- 1. The days of the dutiful wife, who sacrifices her career for her husband, are over.
- 顺从的妻子为了丈夫而牺牲自己事业的时代已经结束了。
- 2. I am a disappointing, though generally dutiful, student. That is, I do as I'm told.
- 我是个令人失望的学生,尽管一般来说我很听话,也就是说,我按别人说的做。
- 3. The dutiful daughter.
- 这个孝顺的女儿。
- 4. A teacher should be patient and dutiful.
- 当老师的应该有耐心和责任心。
- 5. I went to visit my mother like a dutiful son.
- 我像一般孝顺的儿子一样去看我母亲。
- 6. With such dutiful children, why bother with crabs?
- 有这么孝顺的孩子,吃不吃螃蟹又能怎样呢?
- 7. Rather, it conjures up a quiet and dutiful domesticity.
- 但这幅画营造出一种安静祥和且各司其职的家庭生活。
- 8. Ramon runs the business here, for my parents. He's the dutiful son.
- 拉蒙经营这里的生意,为我父母。他是个孝顺的儿子。
- 9. He arrived in office certain that Whitehall was the dutiful Rolls-Royce of legend.
- 他来到这就清楚白厅是尽职的传说中的劳斯莱斯。
- 10. The potential danger besetting the Lady is certainly a subject of some concern for her dutiful brothers.
- 包围着这位女士的潜在危险,当然是,一个思考他那顺从的兄弟的话题。
- 11. Junpei, ever the dutiful friend, doesn't voice any objections, and Takatsuki and Sayoko become a couple.
- 纯平,这位一度忠实的朋友,没有提出任何反对意见,高摫和小夜子成了夫妻。
- 12. They were smart, dutiful, and, as long as employers could make the jobs more convenient for them, more reliable.
- 她们聪明,顺从,只要雇主把工作安排得更方便一些,她们就更可靠。
- 13. She is a dutiful congregant in the church of Europe, not a prophet like earlier chancellors, such as Helmut Kohl.
- 在欧洲的教堂里,她是一个尽职的教徒,不像之前的首相那样愿意当预言家,比如赫尔穆特·科尔。
- 14. All things happen for a reason. The death of my father helped shape me into the person I am today, a dutiful son.
- 所有事情都事出有因。通过我父亲的死才塑造了如今的我,一个能负担起家庭责任的儿子。
- 15. So Charles at 60 is dutiful, yes; radical, certainly; but appearing to care more for the planet than his subjects.
- 这就是进入花甲之年的查尔斯:尽职尽责,没错;激进,当然;不过,他似乎拥有人类大同的观点,关心地球更胜于关心臣民。
- 16. I'm come to fetch you home; and I hope you'll be a dutiful daughter, and not encourage my son to further disobedience.
- 我是来把你带回家去的;我希望你作个孝顺的儿媳妇,不要再鼓励我的儿子不听话了。
- 17. Jackson's final years in the Lexington community earned him a reputation as an honest and dutiful man of devout faith.
- 杰克逊晚年在列克星敦州社区里因为其诚实和虔诚的信仰而赢得了信誉。
- 18. Israel's proposals seem dutiful, an acknowledgment of a stalemate that not even so ferocious an assault on Hamas can undo.
- 以色列的建议似乎还有点儿责任心,以色列也已经承认了目前的僵局,如此凶猛的攻击居然都没打退哈马斯。
- 19. Give her protection, security and respect, she will be the most dutiful wife in the world and the best mother for your kids.
- 只要保护她,尊重她,让她有安全感,那么她将成为世界上最尽职的妻子,孩子们最慈爱的母亲。
- 20. In other words, your type a co-workers who are annoyingly ambitious and dutiful are no more likely to have a heart attack than you are.
- 换句话说,你那些被有进取心和使命感的人包围的同事得心脏病的可能性比你低。
- 21. She has shown herself industrious, dutiful conscientious, intelligent and reliable. You will not fail to find her amiable and cooperative.
- 她工作刻苦,认真负责,勤勤恳恳,精明能干,忠实可靠,待人和蔼,富有合作精神。
- 22. Then addressing himself to his son, he said, "I believe you, son, to be so dutiful a child, that you will not refuse Morgiana for your wife.
- 然后就亲自向他的儿子正式宣布,他说,“我相信你,儿子,是一个本分的孩子,你不能拒绝娶莫吉安娜做你的妻子。
- 23. Then addressing himself to his son, he said, "I believe you, son, to be so dutiful a child, that you will not refuse Morgiana for your wife.
- 然后就亲自向他的儿子正式宣布,他说,“我相信你,儿子,是一个本分的孩子,你不能拒绝娶莫吉安娜做你的妻子。