- 1. He couldn't believe the banality of the question.
- 他无法相信那问题竟如此陈腐。
- 2. But the banality of your own life is very real to you.
- 但是平凡的生活对你言却是很真实。
- 3. It's a banality, but you don't possess art, it possesses you.
- 这老生常谈的事,但你并不能支配艺术,是艺术在支配你。
- 4. The woman hopes in the banality to be protected and be loved.
- 女人都希望在平凡中被呵护、被爱着。
- 5. I'm utterly bored of the sameness and the banality that goes on around me.
- 我极度讨厌相似并且陈腐的东西围绕着我。
- 6. Its superficiality and banality could be interpreted as a critique of shopping.
- 它的肤浅和平庸可能被解释为一个购物的批判。
- 7. There is something familiar in the banality of the riddle too, and in the weirdness of its poser.
- 也有一些是熟悉的平庸的谜太多,以及在其波塞尔的怪事。
- 8. Hence, the limited perspective of active and energetic people, the banality of their thought and actions.
- 因此,有限的行动前途,精力充沛的人,他们想法以及行动的陈腐。
- 9. Whether it is lasting or not, there is beauty and banality, then what the wonderful things really is?
- 不管是短暂的还是长久的,都有美丽与平凡,那么美好的东西到底是什么呢?
- 10. The negative pleasure one finds in work partakes of the poverty and banality of daily life, its pettiness.
- 否定快乐的人发现工作共有贫困与日常生活的乏味以及琐碎。
- 11. Faust was created because Goethe had been struggling between banality and greatness or between compromise and rebellion in his life.
- 浮士德是歌德一生都在庸俗与伟大、妥协与叛逆的两极之间痛苦摇摆的产物。
- 12. The paper expounds the methods about improve quality of gangue sintering brick from the technology of purgation homogeneity banality.
- 本文从净化均化陈化工艺方面阐述了提高煤矸石烧结砖质量的措施。
- 13. I trusted you with my email address, and you betrayed that trust by sending me Internet banality: strike one. Touching my food: strike two.
- 我信任你,才给你邮箱地址,你却给我发些网络俗物:一振。碰我的吃的:二振。
- 14. John Lechte, an Australian professor of social theory, characterises foreignness as "an escape from the boredom and banality of the everyday".
- 约翰·勒奇特是一位来自澳大利亚的社会学教授。他将客居的特点描述为“一种逃离平凡无聊日常生活的状态”。
- 15. These three 'Ss' contextualize the visual and aural economies of mobile media; they take the' banality 'intrinsic to the everyday nature of mobile media and make it compelling.
- 这三个'试'背景的视觉和听觉经济的移动媒体,他们采取'平庸'内在的日常性质的移动媒体,使之吸引力。
- 16. Lu the banality of life during wartime: a soldier wakes up in the morning to see compatriots shooting prisoners, then rejoices in the afternoon when he drinks a bowl of red bean soup.
- 这些文字告诉陆川战争时的生活琐事:一个士兵早上醒来看见他的同胞射杀战俘,而在下午为喝了一碗红豆汤而欣喜不已。
- 17. The simplicity of the design - plan, massing and palette - coupled with the manipulation of light affords spirituality without the banality often found in multi-denominational chapels.
- 设计的简洁性——平面、体量和色调——加上光的控制,为建筑赋予了灵动气质,同时避免了在多教派教堂中常见的单调乏味。
- 18. This ultimately results in a tension in contrasting pairs such as forced banality vs. a romantic scale on the outside and constructional pragmatism vs. "heroic" exaggerated construction on the inside.
- 这在人们的观念里最终导致了在对比中的一个矛盾,例如被迫的平庸与外部浪漫主义的尺度的相对以及构造上的实用主义与内部“英雄般”夸张的建造物的相对。
- 19. This ultimately results in a tension in contrasting pairs such as forced banality vs. a romantic scale on the outside and constructional pragmatism vs. "heroic" exaggerated construction on the inside.
- 这在人们的观念里最终导致了在对比中的一个矛盾,例如被迫的平庸与外部浪漫主义的尺度的相对以及构造上的实用主义与内部“英雄般”夸张的建造物的相对。