- University Coop员生消费合作社
- Uneven Weavings云织
- unit rainfall duration雨量单位延时
- usance letter of credit远期信用证
- Underclub在特定的击球中选择了较小的球杆
- ultra vires越权,在权限以外
- uniform thickness slab匀厚平板
- Under Platform Exhaust System月台下方排风系统
- undisturbed soil原状士攘,未扰乱土样
- Undergraduate Academic Affairs Section注册组
- under low temperature low pressure在低温低压条件下
- undershirt, vest;undershirt;singlet,singlet;Tshirt汗衫
- under construction在建筑中
- utility room杂用室
- urgently needed expenditures for key construction projects急需安排的重点支出
- ushers' room招待员室
- unified basic oldage insurance at the provincial level基本养老保险省级统筹
- uncontrolled mosaic直接镶嵌图
- upright panel直立格间
- Urban planning都市规划
- Uttaradit程逸(乌达腊迪)
- ultimate constituent终端成分
- Urocynchramus pylzowi朱鹀
- United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UN联合国环境与发展大会(环发大会)
- ultimate load on pile桩之极限载重
- usable area可用面积,实用面积
- UN Center for Human Settlements (UNCHS)联合国人类居住中心
- university of science理科大学
- Udon Thani乌隆(乌隆他尼)
- unleased Crown land未批租官地
- Urban Survey Division市区测量部(地政总署组别)
- Urban and Valuation Land Teams市区及土地估价小组(地政总署组别)
- Ubon Ratchathani乌汶(乌汶叻差他尼)
- UV blocking copperclad laminates紫外线阻挡型覆铜箔板
- Uthai Thani乌泰他尼(色梗港)
- ultimate customers/end users最终顾客/用户
- up to date最近的,最新的
- universal rolling mill纵横轧机
- ultra vires doctrine越权行为原则
- upper azeotropic point最高恒沸点
- up to date style最新式
- upper wing上袖
- upper hips上坐围
- utpala青莲花
- unemployment insurance system失业保险制度
- upperfixing上装
- under the table私下地,秘密地
- unmade room未清扫房
- Uddiyana乌地亚那
- Underspin;backspin;downspin倒旋
- unpressed clothing未熨衣服
- ushnisha kriyas无垢佛顶
- Unadopted stamp design未采用的邮票图稿
- utopian theory乌托邦理论
- unrestricted free agents不受限制的自由球员
- Under clubbing杆用小了
- under bust girth下胸围
- underarmseam袖底缝骨
- unanswered Pts没有反抗的得分,指快攻没有人防守下的得分。
- usable power flux density (Pu)可用功率通量密度
- uniform encoding均匀编码
- Undulation球场地面或球洞区表面上的小波浪形的变化、起伏
- uppercut上钩拳
- Uncoil上挥杆到达顶点后开始下挥杆时扭转的上体的还原动作
- Upper blow上击球
- upstream failure indication上游故障指示
- useful part of timeslot时隙的有用部分
- Uncock下挥杆至[击球区]时,在上挥杆杆过程中外展的两手手腕还原的
- unsigned draft picks未签约的新秀球员
- Utah犹他
- up & down仰体向上
- Upright Row斜方肌拉力
- used ball用过的球
- Upright swing直立式挥杆
- unwanted signal,undesired signal无用信号
- unwanted emission无用发射
- uneven tension张力不均匀
- universal personal telecommunication number (UPTN,OTN)通用个人电信号码
- Under handicap有差点的比赛
- UPT通用个人通信
- universal mobile telecommunications system(UMTS)通用移动通信系统
- university of Chinese medicine中医药大学
- US Open美国公开赛
- usertouser signalling (UUS)用户至用户信令
- user encipherment用户加密
- user facility (service)用户功能(业务)
- user identity confidentialit y用户身份保密
- ukulele尤格里里琴
- Urilos electronic nappy尤里洛斯电子尿布
- Unilon尤尼纶耐纶长丝
- Uniloy尤尼洛伊铬镍合金钢
- Unika尤尼卡牌照相机
- Ushnisha Vijaya尊胜佛母
- unitemp尤尼滕普耐热合金
- ultimate reality最高实在
- Udimet alloy尤迪梅特镍基耐热合金
- UwecoGeneve由维克牌手表
- underground drilling unit巷道钻
- uralyt capsule消石素胶囊
- upper and lining stamping machine鞋帮衬里打印机
- upper leather鞋面革
