- 1. He might take a clip of a mollusk going up and down in the water and set it to music.
- 他可能会截取软体动物在水里上上下下的片段,然后配上音乐。
- 2. The name of the mollusk was porcelaine.
- 而且,porcelaine曾经就是这种软体动物的名称。
- 3. There was this mollusk and he walks up to a sea cucumber.
- 有一个软体动物,他走着去找一个海参。
- 4. The sun feeds the algae, which in turn, nourishes the mollusk.
- 太阳喂养藻类,轮流,滋养软体动物。
- 5. This mollusk feeds by filtering water, catching miniscule animals.
- 这个软体动物以过滤海水捕捉微生物为食。
- 6. I swear I have never seen such a mollusk with thorns all over its body.
- 我敢发誓我从来没有见过这种全身长满棘刺的软体动物。
- 7. I swear I have never seen such a mollusk with thorns all over its body.
- 我已使出了浑身的解数,我再没有办法说服他了。
- 8. A soft body, with or without a head a muscular foot — that's the mollusk.
- 柔软的身体,有头或没头,强健的脚,这就是软体动物。
- 9. They are formed when extra debris enters a mollusk during the harvesting process.
- 这些额外的时形成的碎片进入软体动物在收获过程。
- 10. A cephalopod mollusk, such as a squid or cuttlefish, having ten arm like tentacles.
- 十腕亚目动物如鱿鱼,乌贼,有十只象胳膊一样的触角。
- 11. That's because shell mollusk can reduce cholesterol and the effect event stronger than medicine.
- 因为在贝类软体动物能够有效地降低胆固醇,并且作用比一般的降胆固醇药要强。
- 12. The eye of a nautilus mollusk. The lens-less pupil works rather like the aperture of a pinhole camera.
- 鹦鹉螺之眼。这种没有透镜结构的瞳孔更像是针孔相机的孔。
- 13. Microstructured biomaterials such as nacreous layer from mollusk shells receive much attention at present.
- 贝壳珍珠层作为一种典型的生物矿化材料而备受关注。
- 14. The column (10) contains a packing solid comprised of crushed mollusk shells (20, 21) of at least one size in diameter.
- 圆柱(10)含有由至少具有相同直径的粉碎的软体动物贝壳(20,21) 组成的填充固体。
- 15. The nacre is known by people's attention for a long time which is one of the general construction units of mollusk shell.
- 珍珠层很早就引起了人们的关注,它是软体动物贝壳中普遍发育的一种结构单元。
- 16. Bullacta exarata, a kind of shell mollusk, lives on inshore tidal land as a cooking material popular in coastal region in China.
- 泥螺是生长在我国沿海滩涂的一种软体贝类动物,是沿海特有的烹饪原料。
- 17. The snail's eye, a more sophisticated version of that of the nautilus mollusk, works rather like the aperture of a pinhole camera.
- 是一种比鹦鹉螺类软体动物更复杂的眼睛,工作原理像是针孔相机。
- 18. However, the organotin compounds have very obvious influence on living creatures such as Marine fish, shellfish, mollusk and Marine alga.
- 但是,有机锡化合物在防污的同时,对海洋鱼类、甲壳类动物、软体动物和海洋藻类等生物的影响也是非常大的。
- 19. The results have shown that there are 14 species of macrobemthos, 7 species of mollusk, 3 species of crustacean, 1 species of echinoderm.
- 结果表明,本次调查所获得的底栖动物共14种,其中软体动物7种、甲壳动物3种、多毛类3种、棘皮动物1种。
- 20. The octopus is a kind of sea mollusk. It has the surprising ability to change the color of its own skin in order to blend into its environment.
- 章鱼是生活在海里的一种软体动物,章鱼有十分惊人的变色能力,它可以随时变换自己皮肤的颜色,使之和周围的环境协调一致。
- 21. The spider conch (Lambis chiragra), a gastropod mollusk with six fingerlike projections sticking out of its shell, is one of these seabed dwellers.
- 蜘蛛螺(Lambischiragra)就是其中一种海底生物,它属于腹足软体动物,壳上有6个指状突起。
- 22. The creature is more than twice the length and three times the diameter — four tenths of an inch (10 millimeters) — of the next largest known related mollusk.
- 与同类中第二大的动物相比,该新种的长度是其两倍多,直径——十分之四英寸(10毫米)——是其三倍多。
- 23. A Marine bivalve mollusk of the family Pholadidae, having a long shell with which it bores into wood, rock, and clay, often causing destruction of wharf pilings.
- 海笋,穿石贝海笋科中的一种海类甲壳软体动物,有长的甲壳,可以借之伸入到木头、岩石和泥土中,常引起对码头堆放物的破坏。
- 24. Currently accessible for searching are the recent mollusk files, the invertebrate paleontology files, the rotifer collection and Gary Rosenbergs molluscan species database etc.
- 当前可以搜寻到的信息包括新近的软体动物门文档、无脊椎动物古生物学文档、轮虫收藏以及加里罗森伯格的软体动物物种数据库等。
- 25. This paper also discusses relationship between mollusk diversity and rapid climatic change and states that micromollusks are a valuable proxy record in indicating climatic changes.
- 之间。文中对软体动物分异度与气候变化的关系也作了探讨,并表明软体动物丰度和分异度是指示气候变化的有用指标。
- 26. The goal of this project was to make it feel like an internal inhabitant of a snail, like a mollusk moving from one chamber to another, like a symbiotic dweller of a huge fossil maternal cloister.
- 此工程的目的是给人一种居住在蜗牛内部的感觉,像软体动物一样从一个房间爬到另一个房间,像寄居在一座大型化石修道院里的寄生动物一样。
- 27. Whatever lived in these shells has long since disappeared, but there is still a sense of previous occupation—by something perhaps more exotic and lovely than the slimy mollusk we occasionally disturb.
- 无论曾经生活在这些壳里的生命是什么它们都已经永远的消失了,但这里总是有一些它们曾经存在过的痕迹——那些与其说是我们偶尔打扰到粘糊糊的软体动物,倒不如看成更具奇异可爱特质的小东西。
- 28. Whatever lived in these shells has long since disappeared, but there is still a sense of previous occupation—by something perhaps more exotic and lovely than the slimy mollusk we occasionally disturb.
- 无论曾经生活在这些壳里的生命是什么它们都已经永远的消失了,但这里总是有一些它们曾经存在过的痕迹——那些与其说是我们偶尔打扰到粘糊糊的软体动物,倒不如看成更具奇异可爱特质的小东西。