- holding reservoir贮水库
- honor v.尊重,接受
- Handmade Noodles with Minced Pork and Diced Eggplant茄丁肉酱手擀面
- HandShredded Chicken飘香手撕鸡
- HandPulled Noodle Soup with Spare Ribs排骨拉面
- How long have you known her?你认识她多久了?
- How nice of you to come你来真是太好了
- heat resistant耐热
- Hawthorn and Carrot Juice山楂胡萝卜汁
- heat unit热单位
- Hot Lemon Tea热柠檬茶
- hit the road上路
- Holy Alliance神圣同盟
- herring bone人字纹
- humane landscape人文景观
- Hardshell Crab(StirFried with Ginger and Scallion,Steamed,Fr肉蟹(姜葱炒,清蒸,椒盐)
- Huadiao Shaoxing (30 Years) Medium Sweet三十年花雕
- hang in there忍耐一下
- herring青鱼,鲱
- hit someone with a problem让某人面对问题
- Hot and Sour Soup,Shanghai Style上海酸辣汤
- Hot Dishes热菜类
- He's dead他死了
- Hot and Sour Shredded Eel酸辣鳝丝
- He is quiet upset他很不安
- How to get at that little island is at his fingertips他知道怎么去那个小岛
- heavyweight81以上公斤级,最重量级
- Hot and Sour Catfish酸辣鲶鱼
- Hot and Sour Cuttlefish Roe Soup with Sea Cucumber酸辣海参乌鱼蛋汤
- Hot and Sour Fern Root Noodles酸辣蕨根粉
- He died in accident他死于事故
- His case is strong,I can win it他的案情很有利,我能给他打赢
- homespun;be homespun手织物,手织的
- He is sensitive他很敏感
- Hot and Sour Squid Soup酸辣鱿鱼羹
- He suffered too much,too long他受苦太多太长了
- Hot and Sour Beef Tendon酸辣蹄筋
- Hock蹄膀
- He must be ill他一定病了
- He has pulse他的脉搏还跳动,他还活着
- He gave me the choice which was no choice他给了我个不是机会的机会
- He is a goodlooking bay他是一个漂亮的男孩
- Hot and Sour Rice Noodles酸辣粉
- have had it受够了
- hand shower手握式淋浴器
- He is gone他走了
- Hot and Sour Cuttlefish Roe Soup酸辣乌鱼蛋汤
- He's got killed他被杀了
- He'll be free soon他很快就自由了
- hung over宿醉未醒
- He is a friend of our family他是我家的朋友
- He is terrible pain他痛的利害
- He gave me a piece of mind,"Don't shift responsibility onto他责备道:quot;不要把责任推卸到别人身上quot;
- He is really a finelooking young man他确实是一个很英俊的年青人
- high comfort hotel(four star hotel)四星级饭店
- Hot and Sour Jiaozi Soup酸辣汤水饺
- He is important to you他对你很重要
- Hot and Sour Jellyfish酸辣蜇头花
- He's drunk他醉了
- He is beaten to the ground by a blow他被击到在地
- He is all set for an early morning start他已做好清晨出发的一切准备
- He's a real ladykiller.他是个不折不扣的帅哥。
- His death is nothing to do with you他的死与你无关
- Hearty Lentil Soup蔬菜干豆汤
- He remind me that他使我想起来了那件事
- He'll never forgive you他永远不会原谅你的
- He's died 27 times他死了27次了
- He is born with a silver in one's mouth他是含着金钥匙出生的
- handmade手工裁剪,手工制作
- He can go to hell他见鬼去吧
- He got a little wild他有点失常
- hammer wire(链球)链
- He is a man I trust他是我相信的人
- He is afraid of challenge他害怕竞争
- House caddie场地服务员
- help帮忙
- Hdcp表示困难球洞顺序
- hit it off投缘,一见如故
- handsoff无为而治,顺其自然
- hazard code危险等级标号
- homogeneous civilization同质文明
- Hazard analysis危害性分析
- Hi,there喂,你好
- head circumference头围
- Half set半套球棒
- Hi,sweat喂,亲爱的
- halfcircle半周、半圆
- help and recover帮忙还原
- Header Check Sequence(HCS)头校验序列
- Hi,someone to see you喂,有人找你
- holdingcrossover持球过人
- home plate本垒板
