- 1. The hills sent back a faint echo.
- 座座山丘传来微弱的回声。
- 2. There was an echo on the line and I couldn't hear clearly.
- 电话里有回音,我听不清楚。
- 3. His words were an echo of what she had heard many times before.
- 他的话是她多次听到过的话的重复。
- 4. In our case, we have found the true acoustic echo beacon.
- 在我们的例子中,我们找到了真正的声学回声信标。
- 5. The girl let out a giggle that seemed to echo, and she ran away.
- 那女孩发出一声似乎是回声的咯咯笑声,然后跑开了。
- 6. The father explains, "People call this ECHO, but really this is life."
- 父亲解释说:“人们称这为‘回音',但实际上这就是人生。”
- 7. Those produce a large number of faint reflections in what's called as: a smooth of echo.
- 这些(松针并不茂密的松树)能产生大量微弱的反射,我们称之为“平滑回声”。
- 8. I read that concert halls designed for symphony orchestras have too much echo for jazz music.
- 我听说,为交响乐团设计的音乐厅里有太多爵士乐的回音。
- 9. You are on the right track—it is actually the echo of all the leaves as a whole that matters.
- 你找对思路了——真正重要的是所有树叶整体的回声。
- 10. We shouted in the valley, and in an instant the echo came from the hillside with great distinctness.
- 我们在山谷中高呼,回声霎时间就从山腰上清晰地返回。
- 11. We shouted in the valley, and in an instant, the echo came from the hillside with great distinctness.
- 我们在山谷里大喊,不一会儿,回声就清晰地从山坡上传来。
- 12. These just fade out on shallow beaches, so the whale doesn't hear an echo and it crashes onto the shore.
- 这些声音在浅滩上逐渐消失,所以鲸鱼没有听到回声,就撞到了岸边。
- 13. So, the echoes from a tree are going to a mass of chaotic acoustic reflections, not like the echo from a moth.
- 所以,树的回声会是一团混乱的声波反射,而不像飞蛾的回声那样。
- 14. By hanging panels of sound absorbing felt on the walls, Sabine reduced the echo enough to make the hall usable.
- 通过在墙上悬挂吸音板,Sabine减少了足够的回声,使大厅可用。
- 15. These bats can distinguish between the two, and not just with trees, but with any echo that comes in a smooth or rough shape.
- 这些蝙蝠能够区分这两种声音,不仅仅是通过树木的回声,而是通过任何平滑或粗糙的回声。
- 16. Usually, as they swim, they make clicking noises, and the resulting sound waves are reflected in an echo and travel back to them.
- 通常,当它们游泳时,会发出咔嚓的声音,所产生的声波会在回声中被反射回到它们身边。
- 17. These findings echo earlier research that suggests our perception of food can sometimes trick our body's response to the food itself.
- 这些发现与早期的研究相呼应,即我们对食物的感知有时会欺骗我们的身体对食物本身的反应。
- 18. These structures had been detected years earlier by echo-sounding instruments, but they had never been penetrated in the course of drilling.
- 这些结构在早些年曾被回声探测器探测到,但是它们从未被钻探过。
- 19. I think your husband should legalize immigration. Please put a statue of me in Echo Park. Thank you. No, really. I want a tuxedo on the statue.
- 我认为你的丈夫应该使移民合法化。请在回声公园给我立个雕像。谢谢。不,说真的。我希望雕像是穿一身礼服的。
- 20. For example, one echo they quickly identify is the one they associate with a moth, which is common prey for a bat, particularly a moth beating its wings.
- 例如,他们很快就能识别出与飞蛾有关的回声,飞蛾是蝙蝠的常见猎物,尤其是扑打翅膀的飞蛾。
- 21. He found that the length of time it takes a sound's echo to decay is determined by the absorption of the sound's original energy by surrounding material.
- 他发现,声音回声衰减的时间长短取决于周围物质对声音原始能量的吸收。
- 22. The data he compiled yielded a mathematical formula for the relationship between a room's echo duration, its quantity and quality of sound-absorbing materials, and its spatial volume.
- 他收集的数据得出了一个关于房间回声持续时间、吸音材料的数量和质量以及空间体积之间关系的数学公式。
- 23. Their views often echo each other.
- 他们的见解常常彼此附和。
- 24. The old fable continues to echo down the centuries.
- 这一古老的寓言流传了数个世纪。
- 25. Pinks and beiges were chosen to echo the colours of the ceiling.
- 粉色和米色被选来反映天花板的那些颜色。
- 26. The Virgilian echo gives this passage in Milton an unmistakable pathos and an undeniable beauty.
- 这个维吉尔式的共鸣使弥尔顿的这一段,有了一种一目了然的悲怆和不可否认的绝美。
- 27. Echo is always complaining about her job as a cashier, but frankly it's something to have a job in these difficult days.
- 厄科总是在抱怨她当出纳员的工作,但坦白地说,在这样困难的日子里有份工作就很不错了。
- 28. Samson begins to echo Milton from the invocation that we've been looking at, the invocation to Book Three of Paradise Lost.
- 从我们一直看的祈祷,从《失乐园》第三卷中的祈求,参孙开始附和弥尔顿。
- 29. But an oak which has fewer but bigger leaves with stronger reflections, produces a jagged wave form, or what we called a rough echo.
- 但是,橡树的叶子少而又大,反射力较强,会产生参差不齐的声波,或所谓的“粗糙回声”。
- 30. He is an echo of his master.
- 他是主人的应声虫。