- 1. Reading the book is like being an eavesdropper as two companions take a long country walk.
- 读这本书就像是偷听两个在乡村道路上漫步的人一样。
- 2. That third party Eavesdropper do not know whether there is a general document which embedding secret information.
- 即第三方无从知道一般文档里面是否还有秘密信息。
- 3. If we reused the key, the eavesdropper would likely see a different value placed on the network due to the random padding.
- 通过这样一填充,即使我们重用密钥,偷听者在网络上两次看到的数也是不一样的。
- 4. Otherwise, a malicious eavesdropper on any router between your server and the end user can very easily sniff the sensitive information out of the network packets.
- 否则,恶意的监听者就可以在你的应用程序与最终用户之间的任何路由器上通过数据包探嗅到那些敏感的信息。
- 5. It might be feasible to clone the connection between a Bluetooth headset and phone so an eavesdropper could connect to the phone while its owner was briefly out of earshot.
- 偷听者克隆蓝牙和电话的联接,当主人不在听力所及的范围时,就可以和电话联通,这种办法也是可行的。
- 6. It is difficult for an eavesdropper to extract information about chaotic systems for every bit of pseudo-random number generator is generated from three different chaotic orbits.
- 因为伪随机数发生器的每一位是由三个不同的混沌轨道产生的,所以对攻击者来说,提取混沌系统信息是非常难的。
- 7. Tranerring a PHP file that contains database passwords to your remote Webserver over an insecure protocol like FTP can allow an eavesdropper to sniff the packets and reveal your password.
- 用FTP上传包含数据库用户名和密码的PHP文件到远程WEB服务器时,恶意的监听者就会通过探嗅数据包来获得密码。
- 8. Transferring a PHP file that contains database passwords to your remote Webserver over an insecure protocol like FTP can allow an eavesdropper to sniff the packets and reveal your password.
- 用FTP上传包含数据库用户名和密码的PHP文件到远程WEB服务器时,恶意的监听者就会通过探嗅数据包来获得密码。
- 9. Transferring a PHP file that contains database passwords to your remote Webserver over an insecure protocol like FTP can allow an eavesdropper to sniff the packets and reveal your password.
- 用FTP上传包含数据库用户名和密码的PHP文件到远程WEB服务器时,恶意的监听者就会通过探嗅数据包来获得密码。