- 1. He has a flair for languages.
- 他有学语言的天分。
- 2. She dresses with real flair.
- 她衣着甚有品味。
- 3. He's developed a real flair for management.
- 他在管理方面已经变得很有一套。
- 4. He was a born mechanic with a flair for design.
- 他天生是个有设计才华的机械师。
- 5. Campese was his usual mixture of flamboyance and flair.
- 坎皮斯仍像平时那样,既有派,又有才。
- 6. Their work has all the usual punch, panache and flair you'd expect.
- 如你所料,他们的作品像往常一样拥有活力、神韵和才华。
- 7. In business circles he is noted for his flair and clarity of vision.
- 在商界,他以其风度与犀利的眼光而闻名。
- 8. She has a flair for languages.
- 她有语言天才。
- 9. What kind of desk flair do you have?
- 你的书桌是什么样子的?
- 10. A visionary boss with a flair for publicity?
- 具有远见卓识、善于博取公众的老板?
- 11. Then Ford sacrificed all that muscular flair and created this.
- 接着福特牺牲了所有肌肉的天资制造出了这个。
- 12. Berlin sees its future as converting brainpower and flair into jobs.
- 柏林将来打算把才智和天赋转化成工作。
- 13. A Still, to get an a, you've got to show some flair for the subject.
- 但仍然,要想拿到,你们得表现出一点资质。
- 14. These top hobbies teach you to be creative and show your artistic flair.
- 这些排名前几的兴趣可以教会你什么是创造性,显示你的艺术本领。
- 15. They may not have the magical flair of a Lionel Messi or a Kaka, but who does?
- 也许这些球员不具备梅西、卡卡那样不可思议的才华,但谁能具备?
- 16. Of course, this is still Brazil, so there is still flair and technique aplenty.
- 当然,巴西队总归还是巴西队,依然是那么地才华横溢、技术出众。
- 17. Their critics seem to resent them because they have a flair for self-promotion.
- 他们的批评者似乎对他们很气愤,因为他们在自我抬高/标榜上很有天分。
- 18. His flair for headlines is entertaining, but it may not solve Bulgaria's problems.
- 他对于头条的敏锐洞察力很有意思,但是这并不能解决保加利亚的问题。
- 19. "He has a flair for the dramatic," says Dr Cerf, who was in the audience that day.
- “他有戏剧天份。”当天观众之一的瑟夫博士说。
- 20. Lovely flowers already became a timeless print and they add a vibrant and youthful flair.
- 可爱的花朵是永不过时的图案,它们增添活力和青春的气息。
- 21. We swear with flair, sing and cackle like hyenas. Our humour is not sophisticated but it is joyful.
- 我们发誓赌咒,像土狼一样唱歌闲聊,我们的幽默并不老于世故,但确实很开心。
- 22. With six children — yes, six — you'd think that her design flair wouldn't extend much beyond diapers.
- 她有6个孩子——多到让你觉得她的设计天分从此将被过多的家庭琐事所苑囿。
- 23. As any homesick Hellene can tell you, their country can be a maddening place for people with drive and flair.
- 正如每一个痴恋故土的希腊人都可以告诉你的那样,他们的国家对于有才干的人来说是一个疯狂的地方。
- 24. Put them into practice with your own unique flair, and you will see steady growth that may well lead to big things.
- 用你自己独特的眼光把他们付诸实践,你将目睹其稳步成长,也许会引领你成就一番大事业。
- 25. Magazines explained how to introduce flair and colour. A woman was taught to fulfil her dreams through her kitchen.
- 杂志向公众介绍如何引入风格和色彩,向妇女们宣扬可以通过厨房来实现其梦想。
- 26. Situated on an island in the St. Lawrence River, Montreal offers visitors a North American metropolis with French flair.
- 蒙特利尔市坐落在圣劳伦斯河中的岛屿上,向旅游者展现了一个具有法国风情的北美大都市。
- 27. Situated on an island in the St. Lawrence River, Montreal offers visitors a North American metropolis with French flair.
- 蒙特利尔市坐落在圣劳伦斯河中的岛屿上,向旅游者展现了一个具有法国风情的北美大都市。