- Hummock草皮小丘
- Hosel插鞘
- human pyramid叠罗汉
- has a good feel for the game对球赛的感觉很好
- hard hat护帽
- HBL(high school of basketball league)高中篮球联赛。
- Hawaiian Kona Coffee夏威夷可娜咖啡
- hitting fault击球失误
- home team后攻队
- Hot and Spicy Pork Chops香辣猪扒
- HandShredded Eggplant with Chili Sauce香辣手撕茄子
- Heineken喜力啤酒
- high ball,lob高球
- High handicap多让分
- Headspeed杆头速度
- Hevaja kye rdo rje喜金刚
- hypoxia training高地训练
- have it good享受得很
- Himachal Pradesh喜马恰尔-布拉代什
- high looping高幅度,指投篮而言
- high tea午茶,茶点(下午黄昏时)
- Hitting area击球区,击球位置
- Hole match每穴决定胜负
- hustle play精力旺盛的比赛,指季后赛
- Half a stroke每隔一球让一击
- HandPulled Noodle Soup with Minced Pork and Preserved Vegeta雪菜肉松拉面
- Half one每隔一穴让一球
- Harmonized Commodity and Coding System协调制度(商品名称及编码协调制度)
- Huajuan with Scallion小笼葱油花卷
- Hennessy Choice轩尼诗智选
- Hole down净负分数
- Hasma and Scallop Soup雪蛤海皇羹
- Heart Meridian心经
- hit rate命中率
- headmistress小学校长(女)
- Hungarian Goulash匈牙利浓汤
- Hennessy VSOP轩尼诗VSOP
- handle of racker拍柄
- Half swing轻挥杆(打击一半距离的方法)
- hierarchic (mutually synchrohous) network加权(互同步)网
- hugging defense人盯人防守
- Hetuvidya因明学
- Hole out球进入洞中,加以取出,结束该球洞比赛之意
- hotpink艳粉色
- helpside defense弱边防守
- hem/bottom衣脚边
- hemline衣脚线,下摆线
- Honorable member荣誉会员
- Hand and wrist action手腕动作
- Helical filter螺旋滤波器
- hold all views in sight/ in a single glance一览无余
- heldball play跳球进攻法
- Halve同分,击数相同
- Hanging ball停在斜坡上的球
- Hugo Grotius雨果 格劳秀斯
- Hard Roll硬质面包
- Hose,hosel铁头插座
- hawks鹰派
- Head still头部不动
- have a bone to pick with有账要算
- Halved match同分赛
- horizontal directivity pattern水平方向性图
- Hand first右手从上覆盖的握杆法
- heterodyne tracking外差跟踪
- hit straight balls直线球
- Hizbullah真主党
- hard fouls严厉的犯规
- hop (ionospheric propagation)跳(电离层传播)
- Hazelnut Latté榛子咖啡拿铁
- Hazelnut Cappuccino榛子卡布奇诺
- Here is 100 dollars,all in cash这儿有一百美元,全是现金
- Hole in one一杆进洞,在开球座上一杆进洞
- Here is my card这是我的明信片
- hop distance跳距
- Holable一击能进洞的近球
- home mobile services switching center (HMSC)原籍移动无线局
- Handoff strategies越区切换策略
- harddecision decoding硬判决译码
- handover access burst越区切换接入突发
- helical blower叶轮式鼓风机
- Hook左旋球、左曲球
- Home course主方赛场,本场
- harmonic output power谐波输出功率
- home mobile subscriber原籍移动用户
- Hook spinning左曲线击球
- Home Location Register原籍位置登记器
- hardboiled eggs煮硬了的蛋
- heavy ball重球
- Harmonic content谐波含量
- highquality rice优质大米
- human hair eyelash眼睫毛
- have a passion for钟爱
- handover execution越区切换执行
- Heavy post mark重戳
- home jersey主场球衣,底色白色
- Heel down足踵落地
- hubandspoke中心辐射
- host change主交换机
- Halibut (Steamed with Black Bean Sauce,Steamed or Braised in左口鱼(豉汁蒸,清蒸,红烧)
- head cutter for circuitplate线路板切头机
- herb melon seed香瓜子
- herba elsholtziae香薷草
- handheld sinker向下打眼的手持凿岩机
- hydroxy methyl menthandiene香柠醇
- handembroidered tablecloth with lace border镶边手绣台布
- hydraulic car jack小车用液压千斤顶
- hand mill小手磨
- hardware production line小五金制品生产线