- Pregnancy toxemia妊娠毒血症
- potato dextrose agar,PDA马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂
- pregnant cow妊娠母牛
- pulse chase脉冲追踪(术)
- permissible residual amount容许残留量
- pilus毛,发
- potato dextrose agar马铃薯葡糖琼脂,马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂
- perivitelline space卵围隙
- parageusia昧觉倒锚
- potato sprouts马铃薯萌芽
- pseudowild type拟野生型
- powdery mildew of mulberry桑表白粉病
- pseudoparaphysis拟侧丝
- paraplectenchyma拟密丝组织
- pigonlitter system木糠床养猪法
- pollen flying散花粉
- prochymosin凝乳酶原
- physiologically neutral fertilizer生理中性肥料
- pumpkin南瓜
- pseudoallelism拟等位性
- physiological regenerated phenomenon生理再生现象
- pus cell脓细胞
- physiologically alkaline fertilizer生理碱性肥料
- parasiticide杀寄生物剂
- production colony生产群
- pigmentation disorder色素沉着障碍
- physiological isolation生理隔离
- palea内稃
- Productive生产性
- paramitosis拟有丝分裂
- pseudoplasmolysis拟质壁分离
- pseudoperithecium拟子囊壳
- pith,medulla木髓
- pseudohaploidy拟单倍性
- pseudoalleles拟等位基因
- physiological fruit drop生理落果
- pesticide crop杀虫罪
- productive energy生产能
- physiological disease生理病
- pseudohaploid拟单倍体
- papain木瓜蛋白酶
- pons脑桥
- physiological sterility生理不育性
- polished rice上白米
- physiological requirement生理要求
- phaeozem森林草原土
- Pesticidal microorganism杀虫微生物
- Patch clamp膜片钳
- physiological biochemical character生理生化学特性
- physiological stimulation生理刺激
- pituitary脑下垂体
- pseudoperidium拟包被
- Performance testing生产性能测定
- pseudocopulation拟交配
- pigment色素体
- pseudoparenchyma拟柔软组织
- parent rock母岩
- physiologic genetics生理遗传学
- purity of mulberry seed桑子清洁度
- physiological obstacle生理障碍
- psammophytes砂生植物
- parasynapsis平行联会
- plate streaking平板划线
- Purkinje fibre蒲金耶氏纤维
- potential of moisture水分势
- prostigmine普洛斯的民
- plating method平皿培养法,平板培养法,平皿接种法,平板接种法
- periblast胚周区
- pomaceous fruit苹果状果子
- paranemic spiral平行螺旋
- plating efficiency平板率
- plating平板接种
- pneumathode排气组织
- plaque hybridization噬菌斑杂交
- perching layer栖止水层
- pairing rules配对规则
- postembryonic development胚后期发育
- paratrophic bacteria偏寄生营养细菌
- pribnow box普里布诺箱
- penicillic acid盘尼沃酸
- prematurefruitthinning疏果
- Phenol Degradation葡萄糖效应
- phantom受精台
- petri dish culture平皿培养
- protein hydrolysate水解蛋白质
- palmipeds水禽类
- plate culture平板培养物
- preharvest treatment收获前处理
- papula皮鳃
- processing of harvested crops收获物加工
- previously cultivated field熟旱田
- paripinnate偶数羽状的
- platform control收割台的操纵
- parallel processing平行加工
- post harvest control收获后防治
- Punnett square庞氏表,庞尼特氏方格
- parietal cell旁细胞
- paddy farming水稻农作水稻耕作
- periclinal division平周分裂
- promoter proximal element启动子近侧元件
- parallel chain平行链
- Purkyne tissue蒲金耶氏组织
- pneumatophore气柄,出水通气根
- placement of fertilizer施肥位置
- preparation for brushing of newly hatched larva of silkworm收蚁准备
- physiology of fertilization受精生理
- patrocliny偏父性
- pond水塘
- paracentric偏着丝粒的
- pomegranate石榴
- Pacinian corpuscle帕西尼氏小体,环层小体
- prickle螫刺
- Pedigree谱系
- promoter site启动子部位
- Planar lipid bilayers平面脂双层
- pacemaker potential起搏点电位
- Phialides瓶梗
- plant binder师扎捆装置
- purine nucleoside嘌呤核苷
- precursor protein前区蛋白
- plastic greenhouse塑料大棚
- preheterokinesis前异形分裂
- pycnosclerotium器菌核
- parent cell亲细胞
- pre reduction前还原,前减数
- primary body cavity前体腔
- per milage千分率
- prometaboly前变态
- progressive exonuclease前进型外切核酸酶
- prothorax前胸
- penicillin青霉素,盘尼西林
- pith ray髓射线
- preclimax前演替顶极
- predetermined gene activity前决定基因活性
- physical treatment of feed饲料的物理处理
- preantenna前触角
- preabdomen前腹部
- potential mortality rate潜在死亡率
- puberal青春期的
- parental strain亲代菌株
- pellet mill饲料制粒机
- prothoracic gland hormone前胸腺激素
- plastic film cover塑料薄膜被覆物
- parent plant亲本植株
- potassium bicarbonate fertilizer碳酸氢钾肥
- prosopygia前肛动物
- pine forest松林
- pycnidiospore器孢子
- progressive development前进发展
- parental ditype亲型
- Penicillium青霉菌属,青霉菌属
- phonotaxis蛆性
- potential natality rate潜在出生率
- penicillin allergy青霉素变态反应
- peach leafminer moth桃潜蛾
- penicillin method青霉素法
- Precambrian前寒武纪
- preparation of feed饲料灯
- pre mrna前信使 rna
- polysomaty体细胞多倍性
- protriaene前出三叉体
- Proventriculus前胃
- p generation亲本世代
- promitosis前有丝分裂
- prostate gland前列腺,摄护腺
- phototaxis趋旋光性
- pathogen host system宿植病原体体系
- pre setting前决定
- Panicle fertilizer穗肥
- Protracted irradiation迁延照射
- pine nut松子
- Perilla seed meal苏子饼
- potassium carbonate fertilizer碳酸钾肥
- pour plate method倾注培养[法]
- persistent宿存的
- prescutum前盾片
- paramphistomatosis同端吸盘虫病
- papovavirus乳多泡病毒
- papilla乳突,乳头状菌落
- pigment layer色素层
- pasteurellosis of rabbit兔巴斯德氏菌病
- population estimation群体估计
- phloem transport韧皮运输
- pedogenics土壤成因学
- phylocoenogenesis群落系统发生
- pregnancy duration妊娠期间
- pedogenic process土壤发生过程
- prolan绒膜促性腺激素
- prosenchymatous cell锐端组织细胞
- prey capture肉食兽俘获
- pedography土壤描述学
- phloem ray韧皮放射组织
- parotid salivary gland腮唾液腺
- population dynamics群体动态论
- pigment cup色素杯
- papillary muscle乳突肌
- pigment metabolism色素代谢
- pedological mass circulation土壤物质循环
- population fluctuation群体波动
- population density人口密度