团体,集合物,市有物,公法人的物
- ubi infra下面提及之处
- Uterini同胞亲(同母所生)
- ultra microearthquake极微震
- unconditional interpretation无条件解释
- universal lease documentation通用租赁文本
- Usucapio pro herede因继承的时效取得
- Usucapio ex lucrativa causa因得利原因的时效取得
- usherette女引座员
- upper circle楼厅(二楼)后座
- Usucapio pro suo因自占的时效取得
- ubicunque est injuria,ibi damnum sequitur有侵权必有损害
- ubi re vera真实的地方
- unlawfully holding over在租约期满后仍非法继续占用
- usufructuary right用益权
- under the hand of由……签署
- ubi remedium ibi jus有法律救济就有权利