- 1. Buchanan has never held elective office.
- 布坎南从未担任过选任职位。
- 2. Most of the students of our class take Japanese as an elective course.
- 我们班大部分同学选修日语。
- 3. To learn more about Chinese culture, Jack has decided to take Chinese folk music as an elective course.
- 为了更多地了解中国文化,杰克决定选修中国民间音乐。
- 4. It used to be that the second semester of International Banking was an elective, but now it says it's a required class.
- 以前,第二学期的国际银行学是选修课,但现在它变成了必修课。
- 5. As for the advantages, elective courses should be open.
- 出于这些优势,选修课是应该要开的。
- 6. Though aging is not elective, cosmetic procedures should be.
- 虽然衰老是不可选择的,但整容手术却是可选择的。
- 7. Besides the required courses, I'm taking an elective in the Lab Science.
- 除必修科目外,选修科目我选了实验科学。
- 8. These surgeries range from lifesaving operations to elective procedures.
- 这些手术类型的范围从救命的到普通可以选择的。
- 9. A preference for boys in India and elsewhere leads to elective abortion of female fetuses.
- 在印度和其他地方,重男轻女的人们通常选择性堕胎剥夺女性胎儿的生存权。
- 10. The number of Black women in elective office has increased from 131 in 1970 to 1,950 in 1990.
- 1990年,在有选举产生的职位上,黑人妇女的数量从1970年的131人增至1990年的1950人。
- 11. The elective was just one of a growing number that aim to bring practical topics to the classroom.
- 如今,为了将更多的实用性课题引进教室,这样的选修课越来越多了。
- 12. May: Fortunately her class is just an elective course, not as important as compulsory courses.
- 阿美:幸亏她的课只是门选修课,不像必修课那么重要。
- 13. Surgery is almost always by your choice (elective) and can be scheduled when it is convenient.
- 要不要做手术几乎都是由你自己决定的(选择性),而且这类手术属于择期手术。
- 14. The elective use of aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is discouraged for refractive cases.
- 对于屈光不正的病例,我们不建议选择性使用阿司匹林及非甾体类消炎药。
- 15. A full-term pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, but elective deliveries are often planned for two or three weeks earlier.
- 妊娠期满需要40周,但是自主安排分娩时间往往将产期提前两三周,甚至37周,而这却被认为是妊娠期满。
- 16. He used an elective system, replacing the stereotype of classical courses, students can pursue their professional interest.
- 他采用选修制,取代了刻板的古典课程,学生们可以攻读他们感兴趣的专业。
- 17. The inn offers an "abbreviated services model" that includes online booking, virtual check-in, keyless entry and elective housekeeping.
- 这家酒店提供的是一种“精简的服务模式”,包括在线预订、虚拟办理住宿手续、无钥匙入住及精选客房服务。
- 18. Now he worries about graduating on time, having been locked out of some overcrowded courses, including Spanish and a public-policy elective.
- 现在他担心自己能不能按时毕业,好几门过度拥挤的课程他都没能选上,包括西班牙语和一门公共政策选修课。
- 19. You may need to pay out-of-pocket for any fees associated with elective breast implants, including follow-up screening and corrective surgery.
- 一切与该手术有关的费用您都需要自费,包括后续的常规扫描检查和矫形手术。
- 20. More recently, Dusek et al studied 60 patients who underwent successful elective single-vessel PCI for the management of stable angina pectoris.42.
- 最近,Dusek等人研究了60位成功接受了选择性单血管pci的病人(文献42)。
- 21. "It might be appropriate to delay a truly elective surgery, but they represent only a small percentage of procedures in very young children," he says.
- 推迟一些不必要的手术是合适的,但是这类手术只占幼儿医疗程序的很小一部分,他说道。
- 22. Previous studies have found that cortisol levels in cord blood are lowest in babies born by elective Caesarean, followed by spontaneous vaginal delivery.
- 先前的研究发现,婴儿脐带血中的皮质醇水平剖腹产最低,其次是顺产。
- 23. Mission and NGO hospitals make a valuable contribution to elective surgery, and externally funded surgeons make an important contribution to specialist surgery.
- 教会和民间组织医院为选择性外科手术做出了宝贵贡献,并且外部资助的外科医生也为专家外科手术做出了重要贡献。
- 24. Mission and NGO hospitals make a valuable contribution to elective surgery, and externally funded surgeons make an important contribution to specialist surgery.
- 教会和民间组织医院为选择性外科手术做出了宝贵贡献,并且外部资助的外科医生也为专家外科手术做出了重要贡献。