- 1. Their marriage went downhill after the first child was born.
- 自第一个孩子出生后他们的婚姻便开始走下坡路了。
- 2. I started work as a journalist and it was downhill all the way for my health.
- 我开始当记者后,身体每况愈下。
- 3. On the descents, cyclists spin past cars, freewheeling downhill at tremendous speed.
- 在下坡道上,自行车手们飞快地掠过汽车,靠惯性极速冲下山去。
- 4. His health was getting steadily worse.; His health went steadily downhill.
- 他的健康每况愈下。
- 5. If you head downhill and follow any H2O you find, you should eventually see signs of people.
- 如果你朝下坡的方向,跟着发现的水源走,应该最终会看到人烟。
- 6. At that time our relations were going upwards, but since then they have been going downwards [downhill].
- 那时我们的关系是走上坡路,此后就开始走下坡路了。
- 7. When you find yourself off a trail, but not in a completely unfamiliar area of land, you have to answer two questions: Which way is downhill, in this particular area?
- 当发现自己偏离路线,但又并非身处完全陌生的区域时,你要回答两个问题:在这片区域,哪边是下坡方向?
- 8. He headed downhill toward the river.
- 他朝山脚下的小河走去。
- 9. Well, I guess it's all downhill from here.
- 好,我想从现在起该一帆风顺了。
- 10. It's all downhill from here. We'll soon be finished.
- 从这以后就容易了。我们很快就会结束。
- 11. She took her feet off the pedals and coasted downhill.
- 她把脚从自行车的踏板上松开,沿山坡滑行而下。
- 12. I was approaching a fairly sharp bend that swept downhill to the left.
- 我那时正接近一个朝山下向左急转的弯道。
- 13. Since I started to work longer hours things have gone steadily downhill.
- 自从我延长了工作时间以后,情况不断恶化。
- 14. It's been all downhill for his career since then, with four defeats in five games.
- 从那时起他的战绩便江河日下,五场比赛输掉了四场。
- 15. Things went quickly downhill for the mother and the daughter after that.
- 从那以后,母亲和女儿的关系很快就开始走下坡路。
- 16. Your chances of being more carefully considered for the job can quickly go downhill just by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.
- 如果你在错误的时间说了错误的话,在这份工作上你被仔细考虑的机会就会迅速减少。
- 17. The production in some areas went steadily downhill.
- 某些地区的生产在滑坡。
- 18. Also shun fast downhill running.
- 还要避免快速下坡跑步。
- 19. The rest of the way is downhill.
- 剩下的路都是下坡路。
- 20. After that, it is often downhill.
- 这之后,就常常是走下坡路了。
- 21. We picked up speed as we went downhill.
- 下山时我们的速度加快了。
- 22. Let's say it's a downhill process.
- 我把它叫做下坡反应。
- 23. She bent at the knee when she skied downhill.
- 她滑雪下山时曲膝下蹲。
- 24. But then these efforts began to go downhill.
- 之后,这些努力就开始走下坡路。
- 25. Now this object wants to slide downhill.
- 现在物体要下滑。
- 26. I feel our relationship is going downhill.
- 我感觉我们的感情在变坏。
- 27. After that, for me, the course went downhill.
- 这之后,对我来说,课程的事降到了谷底。
- 28. The dollar ended the year as it began: heading downhill.
- 今年,美元的终结恰如其开局:就是每况愈下。
- 29. The dollar ended the year as it began: heading downhill.
- 今年,美元的终结恰如其开局:就是每况愈下。