- paddy soil of fluvial alluvium河铃积水稻土
- paleophytotaxonomy古植物分类学
- paleornithology古鸟类学
- pollen tube nucleus花粉管核
- preserved sample固定标本
- Paresthesia感觉异常
- phanerophytes高位芽植物类
- paleobiopetrography古生物岩石学
- principle of confounding滑动原理
- palaeoecology古生态学
- period of infection感染期
- palaeosynchorology古群落分布学
- paleophytoecology古植物生态学
- pollen emission花粉放出
- pioneer of humic acid胡敏酸先驱物质
- pond smelt公鱼
- palaeoalgology古藻类学
- pollen parent花粉亲
- pollen collectors花粉采集器
- postanal gut肛后肠
- piliferous layer根毛层
- progeny infection后代感染
- paleomammalogy古哺乳动物学
- Paleozoic古生代
- podzolic ressive soil灰化淋洗土壤
- petal shaped花瓣状的
- peduncle花序梗
- palaeozoogeography古动物地理学
- photosynthetic rate光合作用率
- peroxisomal过氧化物酶病
- prerRNA核糖体RNA前体
- photoheterotroph光能有机营养菌
- Phototherapy光疗法
- photoactivation光激活,光活化
- prosthogonimosis of chicken鸡生殖泣虫病
- photoreaction光反应
- photobotany光植物学
- photolithotrophy光能无机营养
- poultry streptococcosis家禽链球菌病
- polar nucleus极核
- poultry feeding家禽饲养
- photosynthetic filament光合丝
- pycnogonids海蜘蛛类
- premature lysis过早溶菌现象
- Porlarographic analysis极谱分析法
- plan yield计划产量
- poultry bacterial arthritis家禽细菌性关节炎
- photoperiodic effect光照周期效应
- Polar Body极体
- photooxygenation光致生氧
- poultry meat家禽肉
- photocount statistics光子计数统计学
- pneumatic bone含气骨
- piped,tubulated,tubulate管状的
- photolithotroph光能无机营养生物
- poultry colibacillosis家禽大肠杆菌病
- photolithotrophic bacteria光能自养菌
- photosynthetic electron transport system光合电子传递系统
- photophosphorylation光磷酸化,光磷酸化作用
- postharmostomosis鸡盲肠吸虫病
- photophysiology光生理学
- photosynthetic chamber光合室
- pip家禽舌病
- polar movement极性移动
- phototonus光激性
- pigeon家鸽
- pseudotuberculosis of livestock家畜伪结核
- processed fertilizer加工肥料
- photoblastic seed光发芽种子
- polytrophic广食的
- PE果胶脂酶
- photoassimilation光同化作用
- pectic enzyme果胶酶
- photomorphogenesis光导形态发生
- phototrophic bacteria光养菌
- peroxide value (pov)过氧化物值
- poultry industrial farm家禽厂
- photoactive reaction光动反应
- pyknotic cell death核浓缩
- poultry industry家禽工业
- putamen果核儿
- photomorphism光性形态形成
- poultry science家禽学
- photosynthetic bacteria光合作用细菌
- poultry staphylococcosis家禽葡萄球菌病
- photoperiodicity光照周期性
- processed vegetable加工蔬菜
- purine nucleotide核嘌呤苷酸
- plucker家禽脱毛机,拔取装置
- photorespiration光呼吸,光呼吸作用
- polar cell极细胞
- poultry farm家禽场
- parasitoids寄生昆虫
- phytochrome光敏素,光敏色素
- photoautotroph光合自养生物,光能自养生物
- photochemical smog光化毒雾
- perinuclear space核周腔
- post reduction后减数
- pseudoapogamy假无配子生殖
- Phaeophyta褐藻植物门
- ph stat恒ph器
- precipitation deficit降水量不足
- posterior vena cava后腔静脉,后腔大静脉
- poll后头部
- pollen transfer花粉移送
- postulated distribution假设分布
- pseudopolyploid假多倍体
- productive phase结实期
- pollinarium花粉团
- postfloration花后现象
- posterior sucker后吸盘
- poisoning with spent grains酒糟中毒
- perinuclear cistern核周潴泡
- postbranchial body后鳃体
- post abdomen后腹部
- pseudo mycorrhiza假菌根
- peltigerous具盾的
- permanent dentition恒齿系
- pseudooverdominance假超显性
- potted plant花盆植物
- poultry ring脚号
- posterior choroid plexus后脉络丛
- part of stem leaf茎叶部位
- pseudogleyization假潜育化
- pollen tube花粉管
- Progeny后代
- parasexualism间性现象
- perikaryon核周体
- prefloration花被卷叠式
- post adaptation后生适应
- percentage of missing larvae减蚕率
- Pollen mother cells花粉母细胞
- permanent kidney恒肾
- plagiotriaene横斜三叉体
- pick up baler捡拾压机
- pistillate具雌蕊的
- pollen brush花粉刷
- pseudorabies假狂犬病
- pyrophosphate fertilizer焦磷酸肥料
- potassium fertilizer钾肥
- protamin精朊
- parasitologist寄生虫学家
- pelleted concentrate颗粒精料
- portable thrasher可移动脱谷机
- prostomium口前叶
- Phylophthora boehmeriae连续性变异
- plough cutter犁切刀
- Pennisetum alopecuroides狼尾草
- Palindrome sequence回文序列
- poliovirus脊髓灰白质病毒
- pennywort积雪草,崩大碗
- plough handle犁把
- pest control昆虫防治
- Plough犁体
- plough beam犁梁
- pitted vessel孔纹导管
- poisoning with great tit黎芦中毒
- psephitic tuff砾质凝灰岩
- plow pan犁底层
- pleitropy基因多效性
- pyrogenic succession火成演替
- polar amino acid极性氨基酸
- polar flagellum极性鞭毛
- pepper southern blight辣椒白绢病
- polar lobe极叶
- peck order喙序
- polar cap极帽
- plough clutch犁自动起落机构
- poliomyelitis脊髓灰质炎,小儿麻痹症
- pear brown fruit rot梨菌核病
- pear bacterial fire blight梨署伤病
- pyrogenic savanna火成热带草原
- polar fibers极纤维
- polar capsule,polar sac极囊
- postnatal immunity获得性免疫缺陷综合征后天免疫
- parasitic castration寄生去势
- pooled typing serum混合分型血清
- pear scab梨果实腐败病
- pole plasm极质
- pressor reflex加压反射
- pseudocapillitum假孢丝
- pseudocilium假纤毛
- potassium plant钾植物
- plasma cells浆细胞
- poisoning with potato马铃薯中毒
- Pseudounipolar假单极神经元
- paratrophy寄生营养性
- paurometabolism渐变态发育
- pseudocoelomate假体腔动物
- potato lifter plough马铃薯挖掘机犁
- potato skin马铃薯皮
- parasitic male寄生雄性
- pseudolysogeny假溶原性
- paurometabolic metamorphosis渐变态
- palmella stage胶群体时期
- pseudopod假蒴柄
- pressure cooker加压蒸煮器,高压锅
- potato harvesting马铃薯收获
- Potato scab马铃薯疮痂病
- potato cleaner马铃薯清选机