- 1. His political adversaries would like to discredit him.
- 他的政敌想破坏他的声誉。
- 2. Agents provocateurs may seek to discredit the opposition.
- 卧底可能会设法败坏反对派的名誉。
- 3. They spread disinformation in order to discredit politicians.
- 他们为破坏政治家们的名声故意散布假信息。
- 4. The photos were deliberately taken to discredit the President.
- 这些蓄意拍摄的照片旨在败坏总统的名声。
- 5. Violent football fans bring discredit on the teams they support.
- 狂热的足球迷败坏了他们所支持球队的声誉。
- 6. Don't be a discredit to the collective.
- 别给集体丢脸。
- 7. Violent fans bring discredit on their teams.
- 粗野的球迷给他们的球队丢脸。
- 8. Such behaviour can only discredit upon him.
- 这样的行为只能使他不光彩。
- 9. It is unprecedented for prosecutors to discredit their own star witness.
- 检察官怀疑自己的主要证人,这是史无前例的。
- 10. People may use a straw man to discredit theories to which they do not subscribe.
- 人们通常利用一个稻草人作为一个他们不支持的理论的代言人。
- 11. This impoverishing definition is even easier to discredit than the monetarist description.
- 这样贫乏的定义甚至比货币主义者们的描述更值得怀疑。
- 12. In Edith Wilson's account of Oct. 2, she takes great pains to discredit Ike Hoover's account.
- 伊迪丝·威尔逊在对10月2日事件的叙述中,煞费苦心地证实艾克·胡佛的叙述是假的。
- 13. That's not to discredit the premise that you should do what you love, and the money will follow.
- 不必怀疑这样的前提:你应该做你爱做的,钱就会跟着来。
- 14. His supporters said it was a conspiracy to discredit him; Zimbabwe's Catholic church also stood by him.
- 据大主教的支持者说,这只是一个让他蒙羞的阴谋,津巴布韦的天主教堂也支持他。
- 15. She tried her best to discredit Peter but he has a loyal female following and is seen as one of the good guys.
- 乔丹竭尽全力地诋毁彼得,但是彼得拥有忠实的女性支持者,而且大家都认为他是个好男人。
- 16. Unfortunately, its applicability in hardware development-or lack thereof-tends to be used to discredit agile altogether.
- 不幸地是,在硬件研发中适用性的缺乏,意图打破敏捷的这个特征。
- 17. Critics say the messages show climate change scientists discussing ways to discredit other theories about global warming.
- 批评人士说那信息显示讨论怀疑其它气候变暖理论的方法的气候变化科学家。
- 18. It certainly fits the profile to try and discredit anyone who point out that our lifestyle isn't very healthy in the long run.
- 因此,那些指出我们的生活方式从长远来看不是很健康的人理所当然会受到质疑和诋毁。
- 19. It is primarily through formal education that a culture tries to perpetuate the ideas it favors and discredit the ideas it fears.
- 如果一个文化想要它认为好的理念永世长存而摈弃它厌恶的理念,主要是通过正规的教育。
- 20. Your lively talents would place you in the greatest danger in an unequal marriage. You could scarcely escape discredit and misery.
- 以你这样了不起的才能,要是婚姻攀得不相称,那是极其危险的,那你就很难逃得了丢脸和悲惨的下场。
- 21. Back in the mid nineties, a different astronomer tried exactly the same trick to get themselves some fame and discredit astrology.
- 九十年代中期,一个不同的天文学家尽可能地用相同的诡计为自己博取名声并诋毁占星术。
- 22. That it is intended as a kind of joke to, in many ways, discredit the idea of the just city or at least to indicate its extreme implausibility.
- 目的是要用作戏谑,在很多方面,使人怀疑正义之城的概念,或至少是要指明其极难令人置信。
- 23. Among other things, the firm proposed creating fake online identities to infiltrate and discredit progressive groups such as U.S. Chamber Watch.
- 除此之外,这家公司还曾伪造线上身份用来渗透和诋毁u.s. Chamber Watch等进步团体。
- 24. They said I had bleached my skin, and I tried every means to discredit me! When I was standing in front of the mirror, I knew I was a black man!
- 他们说我漂白了自己的皮肤,用尽一切手段来诋毁我,这些完全都是阴谋!当我站在镜子前面时,我知道自己是个黑人!
- 25. At her engagement to Charles, the tabloids scoured Diana's past to find racy bits of information to discredit her — much to their disappointment.
- 在与查尔斯订婚后,小报记者深挖戴安娜的过去,试图找些绯闻来大做文章,但最后大部分人都失望而归。
- 26. When they do they have an incredible impact, but when they don't, they are not simply a bit less effective: they discredit the promulgating authority.
- 他们这样做时有一个不可思议的影响,但他们不这样做,他们不是一点效果没有。
- 27. Lily: But the interviewers don’t think so,they discredit the unmarried women above the normal age have mentality defects, although they are turly bright people.
- 但是面试官却认为年龄这么大了还没结婚也没男朋友,怀疑她们有心理缺陷,尽管她们确实是人才。
- 28. Lily: But the interviewers don’t think so,they discredit the unmarried women above the normal age have mentality defects, although they are turly bright people.
- 但是面试官却认为年龄这么大了还没结婚也没男朋友,怀疑她们有心理缺陷,尽管她们确实是人才。