- 1. He had slipped on an icy pavement.
- 他在结冰的人行道上滑倒了。
- 2. My eyes met his icy gaze.
- 我的双眼迎视他冰冷的目光。
- 3. She fell headlong into the icy pool.
- 她倒栽葱掉进了冰冷的水池中。
- 4. He gave me an icy glare.
- 他冷冰冰地怒视着我。
- 5. Two cars skidded on the icy pavement.
- 两辆汽车在结冰的路面上打滑。
- 6. My feet were icy cold.
- 我双脚冰冷。
- 7. She tried to get a grip on the icy rock.
- 她尽力抓住那冰冷的石头。
- 8. The roads were icy.
- 道路都结冰了。
- 9. Driving on icy roads can be pretty hairy.
- 在结冰的道路上开车很惊险。
- 10. His cheeks were stinging from the icy wind.
- 他的双颊被冰冷的寒风刺痛了。
- 11. Motorists have been warned to beware of icy roads.
- 已经提醒开车的人当心冰封的路面。
- 12. They were spreading grit and salt on the icy roads.
- 他们在结冰的路上撒沙子和盐。
- 13. The roads were icy but she stopped the car expertly.
- 道路结了冰,可她却非常熟练地把车停了下来。
- 14. He braced himself for the icy plunge into the black water.
- 他准备跳入冰冷的黑水。
- 15. Thousands have braved icy rain to demonstrate their support.
- 数千人曾顶着冰冷的雨表示他们的支持。
- 16. He sprinkled sand along the icy path.
- 他沿着结冰的路撒砂子。
- 17. Icy roads are a hidden danger to motorists.
- 覆盖着冰的路面对驾驶汽车的人是个危险的隐患。
- 18. They sailed hundreds of miles up icy rivers.
- 他们沿着结冰的河流航行了数百英里。
- 19. He pulled Jack out of the icy water by the neck.
- 他抓住杰克的脖子把他从冰冷的水中拉了出来。
- 20. It was icy cold with a gust of howling wind around.
- 四周是冷冰冰的,还刮着一阵阵凛冽的风。
- 21. Five hundred miles west of Iceland, he and his men reached an icy rocky mass of land.
- 在冰岛以西500英里的地方,他和他的同伴到达了一片冰雪覆盖、遍布岩石的广阔土地。
- 22. Driving through snowstorm on icy roads for long distances is a most nerve-racking experience.
- 在冰天雪地的道路上长距离驾车穿过暴风雪是一种最惊心动魄的经历。
- 23. Among the bending hickory and walnut trees, her feet slightly wary of crawfish in the icy water.
- 在弯弯曲曲的山核桃和核桃树之间,她的脚在冰冷的水里小心翼翼地提防着小龙虾。
- 24. The steel shells of hundreds of the ships cracked in the icy north Atlantic, and 12 broke in half and sank.
- 数百艘船的钢壳在冰冷的北大西洋中裂开,其中12艘船裂成两半沉没。
- 25. As a result, glaciers create a great variety of landforms that remain long after the surface is released from its icy covering.
- 因此,冰川形成了各种各样的地貌,这些地貌在地表被冰覆盖的解除后很长时间都不会消失。
- 26. It required military discipline to get us out of bed in a chamber warmed only by the stovepipe, to draw on icy socks and frosty boots and go to milking cows.
- 把我们从只有烟囱才暖和的房间里的床上叫起来,穿上冰冷的袜子和结了霜的靴子,去挤牛奶,这是有军纪的。
- 27. Icy roads created from storms this week paralyzed much of the greater Seattle, Washington area, where schools were closed and bus routes were suspended Friday as roads were too icy to navigate.
- 本周暴风雪造成的冰冻道路使华盛顿州西雅图地区的大部分地区陷入瘫痪,由于路面结冰过多而无法通行,周五学校关闭,公交线路暂停。
- 28. It goes some way towards explaining why books about swimming, in which people tackle icy legs, race and rivers, and overcome oceans while reflecting on their lives have recently become so popular.
- 这也在一定程度上解释了为什么关于游泳的书最近如此受欢迎,书中讲述了人们如何处理冰冷的腿、竞赛和河流,以及如何在战胜海洋的同时反思自己的生活。
- 29. It goes some way towards explaining why books about swimming, in which people tackle icy lakes, race in rivers and overcome oceans while reflecting on their lives, have recently become so popular.
- 这在一定程度上解释了为什么关于游泳的书最近变得如此受欢迎,在书中,人们在反思自己生活的同时,应对结冰的湖泊,在河流中赛跑,征服海洋。
- 30. The icy wind nipped at our faces.
- 寒风刺疼了我们的脸。