- 1. Orion had the habit of staring motionlessly at his interlocutor.
- 奥利恩有个一动不动地盯着谈话对象的习惯。
- 2. They are motivated to find ingenious ways to persuade their interlocutor.
- 他们受到激励去寻找巧妙的方法去说服他们的对话者。
- 3. At first smile and maintain visual contact with the interlocutor.
- 首先,对你的谈话对象保持微笑,并与他保持眼神的交流。
- 4. In each case, the interlocutor inquires of the viewer, "What might this be?"
- 每一个个案中,询问者都会问观看者,“这可能是什么呢?”
- 5. Iran is a crucially important interlocutor for Russia in the field of energy.
- 在能源领域里,伊朗可是俄罗斯的一个极其重要的合作对象。
- 6. You will immediately understand that call has started and you can greet your interlocutor.
- 你会立即明白,电话已经开始,你可以迎接你的对话者。
- 7. Full Screen Caller will show a big picture and detailed information about your interlocutor.
- 全屏来电显示大图片和详细信息,您的对话者。
- 8. Obama at first saw in Lula, whom he once amiably called "my man, " a useful hemispheric interlocutor.
- 奥巴马首先顺便拜访了卢拉,他亲切地称之为“拉丁爵士”,一位合作的半球对话者。
- 9. If you have already got the conversation, use our recommendations to retain the attention of your interlocutor.
- 如果你已经跟他有过谈话,那么就用我们的建议来保持你的谈话对象的注意力吧。
- 10. "It will be far finer to-day," broke in their interlocutor at last, who had listened to them with evident impatience.
- “今天会好看得多!”那个青年似乎听得不耐烦了,终于插嘴道。
- 11. Boethius' thoughts and reflections are written in prose, whilst the wisdom of his interlocutor, Philosophy, appears in verse.
- 波伊提乌的思维和见解用散文的形式来表述,而他的对话者哲学的智慧则出现在诗节当中。
- 12. Although Ms Livni would probably make the more amenable interlocutor, Israel's eventual choice is not as decisive as it may seem.
- 尽管Livini女士可能是个更好说话的对话者,以色列的最终选择也不像它看起来那样具有决定性。
- 13. The supremely confident – or arrogant – should be warned that, even if their interlocutor reciprocates, this may not necessarily be a "come on".
- 强烈的自信心——或者叫自大——应该被提醒注意,即使谈话者们对此报以热情,也不应被视为该受到鼓励的事。
- 14. With nihilism, no discussion is possible; for the nihilist logic doubts the existence of its interlocutor, and is not quite sure that it exists itself.
- 和虚无主义没有论争的可能。因为讲逻辑的虚无主义者怀疑和他进行争辩的对方是否存在,因而也就不能肯定他自己是否存在。
- 15. Once that's done, Darpa wants a pre-prototype device that can read brain waves, translate them, then transmit them to the mind of one's fellow interlocutor.
- 一旦“无声通话”计划顺利实施,Darpa希望能利用这样一套原型设备去阅读脑波并进行翻译,然后将其传输到通话者的思维之中。
- 16. If knowing your interlocutor is a prerequisite for successful negotiations, the book should be a big step towards providing a balanced and necessary understanding.
- 如果了解对话者是谈判成功的先决条件,应该说本书在提供平衡与必要的了解方面前进了一大步。
- 17. Tess hastily explained that he had been called away on business, and, leaving her interlocutor, clambered over the garden-hedge, and thus made her way to the house.
- 苔丝急忙向她解释,说他出门办事去了,说完就离开那个问话的人,穿过花园树篱的门进屋去了。
- 18. The author, from the point of view of a PETS oral test interlocutor, observed and noted down the process and the problems of PETS oral test in her examination room.
- 本文从PETS口试教师的角度,观察记录了作者所在考场PETS口试的情况和存在问题。
- 19. I speak very poor Hungarian, but barely had a chance to practice it, since as soon as my interlocutor found I was a foreigner they would switch to German or English.
- 我只会说一点点匈牙利语,但很少有机会练习,当谈话的人发现我是外国人时人们就会转而使用德语或者英语。
- 20. The Buddha's persistent reluctance to answer any of the four question put to him regarding the fate of the Tathagata after death caused puzzlement to his interlocutor.
- 佛陀一直不愿意回答任何关于这四个问题,向他提出的如来死后的命运的问题,这引起参与谈话人的困惑。
- 21. Against any person in your address, we need to look him or her, not watching closely, but has been looking at, so that your interlocutor will understand you are not distracted.
- 对报告中的任何人,我们还要看看他或她,而不是密切关注,但一直在研究,使您的对话者会明白你没有分心。
- 22. Against any person in your address, we need to look him or her, not watching closely, but has been looking at, so that your interlocutor will understand you are not distracted.
- 对报告中的任何人,我们还要看看他或她,而不是密切关注,但一直在研究,使您的对话者会明白你没有分心。