- 1. He ordered the cortege to stop.
- 他下令随从们停下。
- 2. It begins with what I always hear as a kind of funeral cortege idea.
- 乐曲的一开始,我总听着觉得像列队出殡的乐句。
- 3. The procession serenely, like a cortege entering the cemetery gates.
- 它们安详地滑过去,像送葬队列走进公墓大门时那样。
- 4. The procession passes serenely, like a cortege entering the cemetery gates.
- 它们安详地滑过去,像送葬队列走进公墓大门时那样。
- 5. He disguises his intent by joining a funeral cortege passing the chosen target.
- 他悄悄加入一列途经所选目标的葬礼队伍,以免被人察觉。
- 6. Ceremonies recalling the pomp of the empire lasted six hours as the funeral cortege processed through the city.
- 追忆奥匈帝国盛况的仪式历时六个小时,葬礼队伍缓慢地穿越了整个城市。
- 7. Their horses still in harness, and reeking from fatigue and heat, showed that the cortege had only just arrived.
- 他们仍然在利用马匹,从疲劳和热酒气,结果表明,随从刚刚抵达。
- 8. General Johnston attended Sherman's funeral in New York in 1891, stood in the rain to watch the cortege pass, and caught a cold.
- 约翰斯顿将军参加了1891年谢尔曼在纽约的葬礼,他在雨中注目仪仗走过,被淋得感冒了。
- 9. Mark Duggan's cortege left his parents' home and made its way through Tottenham's Broadwater Farm Estate to his private funeral.
- 马克杜根的随从离开了他父母的家,经过托特纳姆的农场村,参加了他的私人葬礼。
- 10. When the bald photographer and his cortege arrive at her courtyard it is locked, because her family isn't at home, so she can't receive male guests.
- 秃摄影师一行抵达那个院子时门锁着,由于她的不在家,她不能见陌生的男客。
- 11. But I decided to try again and went to see Clifford Mills, the dean of Westminster Cortege of law-a poor man 's school with no tenured professors or law review.
- 然而,我决定再尝试一下,于是就去找威斯敏斯特法学院的克利福德·米尔斯院长,这个法学院没有终身教授和法学刊物,是一个穷人学校。
- 12. Now the modulation — change of key from major to back to minor as the cortege will start up again and then we — a nice clarinet sound there and here comes our cortege with the bass.
- 现在变调了,从大调,变回小调,送葬行列再次启动,然后我们听到了优美的单簧管,送葬行列伴随着低音来了。
- 13. Now the modulation — change of key from major to back to minor as the cortege will start up again and then we — a nice clarinet sound there and here comes our cortege with the bass.
- 现在变调了,从大调,变回小调,送葬行列再次启动,然后我们听到了优美的单簧管,送葬行列伴随着低音来了。