- 1. An external auditor will verify the accounts.
- 外部审计员将核实这些账目。
- 2. Many external influences can affect your state of mind.
- 许多外在因素都可能影响人的心情。
- 3. College lecturers acted as external assessors of the exam results.
- 学院讲师是考试成绩的校外考核人。
- 4. Such events occur only when the external conditions are favourable.
- 此类事件只有当外界条件有利时才会发生。
- 5. The government is committed to reducing the country's external debt.
- 政府决心减少本国的外债。
- 6. The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.
- 发展中国家背负着巨额外债的负担。
- 7. The state has a duty to protect its citizens against external enemies.
- 国家有义务保护本国公民不受外敌侵犯。
- 8. Women tend to attribute their success to external causes such as luck.
- 女性往往把她们的成功归因于外因,如运气。
- 9. A combination of internal and external factors caused the company to close down.
- 内外因结合导致了公司的倒闭。
- 10. Those things that can be assessed by external tests are being given unduly high status.
- 那些能通过外部测试进行评估的东西受到过高重视。
- 11. The database is fully hyperlinked both within the database and to thousands of external links.
- 该数据库在其内部和成千上万的外部链接之间全部设置了超文本链接。
- 12. Why is there both external and internal pressure to look "perfect"?
- 为何会有外在和内在的双重压力来让自己看起来“完美”?
- 13. External recovery refers to actions that take place outside of work.
- 外部恢复指的是工作之外的活动。
- 14. External conditions also matter in terms of when and how often we lie.
- 对于我们说谎的时间和频率,外部条件也会造成影响。
- 15. Subsequent ant researchers have focused on external prompts for behavior.
- 后来的蚂蚁研究人员把注意力集中在外部的行为提示上。
- 16. We deal with the external factors that impact a person's situation and outlook.
- 我们处理影响一个人的处境和前景的外部因素。
- 17. Instead, thoughts make sense only in reference to the individuals external world.
- 相反,思想只有在个人的外部世界中才有意义。
- 18. The SBoRE panel will then find external statisticians to review these manuscripts.
- 然后,SBoRE小组将找到外部统计人员来审查这些手稿。
- 19. Instead, thoughts make sense only in reference to the individual's external world.
- 相反,思想只有在个人的外部世界中才有意义。
- 20. Give yourself the resources to be tough by creating internal and external recovery periods.
- 通过建立内部和外部恢复期,为自己变强提供动力。
- 21. In the reversible case, an external pressure is essentially equal to the internal pressure.
- 在可逆的情况下,外部压力基本上等于内部压力。
- 22. As a result, its activities are shifted relative to the external cycle of the new environment.
- 因此,它的活动相对于新环境的外部循环发生了转移。
- 23. By contrast, an external system serves as an interface between a company and its customer base.
- 相比之下,外部系统是公司与其客户群之间的接口。
- 24. If you're trying to build resilience at work, you need adequate internal and external recovery periods.
- 如果你想在工作中培养复原力,就需要充分的内外部恢复时间。
- 25. The continuation of biological rhythms in an organism without external cues attests to its having an internal clock.
- 在没有外部提示的情况下,生物体中生物节律依然能够延续,这能证明它体内有一个时钟。
- 26. Compared with the East, however, the West faced a greater number of external threats along more permeable frontiers.
- 然而,与东方相比,西方在更容易渗透的边界上面临着更多的外部威胁。
- 27. By isolating organisms completely from external periodic cues, biologists learned that organisms have internal clocks.
- 通过将生物体与外部的周期信号完全隔离,生物学家了解到生物体有内部的生物钟。
- 28. Psychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity.
- 对于外部奖赏(从热情的赞扬到冷冰冰的现金)如何影响积极性和创造力,心理学家持相反的观点。
- 29. Today many people find it difficult to trust their own opinion and seek balance by gaining objectivity from external sources.
- 如今很多人觉得很难信服自己的观点,并通过从外部来源获取客观性来寻求平衡。
- 30. They operate by eroding your trust in your own intellect, gradually convincing you to put your trust into some external entity.
- 它们通过削弱您对自己智力的信任,逐渐说服你把信任放在某个外部实体上。