- 1. Great tracts of lowland country deforested by logging, fire, or both have become ideal feeding grounds of deer.
- 在低地国家大片的森林被砍伐、遭受火灾或两者皆有,成为鹿群理想的觅食地。
- 2. It's a gentle route through lowland forest—good for biking and probably the one for you if you have small children.
- 这是一条穿过低地森林的舒适路线——很适合自行车骑行和带幼童出行的游客。
- 3. Although the kilt is typically regarded as being Highland dress, more kilts are now worn in the Lowland cities than in the Highlands.
- 虽然女式格呢褶裙被看作是典型的高地服饰,但如今一些低地城市的人们更常穿着。
- 4. For the first thirty miles the red earth road wound its way through the lowland forest, the giant trees standing in solid ranks alongside and their branches entwined in an archway of leaves above us.
- 在最初的三十英里里,红土路蜿蜒穿过低地森林,高大的树木整齐地排列在我们的两旁,它们的枝桠在我们头顶上交错成一个树叶拱门。
- 5. Much of the region is lowland.
- 这地区大部分是低洼地。
- 6. Successive regimes annexed the region and populated it with lowland people.
- 后继政权吞并了这个地区并让低地居民聚居于此。
- 7. I was searching for these three western lowland gorillas I'd been observing.
- 我在寻找这三只西部低地大猩猩,我一直在观察它们。
- 8. A native or inhabitant of a lowland.
- 低地人低地的居民或本地人。
- 9. But in the lowland life is different.
- 但在低地的生活是不同的。
- 10. The Central Lowland is the heart of Ireland.
- 中部的低地是爱尔兰的心脏部分。
- 11. Lowland trees may lean to this side and that.
- 低地上的树木会东倒西歪。
- 12. The coastal plains, lowland, between a low hill.
- 沿海为平原、低地,间有低丘。
- 13. Throngs of Hazaras were driven from lowland farms up into the central highlands.
- 成群结对的哈扎拉人被从低地的农田驱赶到阿富汗中部的高地。
- 14. Another problem is that chemicals from lowland farms are polluting ground water.
- 另一个问题是,来自于低地的化学物质正在污染地下水。
- 15. Having enjoyed the rides at the Headland, visitors can take the shuttle to the Lowland.
- 在高地领略了乘游的乐趣之后,游客可以搭乘穿梭车到达低地。
- 16. The British landscape can be divided roughly into two kinds of terrain highland and lowland.
- 英国景观可以大致分为两种不同的地形-高地和低地。
- 17. The recent rise in the value of lowland farms put our uplands into a totally new perspective .
- 最近低地牧场涨价,从而使高地牧场进入一个全新的境界。
- 18. This is another Rhinolophus simulator captured in lowland forest. This shares the same coloration as the other.
- 上图是在低地雨林捕获的另一只北非菊头蝠,这只和前面的颜色一样。
- 19. By 1400 most English families, and those from Lowland Scotland, had adopted the use of hereditary surnames.
- 到了1400年,大部分的英格兰人和来自苏格兰低地的人习惯了家庭姓氏的使用。
- 20. Larger sea level rises would result in extensive flooding of lowland beaches, wetlands, and coastal settlements.
- 海平面再升高一些就会给低地的海滩、湿地、和沿海居民带来特大洪灾。
- 21. But lowland species with no mountains nearby, such as those in the vast Amazon and Congo basins, will have nowhere to go.
- 但是那些生活在无山区域的低地物种,例如那些生活在广阔的亚马逊和刚果流域的物种,将会无处可逃。
- 22. Picking up the device, the female western lowland gorilla called Bawang, began to examine it, even fiddling with the buttons.
- 母猩猩巴旺是只西部低地猩猩,一拾起游戏机便开始研究其中奥秘,甚至还对着按键乱摁一通。
- 23. The lowland district of Faynan, where the blue-green glitter of malachite can be seen from a distance, was an obvious place to study.
- 在费伊南(Faynan)的低地地区,孔雀石的蓝绿色闪光从很远的地方就能看到,这里显然是一个进行冶金术历史研究的好地方。
- 24. And although the kilt is typically regarded as being Highland dress, more kilts are now worn in the Lowland cities than in the Highlands.
- 虽然方格呢裙被看作是典型的高地服饰,但如今一些低地城市的人们更常穿着。
- 25. In the south, the Shiwalik Hills are covered with dense forests, lowland river valleys, and mountains up to around 1,500 m above sea level.
- 南部的Shiwalik山区有茂密的森林、低地的河谷,每座山的海拔都在1500米之上。
- 26. In the morning, the landscape changed into a green, wet lowland watered by the monsoon, and the dry heat of the desert seemed far behind us.
- 到了早晨,车窗外的景色换成了雨季中潮湿的绿色低地,沙漠的干热气候好像已经被我们远远抛在身后了。
- 27. In the south, the Shiwalik Hills are covered with dense forests, lowland river valleys, and mountains up to around 1, 500 m above sea level.
- 南部的Shiwalik山区有茂密的森林、低地的河谷,每座山的海拔都在1500米之上。
- 28. In the south, the Shiwalik Hills are covered with dense forests, lowland river valleys, and mountains up to around 1, 500 m above sea level.
- 南部的Shiwalik山区有茂密的森林、低地的河谷,每座山的海拔都在1500米之上。