- 1. Since technology has such an insatiable appetite for eating up human jobs, this phenomenon will continue to restructure our economy in ways we cannot immediately foresee.
- 由于技术在吞噬人类工作方面非常“贪得无厌”,所以这一现象将会继续以短时间难以预料的方式重构我们的经济。
- 2. The public have an insatiable appetite for scandal.
- 公众对丑事总是喜闻乐道。
- 3. There seems to be an insatiable demand for more powerful computers.
- 人们对于加强计算机功能的要求似乎永无止境。
- 4. A section of the reading public has an insatiable appetite for dirty stories about the famous.
- 阅读大众中有一部分人对名人的风流韵事的欲望总是无法满足。
- 5. Sin, like the cuckoo bird, has an insatiable appetite, and it tries to take over our lives.
- 罪恶,就像布谷鸟一样,有着贪得无厌的欲望,它试图控制我们的生活。
- 6. Our attitude towards ourselves should be "to be insatiable in learning" and towards others "to be tireless in teaching".
- 对自己,“学而不厌”,对人家,“诲人不倦”,我们应取这种态度。
- 7. Power, like vanity, is insatiable.
- 权力,正如虚荣,是永难满足的。
- 8. She has an insatiable curiosity about life.
- 她对生命有一种永不满足的好奇心。
- 9. No disaster is greater than insatiable desires.
- 没有比不知足更大的灾祸。
- 10. The cuckoo has taken over, and its appetite is insatiable!
- 当然是鸠占鹊巢的布谷鸟,并且它的胃口简直是大得没边!
- 11. Will mankind's insatiable demands exhaust the planet's finite resources?
- 未来将会是人类的贪得无厌耗尽地球有限的资源?
- 12. Only last year the world’s appetite for meat and milk seemed insatiable.
- 仅仅去年,全球对肉类和奶类的需求似乎还永无止境。
- 13. There is no sense more to accommodate a person, that person is more insatiable.
- 有没有觉的越是迁就一个人,那个人就越是得寸进尺。
- 14. Out of the blue, Cicoria got this sudden, insatiable urge to listen to piano music.
- 出乎意料地,西科里拉突然无休止地渴望听钢琴音乐。
- 15. An insatiable curiosity is needed, but this, in itself, will not guide success either.
- 永不知足的好奇心是必要的,但好奇心本身也不能引导成功。
- 16. The curiosity of children is almost insatiable and it is up to parents to satisfy that appetite.
- 儿童的好奇心几乎是永无止境——这需要父母来满足。
- 17. The first decade of the twenty-first century has been defined by our insatiable demand for information.
- 21世纪的第一个十年已经因为我们永不满足的信息需求而被重新定义。
- 18. I have not always succeeded in that, far from it, being impatient to follow my insatiable curiosity and personal drives.
- 在这方面我做得并不完美,差远了,要追随永不满足的好奇心加个人动力,我会有不耐烦的时候。
- 19. In the end, the world's insatiable demand for the "risk-free" reserve asset will make that asset anything but risk-free.
- 最后全球范围内对“无风险”资产的贪求将使得这些资产有风险了。
- 20. There were even rumours that Mr Marchionne might sell Alfa to Volkswagen, the industry’s most insatiable collector of brands.
- 甚至有传言说,马尔奇奥尼有意将阿尔法卖给大众汽车,后者是业内欲壑难填的收购狂。
- 21. I want to see the insatiable being who has mounted these fireworks, who has rolled back the walls of the sepulchre with light.
- 我想看一看登上烟火上去的那个不知餍足的人,他又回到灯火通明的圣墓墙边。
- 22. The cartoon, no doubt, aims at alarming humans of the heavy load we have exerted on Earth by our insatiable production and usage of automobiles.
- 毫无疑问,这幅漫画意在向人们敲响警钟,即人类永不知足的生产和使用汽车给我们的地球带来了巨大的负担。
- 23. In this vibrant capital city of 17 million, there is an insatiable demand for housing, yet prices remain far out of reach of most residents.
- 在这个1700万人口的热闹首都,对住房的需求是巨大的,住房的价格也远高于大部分居民的承受程度。
- 24. And more importantly, given the growing and seemingly insatiable appetite for profitable social-media startups, is RenRen a viable IPO candidate?
- 更重要的是,虽然许多赚钱的社交媒体初创公司持续增长,而且这些公司的胃口也越来越大,但人人网真的是一个可行的IPO种子选手吗?
- 25. And more importantly, given the growing and seemingly insatiable appetite for profitable social-media startups, is RenRen a viable IPO candidate?
- 更重要的是,虽然许多赚钱的社交媒体初创公司持续增长,而且这些公司的胃口也越来越大,但人人网真的是一个可行的IPO种子选手吗?