- Pearl River egg noodle珠江蛋面
- production relations生产关系
- pearl lustre wool polyester珠光毛涤纶
- pyramid selling层压式推销法
- promissory note承付票,本票,期票
- pearlitic iron珠光体生铁
- preliminary estimate初步估计
- pearlitic grey cast iron珠光体灰口铸铁
- productive asset生产性资产
- pearl button珠壳钮
- Pearl River plain noodle珠江素面
- position limit持仓限额,头寸限额,限仓
- production loss accounting生产损失核算
- Production cycle生产周期
- pearl embroidery;bead work珠球刺绣
- Pearl River creamy biscuit珠江奶油饼干
- Pearl River biscuit珠江牌饼干
- prior application rule申请在先原则
- pearlitic cast iron珠光体铸铁
- pearlgrained calfskin bag珠纹理状小牛皮袋
- pailette de soie珠片绸
- producers price index生产者价格指数
- program trading程序买卖
- Pearl River toffee珠江太妃糖
- puckered fabric bedcover绉布床罩
- presiding judge announce court in session审判长宣布开庭
- public debt repayment偿还政府债务
- Production factor生产要素
- punitive tax惩罚性税项
- Put出售权
- pearl bulb珠光灯泡
- pig leather for making gloves and garment猪皮手套-服装革
- pig hair meal猪毛粉
- pork products猪肉制品
- pig nappe leather jacket猪光面革皮茄克
- plaited bamboo articles竹编织品
- pork liver sausage猪肝腊肠
- practical civil legal act实践性民事法律行为
- Pork floss猪肉松
- preliminary expenses初步开支,开办费用,筹备费用
- pig leather suitcase猪皮箱
- pig wool猪毛绒
- price cheating;scalping食价
- pig luncheon tongue猪舌
- pig thyroid gland猪甲状腺
- pure reinsurer纯再保险人
- proxy statement代理委托书
- Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.实践是检验真理的唯一标准
- pig skin shoes猪皮鞋
- pig leather waist belt猪皮裤带
- pig leather for making belt猪皮带革
- Physical warrant实股认股权证
- pig skin maw猪皮鳔
- party当事一方
- PP&E地产、厂房及设备
- pig skin gloves with cotton back猪皮线背手套
- pig fleshing machine猪分割设备
- primary market初级市场,基本市场,第一市场
- Physical objects for tax paymentreal property list实物抵缴--不动产财产清单
- practice the system of directorgeneral responsibility under实行董事会领导下的总经理负责制
- proxy signature代理签名
- property derived from the deceased得自死者的财产
- pig sole leather猪皮底革
- pig skin gloves without lining猪皮无里手套
- profit ratio of paidin capital实收资本利润率
- pig lining leather猪皮里革
- posttax operating profit除税后营业利润
- Pure Play单一业务
- properties sectorial index地产分类指数
- pig skin glaze猪皮釉
- pork loin猪大排骨
- pretax operating profit除税前营业利润
- profit realized实现利润
- Parity Bond等值债券
- pig tendon猪蹄筋
- pork jerky猪肉脯
- payment vs payment (PvP) [banking]实时汇款同时交收[银行]
- pig leather working gloves猪皮工作手套
- physical assets appraisal实物资产评估
- pork luncheon meat猪肉午餐肉
- pork and bamboo shoot猪肉笋
- pork stomach soup with dried bean curd skim猪肚腐竹汤
- pork liver paste猪肝酱
- pigskin garment leather猪皮服装革
- pig upper leather猪皮面革
- pig leather jacket for child猪革皮儿童茄克
- pork tripe猪肚
- pig hoof猪蹄
- preliminary figure初步数字
- pork cube with bamboo shoot竹笋肉丁
- promotion of family planning to control the population size实行计划生育、控制人口数量、提高人口素质
- pig suede leather jacket猪绒面革皮茄克
- physical presence实际存在(居住)
- pig suede upper leathers猪绒面革
- pig skin piqué猪皮棱纹布
- pig leather for making gloves猪皮手套革
- prescribed manner订明方式
- pyopen vial注射用西林
- prescribed gain订明收益
- prescribed limit订明上限
- prescribed country订明国家
- P/E multiple市盈倍数
- pansporin vial注射用泛司博林
