- plectrum拨子
- Plebiscitum平民会议决议
- personal rights人身权利
- Praescriptio triginta annorum (=Praescriptio longi temporis)三十年时效(最长时效)
- prescribed percentage指定百分比
- Praepositio任命(指定)总管
- Parapherna(bona paraphernalia)妻子带来的嫁资以外的财产
- presumption of good faith善意推定
- Personnel Manager职员经理
- principle of change of circumstances情势变迁原则
- personnel全体人员
- personality reduced人格减等
- Pro virili portione人头份额
- Plugs,sockets and other contacts [electric connections]插头、插座及其他接触器(电接头)
- Patent Office of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国专利局
- prevent foreign exchange flight制止外汇流失
- Populus人民,民众,民族,国家,共同体
- Persona ficta拟制的人
- partialness不完整性
- PBOC People's Bank of China中国人民银行(人行)
- PRC People's Republic of China中华人民共和国(中国)
- poor management治理不善
- plead guilty [not guilty]认罪[不认罪]
- personal relationship人身关系
- par bars & par bankspar灯光杆及灯箱
- Praetor urbanus内事裁判官
- Paradox反合性
- principal civil legal act主民事法律行为
- private and public私人的或公有的
- Peculatus贪污,监守盗
- Possessio iuris市民法上的占有
- Puber适婚人
- positive jurisprudence实在法学
- prolocutor代言人
- Prime Broker主要经纪
- Possessio ad usucapionem时效占有
- property master道具管理员
- Polyphony多声部音乐
- palette knife调色刀
- Portio debita适宜份额,义务份
- positivist实在法学派
- private law私法
- Praecepta civilia市民法规范(戒条)
- Periodical周期的,定期的
- pretax rate税前收益率
- prime cost主要成本,直接成本
- Policy Research Office,CCCPC中央政策研究室
- Party History Research Centre,CCCPC中央党史研究室
- Principal prosecutor主诉检察官
- presumption of fact事实的推定
- Parole法文:言说
- Publicani税收官,包税人
- Potentiometer电位器
- prescription acquisition时效取得
- principal punishment主刑
- plateresque带复杂花叶形装饰的
- probation period试用期
- positivist jurisprudence实在主义法学
- Paymaster General主计大臣
- Persona alieni iuris他权人
- prior development重点发展
- Peculium profecticium收益特有产
- Publicity Department,CCCPC中央宣传部
- power to supervise through auditing审计监督权
- Pactum de retroemendo赎回简约
- prime costs and processing costs主要成本与加工成本
- Party School of the CPC中央党校
- prime assets主要资产
- Privilegium exigendi索要优先权
- Procreatio vulgaris私生
- polycrystalline silicon多晶硅
- People's Liberation Army garrison in Hong Kong驻港部队
- palette画板
- plaudit喝采
- public housing funding system住房公基金制度
- painting brush画笔
- Praecepta gentium万民法规范(戒条)
- patent announcement专利公告
- Patent Agency专利事务所
- property right of an author著作财产权
- principle business cost主营业务成本
- Postulare提出请求,参与诉讼
- Pendens conditio条件未成就
- pulpit讲道台
- photoelectric cell光电管
- Pacta无形约束
- Praetor peregrinus外事裁判官
- prime/principal obligation主债
- personality right of composer著作人格权
- prime operating revenue主营业务收入
- Possessio pro suo为自己的占有
- paid for honour为维护某方的信誉而付款
- Pacta Sunt Servanda Principle条约必须遵守原则
- Patent licensing Contract专利许可协议
- presumption of legality推定合法
- power of pocuration委任权
- Patent opposition专利异议
- Poena ad bestias委弃给野兽之刑
- person entirely incapable of legal transaction完全丧失行为能力的人
- professional accountant专业会计
- professional lawyer;fulltime lawyer专职律师
- peculiar property特有产
- Possessio pro alieno为他人的占有
- produce the equalizer追平
- paper binding, papercover binding平装
- pipe,shawm芦笛
- Peirce皮尔士
- prolisted companies准上市公司
- pursuant and leapforward development追赶型和跨越式发展
- puppet show theatre木偶剧场
- Poet诗人
- Provocatio (ad populum)向民众申诉
- Praxis社会练习
- Praeses行省总督
- Pactio一般协议
- Persecutio刑事诉讼,司法诉讼
- Periculum omne一切风险
- Possessio ad interdicta依令状的占有
- Pro derelicto因遗弃
- provident fund准备基金
- power game权力游戏
- Pactum conventum已缔结的简约
- partheard已进行部分聆讯
- pray祈祷
- Pactum fiduciae信托简约
- proprietorship of human capital资本所有权
- pop song fans追星族
- Pro dote因嫁资
- payment or serious payments一次或多次付款a
- puppet show木偶戏
- Proconsul行省总督,行省长官
- Peregrinus异邦人,外国人
- principle of capital fixing资本确定原则
- Production mode生产方式
- pediment山墙饰,山花
- present capital value资本现值
- prior knowledge先验知识
- Preventing crime预防犯罪
- predetermined period预先确定了的期间
- profanity亵渎
- purism修辞癖
- Passenger Cars for Personal Use自用乘人小汽车
- Pro legato因遗赠
- publish a book at the author's own expense自费出版
- punctual timing走时准确
- Pollicitatio允诺,单方承诺
- perspective drawing透视画
- Praefectus iuri dicundo执法长官
- Pro suo possidere因自占
- Protestantism新教,耶稣教
- perspective projective description透视画法
- Pignus nominis债权质
- Postumi descendentes(=Postumus)直系男性卑亲属所生的遗腹子
- plying for hire招揽生意
- prompters' box提词厢
- par 64四盏
- Preunderstanding先在的理解
- pottery filter陶滤波器
- Pro soluto因已付款
- pun双关语
- Privilegium优先权,特权
- Praedes litis et vindiciarum执行判决并返还孳息
- pagoda塔,佛塔
- Per aetatem由于年龄
- proletariat无产阶级
- Punishment for Violating of a Duty to Act in Relation to the租税秩序罚
- postearthquake recovery and reconstruction震后恢复与重建
- permitted dynamite安全黄色炸药
- permissible dynamite安全硝甘炸药
- Peculium quasicastrense准军人特有产
- peaceful reunification of the motherland祖国和平统一大业
- partnership,leasing,contract operation租赁,承包经营和出售
- Pignus质权,物件质权
- Pignus pignoris质权质,转质
- postearthquake relief震后救援
- political obligation政治义务
- possible encore预备节目
- Priority Liberty自由权优先
- pithily有力地
- Praecepta naturalia自然法规范(戒条)
- Pro donato作为受赠人
- prosecrtion attorney主控律师
- promoon月花效果灯
- PolarAjax explosive阿贾克斯耐冻硝甘安全炸药
- procession宗教游行
- Pro emptore作为买方
- pin spots雨灯
- Periculum evictionis追夺风险
- principle of suiting punishment to crime罪刑相适应原则
- protective earth安全接地线
- par 64 case置物箱
- prime paper最佳股票
- Pro reo作为主债务人
- Preaggravation Circuit预加重电路
- Persona sui iuris自权人
- Pro herede gestio作为继承人经管
- portfolio exemption组合投资免税
- permutation置换
- principal of bearing responsibility solely for one's own cri罪责自负原则
- principal legal system主要法律体系