- 1. The hole has been filled in.
- 洞已填平。
- 2. The boy's eyes filled with tears.
- 那男孩的眼里充满了泪水。
- 3. The school is filled to capacity.
- 这所学校已经满员。
- 4. He sluiced the bath and filled it.
- 他冲洗了浴缸,然后放满了一缸水。
- 5. The ditches had filled up with mud.
- 沟渠中积满了淤泥。
- 6. The letter filled him with foreboding.
- 这封信使他充满了不祥的预感。
- 7. The hall was filled to bursting point.
- 大厅里挤满了人。
- 8. She filled in the requisite paperwork.
- 她填写了必要的文件。
- 9. I was 17 and filled with a lot of hate.
- 我那时17岁,满腔仇恨。
- 10. Alik's words filled her heart with pride.
- 亚历克的话让她的内心充满骄傲。
- 11. The room was filled with cases of liquor.
- 房间里满是一箱箱的烈性酒。
- 12. It was a room filled with sad, sober faces.
- 这是一个满是忧伤和严肃面孔的房间。
- 13. The courtroom was filled with anticipation.
- 法庭上人们满怀期望的心情。
- 14. The smells from the kitchen filled the room.
- 满屋子都是从厨房飘来的气味。
- 15. She gagged on the blood that filled her mouth.
- 她因嘴里充满了血而作呕。
- 16. Thousands of angry demonstrators filled the square.
- 广场上聚满了成千上万的愤怒示威者。
- 17. He filled up his Toyota with regular unleaded petrol.
- 他把自己的丰田车加满了普通无铅汽油。
- 18. The newspapers once again filled their columns with salacious details.
- 这份报纸又一次用诲淫的细节填满了版面。
- 19. A milky mist filled the valley.
- 乳白色的薄雾弥漫了山谷。
- 20. He filled my glass to the top.
- 他把我的杯子斟得满满的。
- 21. The air is filled with birdsong.
- 处处闻啼鸟。
- 22. Her eyes filled with tears.
- 她眼里噙满了泪水。
- 23. Tears of anguish filled her eyes.
- 她双眸噙满了伤心的泪水。
- 24. Music filled the night air.
- 夜空荡漾着乐声。
- 25. The wind filled the sails.
- 风吹帆张。
- 26. Their laughter filled the corridor.
- 他们的笑声充满了走廊。
- 27. A crowd already filled the gallery.
- 一群人已经挤满了廊台。
- 28. The sounds of tango filled the air.
- 空中荡漾着探戈舞曲的旋律。
- 29. Her eyes suddenly filled with tears.
- 她的眼里突然噙满了泪水。
- 30. Migrating birds filled the pale sky.
- 迁徙的鸟布满了灰白的天空。