- pilot enterprises试点企业
- primary brake shoe主制动蹄
- pressure of demand on domestic resources对本地资源的需求压力
- perks,perquisites额外津贴
- procaine penicillin for injection注射用普鲁卡因青霉素
- payee收款人
- progressive drier逐步干燥器
- pergonal500 ampoule注射用人绝经期促性腺激素
- pepleo sulfate vial注射用硫酸培普利欧霉素
- pregnyl ampoule注射用绒毛膜促性腺激素
- prescribed event订明事件
- prescribed requirement订明规定
- purchasing price收购价格
- prescribed fee订明费用
- prescribed purpose订明目的
- prescribed currency订明货币
- pricing district定价区
- pilot program试点计划
- pillar bolt柱形螺栓
- pivotal project枢纽工程
- payment commitment付款承诺
- pedestal foot bath柱托洗脚盆
- payee or beneficiary受款人,收款人,受益人
- pawltype cooling bed爪式冷床
- plunger stop valve柱塞式截止阀
- plunger type pickling machine柱塞式酸洗机
- pedestal type switchboard柱托式交换机
- Private Banking私人银行,个人银行
- plunger type briquetting machine柱塞式团矿机
- private deposit私人存款
- pretax income税前收入
- Principle of Taxation Under the Law税捐法定主义
- professional audio console专业调音台
- pretax rate of return税前回报率
- private placing私人配售
- Private Wealth Management私人财富管理
- personal account dealing guidelines私人户口交易指引
- Port and Maritime Division港口及航运部(经济局)
- personal identification number (PIN)私人密码
- Private savings私人储蓄
- posttype sewing machine柱式缝纫机
- plunger press柱塞式压力机
- pressurestorage powder fire extinguisher贮压式干粉灭火器
- professional equipment专业设备
- Programme Management System纲领管理制度
- private loan私人贷款
- professional translucent face powder专业用透明定妆粉
- private ownership私人所有制,私有制
- pedestal basin柱托面盆
- Private私人的,私营的,私有的
- plunger tappet assembly柱塞挺杆总成
- popularity bank庶民银行
- Paying Agent付款代理人
- private limited partnership私人有限公司
- private relief私力救济
- plunger type relay柱塞式继电器
- public investment expenditure公共投资开支
- public utilitytype undertaking公用事业式企业
- public trustee公共受托人
- Public Works Subcommittee工务小组委员会(立法会财务委员会)
- pin disk mill转盘销钉式碎土机
- private company (or: corporation)私营公司
- public announcement公开宣告
- personal holding company私有股份公司
- PSD private sector development私营企业发展
- Privatization私有化,私营化
- Pacific Stock Exchange太平洋证券交易所
- plastic card塑料卡
- purchasing pattern购买模式,采购模式
- public money公帑
- prices fluctuating in response to market conditions随行就市
- PriceToBook Ratio股价与账面价值比率
- public subscription公开发售,公开认购
- Pacific card太平洋卡
- Purchase Acquisition购股接管
- private videotex terminal专用可视图文终端
- public sector expenditure公营部门开支
- Public Finance Administration公共财政管理
- planetary gathering system, rotary collator转盘式配页机
- purchase tax购物税
- public listed company公众上市公司
- public公众,大众
- Private enterprise私营企业
- Purchase of Agricultural Products From Farmers When Collecti随赋征购实物
- Procedure for Review of Death Sentence死刑复核程序
- PABX专用自动小交换机
- public utility tariff公用事业的收费
- public works nonrecurrent expenditure公共工程非经常开支
- PriceToSales Ratio股价与销售额比率
- public works recurrent expenditure公共工程经常开支
- profit and loss accounts损益帐户
- privately owned enterprise income tax私营企业所得税
- property attachment prior to lawsuit诉前财产保全
- PriceToCashFlow Ratio股价与现金流比率
- Peace all year round岁岁平安
- pillar jib crane转柱挺杆起重机
- public fund公帑,公共基金