- 1. The test was conducted at the Mururoa Atoll on Wednesday.
- 该试验于周三在穆罗拉环礁进行。
- 2. Black-footed albatross on Kure Atoll, 2002.
- 在Kure Atoll岛上,塑料垃圾中的黑脚信天翁,2002年。
- 3. Pudong and Atoll Reef aquarium which is worth more to ah?
- 那个海洋馆与浦东的水族馆哪个更值得一去啊?
- 4. The first was opened in South Miladhunmadulu Atoll in March 1979.
- 于是1979年三月,第一所学校在南米拉杜卢岛成立。
- 5. Rising seas threaten to force whole populations off atoll nations.
- 上升的海平面迫使海岛国家的居民整体移居。
- 6. The American forces seized the Gilbert Island Atoll from the Japanese. (AP Photo)
- 美军从日本人手中夺取了吉尔伯特岛的这处环礁。
- 7. It retains important strategic interests on Kwajalein, the country's largest atoll.
- 它在这个国家最大的岛屿Kwajalein上保持着重要的战略利益。
- 8. A unique vineyard..., located on a coral atoll in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean.
- 我们是位于南太平洋中部珊瑚群岛的一个独一无二的葡萄园。
- 9. Maldives Victory is an intriguing site just off the Airport Island in the North male Atoll.
- 马尔代夫胜利是一个刚刚下班的机场岛在北马累环礁有趣的网站。
- 10. This astronaut photograph features Mataiva atoll, the westernmost atoll of the Tuamotu chain.
- 这张太空照片是其最西边的马太瓦环礁的图像。
- 11. France has carried out an underground nuclear explosion on Mururoa Atoll in the South Pacific.
- 法国已经在南太平洋的穆鲁罗瓦环礁进行了地下核爆。
- 12. Rongelap Atoll bears no outward evidence of the radioactive compounds that pollute its habitat.
- 朗格拉普环礁并无公开的证据表明这里存在污染生态环境的放射性化合物。
- 13. Reefs, islands, and the ocean around the Mariana islands, Palmyra Atoll and Rose Atoll will be covered.
- 保护区将覆盖玛丽安娜岛、巴尔米拉环礁和罗斯环礁周边的珊瑚礁、岛屿和海洋。
- 14. The 1 997-98 ENSO event caused extensive coral bleaching in the atoll of Tungsha Island (Pratas Is. ).
- 例如 1997 至 98 年圣婴现象曾造成东沙环礁珊瑚大量白化死亡。
- 15. The island eventually disappears beneath the surface, but the coral remains at the surface as an atoll.
- 岛屿完全从海面消失,但是珊瑚礁形成泻湖仍留在海面上。
- 16. Because the wind blew lengthwise along the atoll, the house had been sheltered by the miles of coconut trees.
- 因为风是顺着岛的纵长方向吹过来的,这所房子得到好几公里宽的椰林的庇护。
- 17. Although the atoll lost many corals, it kept an abundance of grazing fish that help reefs recover by keeping them clean.
- 尽管这里的环礁损失了很多珊瑚,但依然有大量的草食鱼类通过清理珊瑚礁来帮助它们复苏。
- 18. Around 500 people live on Atafu Atoll, mostly in a village that can be seen on the corner in the left of the image above.
- 大概有500人定居在Atafu a toll上,几乎都居住在上述图片左边的一个转角处的一个村庄上。
- 19. Strong winds, a dwindling supply of food, and a broken water maker meant she had to change course and head to the atoll of Tarawa instead.
- 强风,减少了食物供应,一破水生产商意味着她不得不改变路线,前往的塔拉瓦环礁代替。
- 20. “Nothing on this atoll—not its crushed coral lanes or groves of swaying palms—remotely recalls my New Jersey upbringing,” Andrew McCarthy writes.
- “在这个环礁岛上,碎珊瑚和摇曳的棕榈树未能唤起我对新泽西的回忆,”安德鲁麦卡锡写道。
- 21. MORE than 100 Australians and New Zealanders of Cook Island descent are stranded on the remote Pacific atoll of Pukapuka in the northern Cook Islands.
- 100多名澳大利亚人和新西兰籍的库克群岛后裔被困北库克群岛一个偏远的太平洋环礁,名为普卡普卡岛。
- 22. US Marines are seen as they advance against Japanese positions during the invasion at Tarawa atoll, Gilbert Islands, in this late November 1943 photo.
- 美海军陆战队是看到了,因为他们提前在塔拉瓦环礁,吉尔伯特群岛的入侵期间,在这个1943年11月下旬的照片,对日本的立场。
- 23. The phalax was found together with other artifacts during a month-long expedition last June to the tiny coral atoll believed to be Earhart's final resting place.
- 在今年6 月一次历时一个月的考察中,在据信为Earhart最终落脚地点的小型珊瑚环礁上发现了这块指骨和一些其他的人造制品。
- 24. An orange crab taken from the waters near the Marshall Islands Rongelap Atoll bears no outward evidence of the radioactive compounds that pollute its habitat.
- 一只橙色的螃蟹从海水中接近马歇尔群岛的环珊瑚礁,但是熊没有在外面因为放射性物质影响到熊的生活习惯。
- 25. Atoll Explorer has been especially designed for inter-island cruising since 1996, when she became the first ship to offer first class cruising in the Maldives.
- 从1996年以来,环礁探险舰主要是为内岛游弋而设计的,那时她是马尔代夫第一艘提供一流游弋的探险舰。
- 26. Pukapuka - also known as Danger Island - is the most isolated atoll in the Cooks group, and comprises three islets and a sandbank 1150km northwest of Rarotonga.
- 也叫危险岛——是库克群岛中最孤立的一个岛屿,由三个小岛和一座沙丘组成,距离拉罗汤加岛1150公里。
- 27. Radioactive fallout still pollutes Rongelap Atoll, about 100 miles (160 kilometers) to the east, but recent studies have found no long-term impact on marine life there.
- 放射性排放物仍然污染着罗格莱普阿托尔岛向西大约100英里(160千米)的地方,但是,近期的研究发现这并没有给那里的海洋生物造成长期的影响。
- 28. The turquoise lagoon of French Polynesia's Mataiva atoll stands out against the dark blue of the surrounding Pacific Ocean in an image taken by an astronaut on August 13.
- 这个绿松色的礁湖,位于法国波利尼西亚群岛的萨摩亚环礁,于周围深蓝色的太平洋形成了强烈的对比,这幅图片是8月13号由航天员拍摄。
- 29. Over the past two years photographer Chris Jordan has documented the affect the plastic debris has had on wildlife on Midway Atoll, which is northwest of the Hawaiian Islands.
- 在过去的两年中,摄影师ChrisJordan一直在记录塑料碎片对位于夏威夷群岛西北部的中途岛环礁上的野生生物的影响。
- 30. Over the past two years photographer Chris Jordan has documented the affect the plastic debris has had on wildlife on Midway Atoll, which is northwest of the Hawaiian Islands.
- 在过去的两年中,摄影师ChrisJordan一直在记录塑料碎片对位于夏威夷群岛西北部的中途岛环礁上的野生生物的影响。