- 1. The asthenosphere corresponds approximately to the low - velocity zone.
- 软流圈,大体上相当于低速带。
- 2. The mesosphere comprises the rest of the mantle below the asthenosphere.
- 中间圈包括岩流圈以下地幔的其余部分。
- 3. The alkalic basaltic magma of this stage may be derived from asthenosphere.
- 该阶段的碱性玄武岩浆可能来源于软流圈。
- 4. Involved in isostatic correction sometimes taken as the top of the asthenosphere.
- 在均衡校正中有时将其作为软流层的顶部。
- 5. The Okinawa Trough is a back arc basin still driven by the converging asthenosphere.
- 冲绳海槽仍是一个软流圈在汇聚的弧后盆地。
- 6. The orogenic types were controlled by the relative motion mechanism between lithosphere and asthenosphere.
- 板块和软流圈之间不同的相对运动机制是形成不同类型造山作用的主要原因。
- 7. The petroleum thermodynamic equilibrium calculation demonstrates that oils can be originated in mantle's asthenosphere.
- 石油的热动力平衡计算也证明石油形成于地幔软流层部位。
- 8. The decompression melting fluid system of asthenosphere provides the driving force for magma emplacement and metallogenic material.
- 软流圈减压熔融流体系统提供了岩浆侵位动力和成矿物质来源。
- 9. As the plates spread apart, the lithosphere, or crust, is moved aside like a lid, allowing molten rock from the liquid asthenosphere to seep through.
- 板块分离时,岩石圈或地壳象盖子般移到一旁,液态软流层中的熔岩渗溢而出。
- 10. The significance of study on the evolution trend of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system for the prediction of the China continent in the future is also discussed.
- 提出研究岩石圈—软流圈动力学的演化趋势对中国大陆未来预测的重要性。
- 11. Seamounts form from magmatic eruptions, which occur when lava seeps up to the crust through the partially-melted sub-layer, known as the asthenosphere, in the mantle.
- 火山岩透过地幔中部份熔融的软流层渗入到地壳,岩浆喷发,海山由此形成。
- 12. The conversion result shows that the cold asthenosphere sinks in large scale along trenches and ocean-sides and hot asthenosphere rises greatly along the arc-back area.
- 结果显示,在海沟及其洋侧冷的软流层发生了大规模的沉降,而弧后热的软流层则强烈抬升。
- 13. The source mantle shows the HIMU nature. The asthenosphere mantle, the dehydrated ocean shell and remaining the ancient enrichmental mantle had mixed to form the source.
- 源区地幔具有HIMU性质,由软流圈地幔、脱水洋壳与残留岩石圈地幔混合组成,表现出富集的特征;
- 14. It is tentatively suggested that the lower lithosphere MORB-OIB mantle is recently accreted since the paleo-lithosphere mantle was replaced by the abnormal asthenosphere.
- 我们初步认为,该区深部岩石圈MORB -OIB地幔可能是软流圈置换古岩石圈地幔而增生形成的。
- 15. Mantle plumes induced asthenosphere upwelling and development of magma Chambers along deep-sited faults, and thus resulted in fracture eruption of flood basalts on large scale.
- 地幔柱产生大面积软流圈上涌,沿深断裂形成岩浆房,导致大规模溢流玄武岩裂隙式喷发。
- 16. Sedimentary basin forming dynamics system is the macroevolution and correlation of the sedimentary basin, the mantle, the asthenosphere, the lithosphere, and Moho discontinuity.
- 成盆动力学系统是一个包括沉积盆地及其下的地幔、软流圈、岩石圈和莫霍面等不同地质单元的宏观变化和相互制约的过程。
- 17. During extensional activities of Late Cretaceo us to Eogene, intense upwelling of asthenosphere happened under the fault zone, leading to lithospheric necking in pure shear mode1.
- 断裂带在晚白垩世-早第三纪的伸展活动中,软流圈进行了强烈的上隆,岩石圈出现了显著的细颈化,属于纯剪切伸展模式。
- 18. The heating from the asthenosphere on the crust subsequently resulted in the intensive magmatism, mineralization, and widespread development of extensional structures in eastern China.
- 幔源岩浆的底侵及软流圈对地壳的直接加热作用,使上覆地壳发生大规模的岩浆和成矿作用,并导致中国东部中生代时期伸展构造的广泛发育。
- 19. The wide boundary form and its change in the upper and middle parts of layer B"may reflect the corrosion and assimilation of Earth's material in the surroundings by the asthenosphere."
- 层上中部的宽广的分布边界形态及其变化,可能反映软流圈对周围地球物质的同化熔蚀作用;
- 20. This paper has proposed a hypothesis of magma tides in the asthenosphere to interpret 18.6 year earthquake cycles in major seismic regions of the world which was discovered by the author.
- 本文提出软流圈岩浆潮的假设来解释作者所发现的全球主要地震区的大地震都存在18.6年地震轮回。
- 21. The strike of faults along which strong earthquakes occurred and direction of migration of epicenters are coincident with the orientation of isobaths of the top surface of the asthenosphere.
- 强烈地震的断层走向、震中迁移方向与软流圈顶面等深线轴向方向一致。
- 22. That is one of the possible reasons why there is no "high-conductive layer of the upper mantle" in the MT profile from Yingxian to Shanghe, which images the asthenosphere electrical characters.
- 这也许正是根据现今应县—商河剖面上大地电磁的探测结果看不出来存在通常所说的反映“软流圈”电性特征的“上地幔高导层”的原因。
- 23. The lithosphere-asthenosphere interaction zone is also a major component of the magma source, which consists predominantly of asthenospheric mantle and in the main contains no crustal component.
- 岩石圈-软流圈的作用带也是重要的岩浆源区,源区是以软流圈地幔为主,基本不含地壳组分。
- 24. The mantle convection is the primary driving force for the formation and evolution of sedimentary basins, and manifested in the position of the asthenosphere, Moho discontinuity and mantle plume.
- 软流圈上涌高度,莫霍面或地幔羽的位置是地幔对流的具体的表现。
- 25. Asthenosphere uplift indicates the deep adjustment process during the interaction of plates, and also shows the adjusting process of gravitational equilibrium between upper layer of crust and mantle.
- 软流圈隆升是板块相互作用的深部调整过程,同时也是地壳表层—地幔进行重力均衡调整的过程。
- 26. Asthenosphere uplift indicates the deep adjustment process during the interaction of plates, and also shows the adjusting process of gravitational equilibrium between upper layer of crust and mantle.
- 软流圈隆升是板块相互作用的深部调整过程,同时也是地壳表层—地幔进行重力均衡调整的过程。