- 1. The sheer scale of the investment it took to begin commercial expansion at sea reflects the immensity of the profits that such East-West trade could create.
- 在海上进行商业扩张所消耗的投资规模之大,反映了这种东西向贸易所能创造的巨大利润。
- 2. We were overwhelmed by the sheer immensity of the task.
- 任务太重,把我们都吓倒了。
- 3. The immensity of the United States makes air travel common place.
- 因为美国幅员辽阔,乘飞机旅行很常见。
- 4. The sea is the immensity of wretchedness.
- 海,就是无边的苦难。
- 5. And the center of immensity was my brain.
- 无限的空间的中央就是我的大脑。
- 6. You don't see the beauty of it, the immensity of it.
- 但是你没有看到它的美、它的无限。
- 7. Provided that they are face to face with immensity, they smile.
- 只要能与无极相对,他们就微笑。
- 8. For a time our team hesitated before the immensity of this task.
- 这支队伍面对这项浩大的工程犹豫了一个时期。
- 9. One could experience the immensity of space and time the city occupies.
- 人们应该体验一下这里空间的广大和城市拥有的年代。
- 10. Almost everyone was amazed at the beauty and immensity of the Grand Canyon.
- 几乎每个人都惊讶于美而且壮观的无限峡谷。
- 11. There was only this beauty, this immensity, only the spreading, widening earth.
- 只有这种美、这种无限,只有铺展开的宽广大地。
- 12. In a few days they would be all over you, and you felt the immensity of life in them.
- 几天后,它们会爬得你满身都是,你能从它们身上感受到生命的无限。
- 13. I believe that life is infinitesimally brief in relation to the immensity of eternity.
- 我认为,与死后那慢长的永生相比,人生是极其短暂的。
- 14. Construction of the Great Wall has a long history of the majestic immensity of the world rare miracle.
- 施工长城具有悠久的历史和壮丽的巨大的世界罕见的奇迹。
- 15. Photographers showed either the beauty of the night sky or the immensity of light pollution from cities.
- 摄影师们既展示了夜空的美,也揭露现今城市严重的光污染现象。
- 16. I think you shouldn't have come into our lives, but you still do not know the immensity of heaven and earth.
- 我想迩原本不应该加入我们的生活,但是你却还是不知天高地厚。
- 17. Soon I felt engulfed in the immensity of the plain, lost in gazing upon it as one feels lost in gazing on sea.
- 不久我就觉得被这一望无垠的平原所吞没,凝视着它就像凝视着大海那样,使人迷茫。
- 18. You hold an immense power in your hands, but you have been sleeping and unaware of the immensity that you possess.
- 你们手中拥有着无限的力量,但是你们一直睡着而没有察觉到你们所持有的那无限。
- 19. We cannot emphasize enough the immensity of this situation, both for you personally and for our planet at this time.
- 我们无法用语言来强调这个事情对你个人和整个地球的重要性。
- 20. I did not succeed in my endeavours to pass on to people the immensity of God s love. There was much misunderstanding.
- 我曾试图将神无穷的爱传递给人们,但没有成功,还引起了许多误解。
- 21. Turner maintained a life long fascination with the frailty of man when subjected to the power and immensity of nature.
- 透纳一生都痴迷于一个主题:人类面对大自然时总显得如此渺小。
- 22. To send a letter to a metropolis of your immensity — 32 million residents! — shows, as we say here in New York, chutzpah.
- 给一个向你这样有3200万人的大都市,是一种,像我们在纽约说的那样,厚颜无耻的表现。
- 23. Please, Sir, let us find out whether our minds and hearts are really capable of receiving immensity, and not just the word.
- 先生,请你让我们去发现我们的头脑和心灵是否真的能够接收到无限,而不仅仅是词语。
- 24. There is no landscape design: the house sits on natural terrain, whose immensity and vistas are best seen from the pool terrace.
- 项目没有景观设计:住宅坐落于自然地带,从泳池露台能最好地欣赏开阔的远景。
- 25. Our imaginations become aware of the vast distances of space, the immensity of the earth and huge improbability of our own existence.
- 我们的想象力能让我们感到宇宙的广阔和大地的无限,忘却自己的存在,感觉自我的渺小,却又深感自己的独特。
- 26. Looking out over that landscape, and seeing my daughter grappling with the immensity of nature, I felt stupid about my morning tirade.
- 眺望着这片景色,看到女儿不停地抓取自然的浩瀚之图,顿时觉得我之前的唠唠叨叨,实在是傻得冒烟。
- 27. Looking out over that landscape, and seeing my daughter grappling with the immensity of nature, I felt stupid about my morning tirade.
- 眺望着这片景色,看到女儿不停地抓取自然的浩瀚之图,顿时觉得我之前的唠唠叨叨,实在是傻得冒烟。