- 1. Effluent from the sedimentation tank is dosed with disinfectant to kill any harmful organisms.
- 从沉降池流出的废水被加入消毒剂以杀死一切有害生物。
- 2. "Sewage sludge" means sludge arising from urban effluent treatment plant and includes pretreatment waste, scourings and unstabilised sludge.
- “下水道淤泥”,是指经城市污水处理厂产生的淤渣,包括预处理的废物、污垢和性质不稳定的淤泥。
- 3. Do you know who should pay Trade Effluent Surcharge (" TES ")?
- 您知道何人应付“工商业污水附加费”吗?
- 4. Fixing the levels of effluent charges poses some severe problems.
- 把排污收费规定在一个水平上,又引起一些严重问题。
- 5. The effluent from the factory makes the river unsafe for swimming.
- 工厂放出的废水把这条河弄得不能游泳了。
- 6. The resulting effluent is then diluted upon combination with the total plant effluent .
- 所得的排出水与全厂排水汇合而被稀释。
- 7. The technology has been used in pulp effluent treatment at home and abroad successfully.
- 该技术在国内外已成功用于制浆废水的处理。
- 8. There is only, at best , random monitoring of wastewater effluent by the pollution control agency.
- 污染控制机关充其量只是偶尔检查工厂的排水情况。
- 9. Oxygen sag — a point of low dissolved oxygen concentration generally located around effluent injection points.
- 氧松弛——低溶点氧通常集中位于污水注入点附近。
- 10. Biochemical oxygen demand — the measure of the oxygen demand placed on a stream by any particular volume of effluent.
- 生化耗氧量——在由特定容量排放的小河中氧需求的测量。
- 11. Of the 13 priority pollutant metals tested for, two are found in elevated levels in passivation waste effluent waters.
- 在经检测的13种优先级污染金属中,发现有两种金属在钝化废液中的水平有所增加。
- 12. He revealed hidden pipes that discharged black effluent from local factories into the river, which flows into Lake Tai.
- 他揭露出了隐藏的管道,从当地工厂向河水泻出黑色污水并且流向太湖。
- 13. A new technical proposal for paper effluent treatment has been provided the effluent treatment could be run efficiently.
- 为造纸废水处理提供了新的技术方案,可望使废水处理达到效益化运行。
- 14. The EPD governs the toxic organic and inorganic chemicals contained in the final effluent discharging into water courses.
- 环保署管辖的有毒有机和无机化学课程中包含的水进入最后的污水排放。
- 15. Zoned effluent charge — a charge on effluent that applies different per-unit rates to sources depending on their location.
- 区域排放付费——依据他们不同的地理位置适用不同的每单位资源率所支付的排放费用。
- 16. The effluent poured out of a reservoir at the MAL aluminium plant in nearby Ajka on Monday, after a wall cracked and collapsed.
- 周一,Ajka附近MAL铝厂一处废水池的一堵墙崩裂倒塌,随后污水倾泻而出。
- 17. Updated the ODCM and procedures to incorporate the affected subsurface drain outfall into a permitted effluent release path.
- 更新将受影响的地下疏水混入经许可的液态排放途径的ODCM和程序。
- 18. Uniform emission charge — a charge on effluent that applies the same per-unit rate to all sources regardless of their size or location.
- 均匀排放支付费——对于废水排放的费用,它对所有资源不管其规模或是位置都使用相同每单位费率。
- 19. The results of his investigations led Sumpter to suspect that man-made industrial chemicals in sewage effluent were acting as female oestrogens.
- 根据此项研究结果,桑普特教授猜测,排放污水当中的人造工业化学物,就起到雌性激素的作用。
- 20. Like these penalties, existing effluent charge systems in other countries involve fees on discharges in excess of fixed effluent standards.
- 像这些惩罚一样,其他国家现行的污水排放收费制度也涉及到超过特定污水标准收费问题。
- 21. EVERY year the average sow and her piglets produce 9.2 tonnes of carbon-dioxide equivalent through the methane emissions from their effluent.
- 母猪跟小猪每年制造9.2吨二氧化碳——从它们的排泄物所释放的甲烷换算而来。
- 22. Treating combined sewage effluent from a secondary treatment plant, the process achieved 94.5% cadmium removal for the trace quantities present .
- 用这种方法处理二级处理厂排出的综合下水,可除去水中含镉量的94.5。
- 23. The practical application of physicochemical - aerobic process in wool - depilation effluent treatment treatment project is especially introduced.
- 着重介绍物化—好氧工艺在洗毛废水处理工程中的实际应用。
- 24. The practical application of physicochemical - aerobic process in wool - depilation effluent treatment treatment project is especially introduced.
- 着重介绍物化—好氧工艺在洗毛废水处理工程中的实际应用。