- 1. Some people are genetically predisposed to diabetes.
- 有些人因遗传因素而易患糖尿病。
- 2. Top supermarkets are to ban many genetically modified foods.
- 顶级的超市将禁止销售许多转基因的食品。
- 3. Genetically speaking, there are advantages to avoiding substantial height.
- 从遗传学上讲,避免身高过高有很多好处。
- 4. The author believes emotional energy is inherited and genetically determined.
- 作者认为,情感能量是由遗传和基因决定的。
- 5. There has been widespread public debate over the introduction of genetically modified food.
- 公众就转基因食品的引进开展了广泛的讨论。
- 6. The paper does say children are "unintentionally genetically selected" by the school system.
- 这篇论文确实说,孩子由学校教育制度“根据其基因随机筛选”。
- 7. One project involves tobacco plants genetically engineered to keep their leaves during water shortages.
- 其中一个项目涉及通过基因工程使烟草植物在缺水时保持叶子的生长。
- 8. Until fairly recently, the studies were limited to short-lived creatures genetically distant from humans.
- 直到不久前,这些研究都仅限于一些在基因上与人类相距甚远的短寿命生物。
- 9. Now a telomere is a highly repetitious and genetically meaningless sequence of DNA, what we were calling junk DNA.
- 端粒是高度重复的,从基因上来说没有意义的DNA序列,我们称之为垃圾 DNA。
- 10. Ulrich Mueller of Maryland and his colleagues genetically screened 862 different types of fungi taken from ants' nests.
- 马里兰州的乌利齐·米勒和他的同事从蚂蚁窝中提取了862种不同类型的真菌进行基因筛选。
- 11. Certain genetically modified strains of maize produce a natural insecticide that protects against maize-eating insects.
- 某些转基因玉米品种可以生产一种天然杀虫剂,保护玉米免受以玉米为食的昆虫的侵害。
- 12. So far, there has been no scientific consensus about what it is that includes the risk of eating genetically modified food.
- 到目前为止,科学界对于食用转基因食品究竟有哪些风险还没有达成共识。
- 13. Humanity has the necessary agro-technological tools to eradicate hunger, from genetically engineered crops to arificial fertilizers.
- 从转基因农作物到人工肥料,人类拥有消除饥饿的必要农业技术工具。
- 14. Humanity has the necessary agro-technological tools to eradicate hunger, from genetically engineered crops to artificial fertilizers.
- 人类拥有必要的农业技术工具来消除饥饿,从转基因作物到人工肥料。
- 15. Taking that view, many European countries are restricting the cultivation and importation of genetically modified agricultural products.
- 基于这种观点,许多欧洲国家正在限制转基因农产品的种植和进口。
- 16. This case gives the court an opportunity to rein in the growing use of patents to protect genetically engineered crops and other life forms.
- 这个案件给了法院一个机会来控制专利的使用,以保护基因工程作物和其他的生命形式。
- 17. Second, it appears that closely related populations of fishes on both sides of the isthmus are starting to genetically diverge from each other.
- 其次,地峡两侧紧密相关的鱼类种群似乎开始在基因上彼此分化。
- 18. Eventually the subpopulations become so genetically distinct that they cannot interbreed even if the physical barriers between them were removed.
- 最终,这些亚种群在基因上变得如此不同,以至于即使消除了它们之间的物理障碍,它们也无法杂交。
- 19. While there's an undoubted genetic basis to individual differences, it is wrong to think that socially defined groups can be genetically accounted for.
- 毫无疑问,个体差异有遗传基础,但认为社会定义的群体可以通过遗传解释却是错误的。
- 20. Unlike other mice, mice that are genetically incapable of making these particular cells do not show elevated levels of nitrates when infected with bacteria.
- 与其他老鼠不同的是,在基因上无法制造这些特殊细胞的老鼠在感染细菌时不会表现出硝酸盐水平的升高。
- 21. She says she is aware that plenty of people do not want to eat genetically modified crops, but she is pushing ahead with every available tool until one works.
- 她表示自己意识到很多人不想吃转基因作物,但她正在推进每种可用的工具,直到其中一种发挥作用。
- 22. Like a family tree that you might use to trace back through generations of ancestors, only it's showing a family of genetically related languages instead of people.
- 就像你可以追溯祖先的家谱一样,它只是在显示与遗传相关的语言,而不是人类。
- 23. This genetically determined resting stage, characterized by the cessation of development and protein synthesis and suppression of the metabolic rate, is called diapause.
- 这种由遗传决定的休眠期被称为滞育,其特征是发育和蛋白质合成的停止以及代谢率的抑制。
- 24. Simply because they are genetically engineered does not make it any more likely for plants to become an invasive according to a decade-long study published in the journal Nature.
- 发表在《自然》杂志上的一项长达10年的研究表明:仅仅经过基因改造,并不会使植物更有可能成为入侵物种。
- 25. Barbara Frederickson, a leading international authority on the importance of positive emotions, says humans are genetically programmed to seek positive emotions such as love and joy.
- 芭芭拉·弗雷德里克森是研究积极情绪重要性的国际领先权威,她说,人类的基因决定了寻求积极情绪,比如爱和快乐。
- 26. Taking that view, many European countries are restricting the planting and importation of genetically modified agricultural products. Much of the debate hinges on perceptions of safety.
- 基于这种观点,许多欧洲国家正在限制转基因农产品的种植和进口。很多争论都取决于人们对安全的看法。
- 27. Unlike genetically modified food, space vegetables have not been genetically changed.
- 与转基因食品不同,太空蔬菜并没有经过基因突变。
- 28. In an online video posted on Nov. 26, 2018, He Jiankui, a researcher at the Southern University of Science and Technology, said that he had helped to make the world's first genetically edited babies.
- 在2018年11月26日发布的一段网络视频中,南方科技大学研究员贺建奎表示,他帮助培育了世界上第一批基因编辑婴儿。
- 29. In an online video posted on Nov. 26, 2018, He Jiankui, a researcher at the Southern University of Science and Technology, said that he had helped to make the world's first genetically edited babies.
- 在2018年11月26日发布的一段网络视频中,南方科技大学研究员贺建奎表示,他帮助培育了世界上第一批基因编辑婴儿。