- upper roughing machine鞋帮起毛机
- upper thermocementing machine鞋帮热粘合机
- upper lacing machine鞋帮缀带机
- unbreakable metal锌基韧性合金
- ursofalk capsule熊脱氧胆酸胶囊
- underslung charging crane悬臂式加料吊车
- UITF Urgent Issue Task Force(财务报表)紧急补救解释处
- underwear linen亚麻内衣服装布
- ult. ultimo(拉丁)(商业函电)上月的
- UltrasoundB超
- UCP Uniform Customs and Practice (for Documentary Credit)(跟单信用证)统一惯例与事物
- UGT,ugt urgent(电报用语)急电,加急
- umbrascope烟尘浊度计
- UAE the Union of Arab Emirates(阿拉伯联合酋长国)阿联酋
- UPC Uniform Practice Code《统一作法法典》
- unrequited love;fall in love with someone secretly暗恋
- U/W,UW underwriters保险公司,承销人
- underinsurance保险不足
- Underwriting包销,承销,保险
- umbrella保护伞
- underinsured保额不足
- underwriter (UW)包销人
- underwriting commission包销佣金
- unqualified opinions保留意见
- unsafe right of defense不安抗辩权
- unconfirmed L/C不保兑信用证
- unsafe condition不安全环境
- unacceptable terms不可接受条款
- unwell,indisposed不适的
- unavoidable不能避免
- Unreasonable product structure不合理的产品结构
- Uninhabitable不堪居住
- Unfair labor practice strike不正当劳工活动罢工
- unforeseeable;unpredictable不能预见
- uninscribed deposit不记名存款
- Unreasonable economic structure不合理的经济结构
- unacceptable price不可接受价格
- Uncollectible不可收回的
- u/c. undercharge不足的价钱,少讨的价钱
- Unbalanced不平衡的,未决算的
- undeveloped areas不发达地区
- underdeveloped不发达
- unfair trade不公平交易
- Unimpeded Transportation Movement畅通工程
- Ultra vires beyond the powers of超过......的权限(有限公司)
- upgrading of industries产业的升级换代
- underwriting policy承保政策
- ultracheap money policy超低息政策
- upgrade of industrial structure产业结构升级
- unbonded strain pressure transducer for medical service医用胀力传感器
- UOS unless otherwise specified除非有特别说明
- urban planning and design城市规划与设计
- Unilateral/bilateral agreement单方面/双边协议
- USIT Unit Share Investment Trust单位股投资信托
- unit banking单一银行制
- UIT Unit Investment Trust单位投资信托
- unit cost method of depreciation单位成本折旧方法
- U,U. unit;United单位,联合的,联合(公司)
- use doggy bags to take food home打包儿
- unilateral civil legal act单方民事法律行为
- Unit Trust单位信托基金
- UV under voltage;ultraviolet电压不足,紫外线
- Used Goods二手货
- Underreports短报
- unbalanced development发展不平衡
- unlisted stock非挂牌上市股票
- unincorporated registered person非成立为有限公司的注册人士
- unlawful possession非法所有,不合法所有
- Unearned Income非勤劳所得
- underarm dart肋省
- Unofficial非官方的,非正式的
- Unlisted非上市的,未记载入册的
- under fly里襟
- Unauthorised Fund非认可基金
- unregulated issuer非受监管发行人
- unbonded strain gauge pressure transducer应变计压力传感器
- universal strength tester万能强力测试机
- underglaze red釉底红
- upper garment;jacket/top coat/blouse/blouson西装上衣
- uranine荧光素钠
- user amplifier用户放大器
- Utility company公共事业公司
- utility funds公共事业基金
- urocalun capsule优克隆胶囊
- ultimate liability根本责任,最终责任
- utility stock公共事业股票
- Unimals油尼马斯
- Upanals油派耐斯乳化剂
- UNICE雇主联合会
- uranium isotope mass spectrometer铀同位素质谱计
- uranium yellow glass铀黄玻璃
- uranium steel铀钢
- unlisted firm股票没有公开的上市公司
- uzel于宰尔优质亚麻布
- underglaze colour porcelain釉下彩瓷器
- Ullapool阿勒浦
- Uzenwashablesatin羽前耐洗丝缎
- unrestrained gambling豪赌
- unbleached paper pulp原色纸浆