- Heat Treatment热处理原理
- heat treating equipment热处理设备
- heat treatment process热处理工艺
- Hirundinidae燕科
- honorary degree荣誉学位
- habitual patterns bag chags串习
- honor system荣誉制
- hydrolic shield液压掩护式支架
- heightweight table身高体重表
- honor roll荣誉榜
- health impairments身体病弱
- heavy snow大雪
- Hydraulic Optimal Design水机优化设计
- hyperbolic curve equation双曲线方程
- hayana tekpa chenpo大乘 马
- hydroturbine regulating system水轮机调节系统
- Hydraulic Design of Water Engine水轮水力设计
- Hospital Authority (HA)医院部门
- Hospital Services Department(HSD)医院服务部门
- heartland大陆心脏
- hat带沿的帽子
- Hydraulic Power Plant Automation水电站自动化
- Hydrotech Research Institute水工试验所
- Hospital nursing医院护理
- History of Western Neoteric & Modern Architecture外国近现代建筑史
- History of Overseas Journalism外国新闻事业史
- holiday resort度假胜地
- HEFCW(Higher Education Funding Council for Wales)威尔士高等教育基金管理委员会
- hereditary cerebellar ataxia遗传性小脑共济失调
- hygiene education卫生教育,保健教育
- hold back退缩,踌躇
- History of Western Ancient Architecture外国古代建筑史
- History of Western Art西方美术史
- History of Western Contemporary Architecture西方近现代建筑史
- Health Center卫生保健及医疗中心
- Heteronemiidae异蝓科
- Hazardous Material and Waste Control Section危害性物质及废污管制组
- hard brittle shale硬脆性泥页岩
- hidden Markov model隐式马可夫模型
- hotel饭店,酒店
- helping,portion份,客
- high class of florescence荧光级别高
- headmaster;principal校长{中小学,美}
- hotel lobby饭店大堂
- Homeycome Tripe蜂窝牛肚
- housing price房价
- HighPressure Combustion高压燃烧
- Hot Tea,HK Style港式奶茶
- history of English Literature英国文学史
- Have the Midas touch有生财的运气,手气好
- hard clay硬粘土
- have the courage to bear their responsibilities and exercise敢抓敢管、不讲情面
- hold high the banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and carry out t高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,全面贯彻\'三个代表\'重要思想
- Hydraulic Test Technique液压测试技术
- hightech model projects to demonstrate their commercial viab高技术产业化示范工程
- hydrocarbone content油气含量
- HEFCE(Higher Education Funding Council for England)英格兰高等教育基金管理委员会
- harmful solids有害固相
- Hydromechanics液压流体力学
- Hemidactylus frenatus疣尾蜥虎
- History of British & American Literature英美文学史
- Hydraulic Power Transmission System Designing液压传动系统设计
- hard drug硬性毒品
- hostel招待所,小旅馆,大学生宿舍
- Here,you keep the change给你钱,别找零钱了
- Harbin Beer哈尔滨啤酒
- harpsichord羽管钢琴(拨管古钢琴)
- house system斋舍制{英国公学制度}
- "Hook Ball"又称
- high leverage ratio of the stateowned enterprises国有企业产负债率过高
- He who would hang his dog gives out first that it is mad.欲加之罪,何患无词。
- historic site古迹
- Harold Nicolson哈罗德 尼科尔森 《外交学》
- hook rack挂钩架
- Here you go给你
- Harry Truman哈里 杜鲁门
- help reference page援助参考页
- History of Chinese Revolution & Construction中国革命与建设史
- Hystrix yunnanensis云南豪猪
- Harrisburg哈里斯堡
- homogeneity of states国家同质性
- high ratio of nonperforming loans of the state commercial ba国有独资商业银行不良资产比例过高
- hasbeen过时的人或物
- History of Recent & Modern Chinese Economy中国近现代经济史
- Habsburg dynasty哈布斯堡王朝
- High Game最高分一局
- Havanan Club (7 years)哈瓦那郎姆酒7年
- He that respects not is not respected.欲受人敬,要先敬人。
