- 1. By diplomatic standards, this was outrageous behaviour.
- 按外交标准,这是不可接受的行为。
- 2. To some, such extravagant spending on the notoriously fickle young might seem outrageous.
- 对一些人来说,如此大手大脚地把钱花在以善变著称的年轻人身上似乎有些离谱。
- 3. 'That's outrageous!' he protested.
- “简直骇人听闻!”他抗议说。
- 4. I felt as if I had made an outrageous howler.
- 我觉得自己似乎犯了个不可容忍的低级错误。
- 5. She says the most outrageous things sometimes.
- 她有时候尽说些耸人听闻的事。
- 6. Some of his suggestions verged on the outrageous.
- 他的一些建议都快到了荒唐的地步。
- 7. It's outrageous, and we won't stand for it any more.
- 这太让人气愤了,我们再也不能容忍下去了。
- 8. She enjoys shocking people by saying outrageous things.
- 她喜欢故意说些不堪入耳的话让人讨厌。
- 9. The famed filmmaker slammed the claims as "an outrageous lie."
- 该享有盛名的电影制片人猛烈抨击这些说法,称其为“无耻谰言。”
- 10. It is outrageous that the figures are not in the public domain.
- 这些数字不在不受限公众信息范围内真是骇人听闻。
- 11. He was known for risky tactics that ranged from audacious to outrageous.
- 他以大胆甚至是骇人听闻的冒险战术而闻名。
- 12. Companies have been paying outrageous fees for a peek at the technical data.
- 各公司一直在为该技术资料的一窥支付惊人的费用。
- 13. The judge ruled a mistrial and cited the prosecutors for outrageous misconduct.
- 法官裁定判决无效并且指控控方有极其不端的行为。
- 14. That won't stop inventors from dreaming up new ways to fly and trying to persuade investors to back their sometimes outrageous schemes.
- 这并不能阻止发明家们想出新的飞行方式,并试图说服投资者支持他们有时很荒唐的计划。
- 15. The outrageous star is still not bored of flashing as much flesh as possible and showed off her derriere in tiny PVC knickers and a lace corset top.
- 这位令人发指的明星仍然不厌倦尽可能多地展示自己的身材,她穿着聚氯乙烯小短裤和蕾丝紧身胸衣来展示自己的臀部。
- 16. It's totally outrageous.
- 这是完全离谱。
- 17. This is not justice - this is outrageous.
- 这不是公正,这是卑鄙。
- 18. "Have you heard of anything more outrageous?"
- “你听过比这更无耻的行为吗?”
- 19. This is an outrageous claim. What does it mean?
- 这一说法让人吃惊,这是什么意思?
- 20. I demand an explanation for this outrageous bill.
- 我要你解释一下这张天价的帐单。
- 21. I personally find this lack of progress outrageous.
- 我个人认为,这一缺乏进展的局面令人难以容忍。
- 22. The Tigers' outrageous tactics should come as no surprise.
- 猛虎组织无法无天的战术手法不该令人感到意外。
- 23. A bold proposal, then. But not a completely outrageous one.
- 当时大胆的提议,并不是完全荒谬的。
- 24. If fish were bacteria, this would not be an outrageous suggestion.
- 要是鱼类是细菌的话,这也许不会是一个唐突的想法。
- 25. Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?
- 忿怒为残忍,怒气为狂澜,惟有嫉妒,谁能敌得住呢。
- 26. Even if average pay is reasonable, some American bosses get outrageous salaries.
- 即使平均报酬是合理水平,但是有些美国老板拿到了令人无法接受的高薪。
- 27. Even if average pay is reasonable, some American bosses get outrageous salaries.
- 即使平均报酬是合理水平,但是有些美国老板拿到了令人无法接受的高薪。