- 1. They wanted a total ban on handguns.
- 他们要求彻底禁止拥有手枪。
- 2. The general lifted the ban on political parties.
- 将军解除了对政党的官方禁令。
- 3. A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons.
- 化学武器已被禁止使用。
- 4. The pressure group is pushing for a ban on GM foods.
- 压力集团正强烈要求取缔转基因食品。
- 5. There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office.
- 办公室将彻底禁止吸烟。
- 6. The council has relaxed the ban on dogs in city parks.
- 委员会已经放宽了对带狗到市内公园里去的禁令。
- 7. A MORI poll showed that 68% of people opposed the ban.
- 摩利公司的民意测验显示,有68%的人反对这一禁令。
- 8. The company slapped a ban on using email on the staff.
- 公司对员工使用电子邮件发出禁令。
- 9. The commission is calling for a global ban on whaling.
- 委员会要求全球禁止捕鲸。
- 10. Canada will ban smoking in all offices later this year.
- 加拿大将于今年晚些时候禁止在所有办公场所吸烟。
- 11. Doctors are pushing for a ban on all cigarette advertising.
- 医生们正力求禁止所有香烟广告。
- 12. Top supermarkets are to ban many genetically modified foods.
- 顶级的超市将禁止销售许多转基因的食品。
- 13. The report calls for a ban on the import of hazardous waste.
- 这篇报道呼吁禁止危险废弃物的进口。
- 14. The government slapped a ban on the export of unprocessed logs.
- 政府强制禁止出口未加工过的木料。
- 15. I certainly think there should be a ban on tobacco advertising.
- 我确实认为应该禁止香烟广告。
- 16. Nuclear testing was resumed in defiance of an international ban.
- 尽管国际上明令禁止,核试验又在进行了。
- 17. Hundreds of people today defied the ban on political gatherings.
- 今天有数百人违抗禁止政治集会的规定。
- 18. If this ban was to come in it would seriously damage my business.
- 这项禁令如果实施,将会严重地损害我的生意。
- 19. Republicans in the House were strongly opposed to lifting the ban.
- 众议院的共和党人们曾坚定地反对解除该禁令。
- 20. The spokesman stressed that the measures did not amount to an overall ban.
- 发言人强调说,这些措施并不等于全面禁止。
- 21. The sanctions ban the sale of any products excepting medical supplies and food.
- 国际制裁禁止销售医药用品和食物以外的任何产品。
- 22. The European Commission has urged France to lift its ban on imports of British beef.
- 欧盟委员会已敦促法国解除对英国牛肉进口的禁令。
- 23. I don't think we can go around screaming hysterically: "Ban these dogs. Muzzle all dogs."
- 我认为我们不能歇斯底里地四处高喊:“禁止养这些狗。给所有的狗戴上口套。”
- 24. Although tobacco ads are prohibited, companies get around the ban by sponsoring music shows.
- 虽然烟草广告是被禁止的,但各家公司却通过赞助音乐演出以避开这一禁令。
- 25. Most chose not to impose any ban.
- 大多数选择不实施任何禁令。
- 26. The wartime ban against dancing has been lifted.
- 战时不准跳舞的禁令已经解除。
- 27. They took drastic action to ban all reverse graffiti.
- 他们采取严厉措施禁止所有反向涂鸦。
- 28. It is not clear whether the ban was issued because they tried to flee.
- 不清楚发布这个禁令是否是因为他们曾试图逃跑。
- 29. Some restaurant owners who ban kids think all children are wild and rude.
- 一些禁止孩子进入的餐馆老板认为所有孩子都很野蛮。
- 30. Some restaurant owners who ban kids think all children are wild and rude.
- 一些禁止孩子进入的餐馆老板认为所有孩子都很野蛮。