- help alleviate their hardships关心群众疾苦
- Harford哈特福德
- History of Ancient Chinese Architecture中国古代建筑史
- Hiring and Affiancing租赁与信托
- Hami Melon Milk Tea哈密瓜奶茶
- Home link主方赛场,自己所属俱乐部的球场
- Heruka嘿噜嘎
- Herbert Spencer赫伯特 斯宾塞(英国社会学家)
- Hongfenjiaren红粉佳人
- Hot and Sour Seafood Soup海鲜酸辣汤
- Hans Kelsen汉斯 凯尔森
- halo error晕圈错误
- hamburger steak汉堡牛排
- Honeyed Peanuts琥珀花生
- Hot pickled tuber mustard and pork noodle soup榨菜肉丝面
- House foundation宅基
- Hot pickled tuber mustard soup with meat shreds榨菜肉丝汤
- Honeyed Walnuts琥珀核桃
- Hedley Bull赫德利 布尔
- Herbert Butterfield赫伯特 巴特菲尔德
- Hans J. Morgenthau汉斯 摩根索
- higher rate of building angle造斜率高
- Huaqing Pool华清池
- Henry Kissinger亨利 基辛格
- Huangdi tomb黄帝陵
- Hazard I火灾模拟一号
- Huanglong Scenic and Historic Area黄龙风景名胜区
- Hevajra欢喜金刚
- hybrid nozzle混合喷头
- Huangshan黄山
- herring on eggs鸡蛋托鲱鱼
- Huiyuan Peach Juice汇源桃汁
- hypertonus张力过高
- Huiyuan Orange Juice汇源橙汁
- Holliday Inn假日酒店
- H1N1 virus甲流病毒
- holiday tourism假日旅游
- H1N1 vaccine甲流疫苗
- Huangqiao sesame cake黄桥烧饼
- Huaxia Great Wall Vintage Red Wine (Year 1995)华夏95年长城
- hitrun driver肇事逃逸司机
- Hoenzollern dynasty霍亨索伦王朝
- Hyla zhaopingensis昭平树蟾
- Huiyuan Pear Juice汇源梨汁
- hard work,plain living and building up the country through t艰苦奋斗、勤俭建国
- have someone's number知道某人的底细
- hero/heroine posture结半跏趺坐
- hem facing脚贴
- Huajuan with Salt and Pepper椒盐花卷
- HandPulled Noodles with Marinated Chicken Leg酱鸡腿拉面
- Hemerocallis minor金针
- holder of a grant,scholar,fellow奖学金获得者
- HPSG (HeadDriven Phrase Structure Grammar)中心语驱动词组结构语法
- head feature convention中心语特征继承原理,中心词特性继承原理
- Household Saving Deposit居民储蓄存款
- Hynobius chinensis中国小鲵
- Housing Branch房屋科
- Halictophagidae栉扇科
- half time interval中场休息
- head driven phrase structure中心语驱动词组结构
- Hard words break no bones.忠言逆耳利于行。
- Hors d'oeuvres(middle size)中拼
- hold a panoramic view尽收眼底
- HeadDriven Phrase Structure Grammar中心语驱动词组结构律
- horsefly,gadfly厩蝇,牛虻
- History of the Communist Party of China (including the Doctr中共党史(含党的学说与党的建设)
- hemmer foot卷边靴
- Hyla chinensis中国树蟾
- Hydrangea chinensis中国绣球
- Hedong河东
- hardwon achievements来之不易
- housemaid客房服务员
- Hanoverian汉诺威
- Ha Giang河江
- Hai Duang海阳
- Ha Tinh河静
- Hai Hung海兴
- hypotactic主从结构的
- have it bad for狂恋
- heavy (heavygun) tank:重型坦克
- Hexi河西
- Huaphanh华潘
- Handextended noodle拉面
- Houtu后土
- Hebei河北
- Houayxay会晒
- Hpaan(paan)帕安
- hat tree立式衣帽架
- historical monument历史遗迹
- horsd'oeuvres冷盘
- Home Ownership Section居者有其屋组(地政总署组别)
- historical relic历史文物
- historic city历史文化名城
- Historical历史人文
- hexagonal pocket六角袋
- highlight tourism area旅游热点
- hotel directory旅馆指南
- head (main) office总局,总部,总行
- Huajuan with Sesame Paste麻酱花卷
- homing torpedo自导鱼雷
- honeymoon resort蜜月度假胜地
- hole month钻孔口部
- HoneyStewed Chicken with Ginger Shoots蜜糖子姜鸡
- hood height帽高
- honeymoon suite蜜月套房
- Hong Kong Association of Banks rate香港银行公会利率
- historical sites名胜古迹
- hole planting穴植
- honeydew蜜色
- Hong Kong Geodetic Datum(1980)香港大地测量系统(1980)
- Honey BBQ Pork Puff蜜汁叉烧酥
- Hong Kong Real Estate Agencies Association香港地产代理商协会