- 1. They held daily press briefings.
- 他们召开了每日例行的新闻发布会。
- 2. The plants want to be watered daily.
- 这些花草需要天天浇水。
- 3. The machines are inspected twice daily.
- 机器每日检查两次。
- 4. We fly between Rome and Paris twice daily.
- 我们每天有两次航班穿梭于罗马和巴黎之间。
- 5. Events of this description occurred daily.
- 这类事件每天都有发生。
- 6. The museum is open daily throughout the year.
- 这个博物馆一年到头每天都开放。
- 7. Her daily life involved meeting lots of people.
- 她在日常生活中要接触很多人。
- 8. Cathay Pacific flies daily nonstop to Hong Kong.
- 国泰航空的航班每天直飞香港。
- 9. There are daily conference calls with Washington.
- 与华盛顿方面有每日电话会议。
- 10. They are open outside normal daily banking hours.
- 它们在银行日常营业时间以外开放。
- 11. Commuting is a part of daily life for many people.
- 乘车上下班是许多人日常生活的一部分。
- 12. Now there are thousands of podcasts available daily.
- 现在每天有数千个播客可供下载。
- 13. After May 19, strikes were occurring on a daily basis.
- 在5月19日以后,罢工每天都在发生。
- 14. The castle is open daily from May to October inclusive.
- 这个古堡从五月起每天开放,直至十月底。
- 15. My duties seem to change daily at the whim of the boss.
- 我的职责似乎随着老板的兴致每天改变。
- 16. Everywhere people were going about their daily business.
- 无论哪里人们都在忙着干日常工作。
- 17. I take wheat and yeast tablets daily to purify the blood.
- 我每天服用小麦酵母片来净化血液。
- 18. Daily facial exercises help to retain the skin's elasticity.
- 每日的面部运动有助于保持皮肤弹性。
- 19. The players had to change their daily routine and lifestyle.
- 这些运动员不得不改变他们的每日常规和生活方式。
- 20. It is the nation's fastest growing national daily newspaper.
- 这是该国发展最快的全国性日报社。
- 21. Two of the four national daily papers are to become weeklies.
- 4家全国性的日报中有2家要改为周报。
- 22. The amusement park is open daily from May to October inclusive.
- 游乐园从五月到十月每天都开放。
- 23. Pictures of the suspect were published in all the daily papers.
- 嫌疑人的照片刊登在各家日报上了。
- 24. Brisk daily walks are still the best exercise for young and old alike.
- 每天快步走对老老少少来说仍然是最好的锻炼方式。
- 25. Does such an attitudinal change reflect real experiences in daily life?
- 人生观的这种转变是否反映了日常生活中的真实经历?
- 26. The menu changes regularly and there are daily specials to choose from.
- 菜谱定期更换,而且每天都有特色菜供选择。
- 27. She needed to break out of her daily routine and do something exciting.
- 她需要从日常事务中解脱出来,找点有意思的事做。
- 28. All of these help relax and de-stress you from the rigours of daily life.
- 这些都帮你从严苛的日常生活中得以放松和消除紧张。
- 29. Even profound amnesiacs can usually recall how to perform daily activities.
- 即使严重的健忘症患者通常也能记得如何从事日常活动。
- 30. The young people have claimed almost daily visitations from the Virgin Mary.
- 这些年轻人说几乎每天都会看到圣母马利亚显圣。