- 1. They are not eligible for sick pay.
- 他们没有资格领病假工资。
- 2. He's only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote.
- 他只有17岁,因此没有投票选举的资格。
- 3. Only 60% of eligible voters actually used their vote.
- 只有60%的符合资格的投票人行使了选举权。
- 4. What percentage of eligible voters cast their ballots ?
- 有资格的选民中投票的百分比是多少?
- 5. My mother never worked, so she's not eligible for Social Security.
- 我母亲从未工作过,因此她不符合社会保险资格。
- 6. You may be eligible for a discretionary grant for your university course.
- 读大学课程可能会有资格获得学校自行决定是否发放的助学金。
- 7. The electoral council announced that all eligible people would get a chance to vote.
- 选举委员会曾宣布所有符合条件者都将获得投票机会。
- 8. Although sentenced to life, he will become eligible for parole after serving 10 years.
- 尽管被判无期,服刑10年后他将有资格获得假释。
- 9. There are now 117 cardinals who can be cardinal electors, that is, eligible to enter the secret conclave that will choose the next pope.
- 现在有117位红衣主教可以做教宗选举人,也就是说,有资格参与选举下届教皇的秘密会议。
- 10. Your project is definitely eligible.
- 你的项目绝对合格。
- 11. Inflation in the intervening period has been negligible, and the increase has been duly received by all eligible Runagians.
- 在此期间的通货膨胀率可以忽略不计,所有符合条件的鲁纳吉人都适当地收到了增加的款项。
- 12. He's the most eligible bachelor in Japan.
- 他是日本最令人中意的单身汉。
- 13. When are you eligible to vote in your country?
- 在你们国家多大才有资格投票选举呢?
- 14. Only refugees are eligible for resettlement abroad.
- 只有难民才符合移居国外的条件。
- 15. Only those over 70 are eligible for the special payment.
- 只有70岁以上的人才有资格领取这项专款。
- 16. Who is eligible to apply for membership of the association?
- 谁有资格申请加入这个协会?
- 17. Blind and disabled people are eligible for SSI even under age 65.
- 即使年龄不足65岁,盲人和残疾人也有资格获得附加社会保障收入。
- 18. Almost half the population are eligible to vote in today's election.
- 将近一半的居民有资格在今天的选举中投票。
- 19. He is an eligible bachelor in this city.
- 他是这个城市里的黄金单身汉。
- 20. You could be eligible for funding for club events.
- 你有资格获得俱乐部活动的资助。
- 21. Passengers who pass a background check are eligible to use expedited screening lanes.
- 通过了背景调查的乘客有资格使用加急安检通道。
- 22. If you are a teenager living in certain parts of the province, you could be eligible for this program.
- 如果你是居住在该省某些地区的青少年,你将有资格参加这个项目。
- 23. The Haitians are eligible to pursue political asylum in the US but have been barred from entry because most have the AIDS virus.
- 这些海地人有资格在美国寻求政治庇护,但却由于他们中的大多数人携带艾滋病病毒而被禁止入境。
- 24. Although women first served on state juries in Utah in 1898, it was not until the 1940s that a majority of states made women eligible for jury duty.
- 虽然早在1898年,已有妇女在犹他州担任州陪审团,但直到20世纪40年代,大多数州才允许妇女担任陪审员。
- 25. Shilpa now has the additional responsibility of giving information and advice on anything to do with housing, such as finding out what's available, or whether you're eligible for financial help.
- 希尔帕现在有额外的义务提供与住房相关的任何信息和建议,比如可以找到什么房子,或者你是否有资格获得财政援助。
- 26. If not, which ones are eligible?
- 如果不是,哪个是符合条件的?
- 27. The doctor said her liver was eligible.
- 医生说她的肝可以移植了。
- 28. Are you eligible for unemployment benefits?
- 你是否可以得到失业补贴?
- 29. Are you eligible for unemployment benefits?
- 你够条件领失业保险吗?
- 30. Are you eligible for unemployment benefits?
- 你够条件领失业保险吗?