- 1. Jenny's writing a film script.
- 珍妮在写一个电影脚本。
- 2. Let's stay in and watch a film.
- 咱们待在家里看电影吧。
- 3. She loaded the camera with film.
- 她在照相机里装了胶卷。
- 4. There's a good film on late.
- 深夜有一场好电影。
- 5. His latest film isn't much good.
- 他最近拍摄的影片没多大意思。
- 6. She loaded film into the camera.
- 她把胶卷装到照相机里。
- 7. Judge Lanier is a real film buff.
- 拉尼尔法官是个真正的电影迷。
- 8. She put a new film in her camera.
- 她在相机里装上新胶卷。
- 9. Film critics are dreadful moaners.
- 电影评论家都是些令人讨厌的满腹牢骚的人。
- 10. I did a BA in film making.
- 我持有电影制作文学士学位。
- 11. The film jumped during projection.
- 电影放映时跳了片。
- 12. Her latest film is a load of crap.
- 她最近的一部电影很糟糕。
- 13. I had the film developed yesterday.
- 我昨天把胶卷拿去冲印了。
- 14. He'd love to shoot his film in Cuba.
- 他很乐意在古巴拍摄他的电影。
- 15. I didn't enjoy the film (very) much.
- 我不大喜欢这部影片。
- 16. He wants a career in film production.
- 他想从事电影制作。
- 17. The TV news showed the same film clip.
- 电视新闻播放了同一个电影短片。
- 18. Many people found the film blasphemous.
- 很多人觉得那部电影亵渎了神灵。
- 19. Mather was a film critic for many years.
- 马瑟做过多年的电影评论家。
- 20. Critics attacked the film as blasphemous.
- 评论家们抨击该影片亵渎神明。
- 21. The film festival takes place in October.
- 电影节将于十月举行。
- 22. There's plenty of dark humour in the film.
- 这部电影充满了黑色幽默。
- 23. We're getting into the marrow of the film.
- 我们就要进入这部电影最精彩的部分了。
- 24. The city's film industry is in difficulty.
- 该市的电影业举步维艰。
- 25. The film was aired without commercial breaks.
- 该电影是无广告插播连续播出的。
- 26. Video film-making can quickly become addictive.
- 视频电影制作能迅速让人着迷。
- 27. She has an international reputation among film cognoscenti.
- 她在国际电影行家中享有盛名。
- 28. I enjoyed this film immensely.
- 我非常喜欢这部电影。
- 29. The film has a painterly eye.
- 这部电影有种绘画的眼光。
- 30. A film of dust coated the table.
- 桌上覆盖着一层灰尘。