- 1. The president will be little more than a figurehead.
- 主席将只不过是个傀儡而已。
- 2. "At 81, he could only be a figurehead or 'caretaker' director-general," said diplomats, who also point to a rigorous Egyptian campaign against him.
- 外交人士说:“81岁的他只能成为一个有名无实的或者‘临时代理的’总干事。”他们还指出,埃及发起运动坚决反对他。
- 3. Antique Figurehead, possibly of Guangyin.
- 形似观音古董船首像。
- 4. Otherwise Miller would become a dispensable figurehead.
- 否则米勒就会变成可有可无的傀儡。
- 5. At least at the start, he will be little more than a figurehead.
- 至少在刚开始时,他将名不副实。
- 6. Neil told me he's looking for me to be a figurehead in the team.
- 奈尔告诉我,他希望我成为球队中的领军人物。
- 7. When they split he got a bundle of shares and this figurehead job.
- 当达斯勒家族分家之后,他得到了一笔股份以及这个挂名的职务。
- 8. The media demanded to know whether Reagan was in charge or was just a figurehead.
- 媒体后来质问,里根究竟是一个首脑,还是个傀儡。
- 9. Guide: the statue has for a century acted as a figurehead for the American Dream.
- 导游:雕像在长达一个世纪里被认为是美国梦的象征。
- 10. He was likely a mere figurehead, unable to capitalize upon his abilities or realize his dreams.
- 他很可能被架空,无法充分发挥自己的能力或者实现自己的梦想。
- 11. Typically, an Enterprise Architect is seen as a key figurehead, the bridge between business and it.
- 一般,企业架构师被看作是重要的头衔,业务和IT之间的桥梁。
- 12. They proclaimed themselves master of their territories, without even recognizing the petty figurehead of Zhou.
- 他们宣布自己掌握其领土,甚至没有认识到小额代表人物周。
- 13. Its figurehead is Mr Murdoch. Newspapers belong to this part of the company, which is why their losses are indulged.
- 它的首脑是默多克先生,报纸业务就是属于这一部分公司,所以他们的失误可以被纵容。
- 14. They could at least get a new, more palatable figurehead for international consumption and then shield Mr Bashir from the ICC.
- 至少,他们可以拥有一个新的、更容易被国际社会接受的傀儡领导,从而保护巴希尔先生免遭国际刑事法庭的的制裁。
- 15. Many second generation entrepreneurs feel they are being manipulated by their parents and are simply the figurehead of the enterprise.
- 许多第二代企业家都感到被他们的家人所操控,他们仅仅是挂名而已。
- 16. As the state's spokesman and figurehead, he has special access to the press, radio, and TV, which he fully USES to accomplish his aims.
- 作为一个州里的发言人和象征,他和报纸,无线电台和电视台都有特别的接触,并尽力利用这些接触来达到他自己的目标。
- 17. When he isn't scoring goals and playing in his best positions, he loses the confidence that comes with being the playmaker and figurehead.
- 一旦陷入球荒,又不在最适合自己的位置踢球,他会失去组织进攻和主导比赛的自信。
- 18. At her forecastle stood a grotesque figurehead, some worm-eaten wooden eminence with a constipated look and a scroll tucked up under one arm.
- 在她的前船楼上立着一座怪诞的船首像,这个虫蛀的木雕大人物看上去似乎患了便秘,其中一只胳膊下塞着一个卷轴。
- 19. But a growing number of leading Leonardo scholars agree the work is almost certainly by the Renaissance figurehead because it appears to have his fingerprint on it.
- 然而,因为该画作上有一枚似乎属于达·芬奇的指纹,越来越多著名的达·芬奇学家同意,几乎可以肯定这幅作品出自那位文艺复兴时期代表人物之手。
- 20. Acts 28:11 and after it had been three months, we put out to sea in an Alexandrian ship which had wintered in the island, with the twin sons of Zeus for its figurehead.
- 徒28:11过了三个月、我们上了亚力山太的船、往前行。这船以丢斯双子为记、是在那海岛过了冬的。
- 21. The Vikings built ships with high bows and a projecting stem bearing a menacing figurehead, similar to the ships of William I the Conqueror as seen in the Bayeux Tapestry.
- 维京人建造的船只,其船首较高,伸出的船首有着吓人的装饰物,与拜约挂毯上所见到征服者威廉一世的船只类似。
- 22. He found Penny on the forecastle, where he had so often found Ser Jorah, standing by the rail beside the cog's hideous half-rotted figurehead and gazing out across the inky sea.
- 他发现佩妮在前船楼上乔拉爵士平常逗留的地方,倚在那个丑陋的半腐烂的船首像边的栏杆上,眺望着漆黑的海。
- 23. The figurehead is of shield bearing the coast of arms of the great navigator who discovered the sea route between Europe and India, permitting the Portuguese to reach the Far East.
- 它代表着一个有伟大上将之武器的盾牌。而该上将是发现由欧洲到印度的航线,并使葡国人能达到远东。
- 24. Historically, after much struggle, Tokugawa Ieyasu did become the seii taishogun, the "great general who subdues the barbarians" and the ruler of Japan with the emperor as a figurehead.
- 历史上,经过反复的斗争,德川家康终于成为征夷大将军,意思是“蛮族征服者”和作为代替傀儡天皇统治日本。
- 25. Mr Blair, moreover, shares many of the principles that the Tories presumably want the new figurehead to project: he is a free-marketeer, an Atlanticist and an opponent of a European superstate.
- 此外,布莱尔先生还陈述了他的一些原则,即保守党大概希望新有名无实的项目很多:他是一个自由,销售者,一个大西洋和欧洲的一个超级大国对手。
- 26. Mr Blair, moreover, shares many of the principles that the Tories presumably want the new figurehead to project: he is a free-marketeer, an Atlanticist and an opponent of a European superstate.
- 此外,布莱尔先生还陈述了他的一些原则,即保守党大概希望新有名无实的项目很多:他是一个自由,销售者,一个大西洋和欧洲的一个超级大国对手。