- 1. He was to address a public assembly on the issue.
- 他要对公众集会发表演说谈论这个问题。
- 2. The assembly was mandated to draft a constitution.
- 大会被授权起草一份章程。
- 3. Last year the millionth truck rolled off the assembly line.
- 去年,第100万辆卡车驶下了装配线。
- 4. Putting the bookcase together should be a simple assembly job.
- 组装书橱应该是个简单的装配活。
- 5. They were fighting for freedom of speech and freedom of assembly.
- 他们为言论自由和集会自由而斗争。
- 6. The furniture comes complete with tools and instructions for assembly.
- 这件家具备有组装工具和说明书。
- 7. For the rest of the day, he worked on the assembly of an explosive device.
- 在那天余下的时间里,他在进行一个爆炸装置的组装。
- 8. The organizers of the march were charged with assault and riotous assembly.
- 游行组织者被控侵犯人身及暴乱性非法集会。
- 9. The U.S. Constitution guarantees free speech, freedom of assembly and equal protection.
- 美国宪法保证自由言论、集会自由和平等保护权。
- 10. Prior to assembly, grooves were made in the shelf, base, and sides to accommodate the back panel.
- 在组装之前,隔板、底座和侧面已开槽以便与背板相嵌。
- 11. Recently named the nation's top girls' basketball player, she will be honoured this morning at a school assembly.
- 最近被命名为全国顶级女子篮球运动员的她将于今天上午在学校大会上被表彰。
- 12. The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a resolution calling on all parties in the conflict to seek a political settlement.
- 联合国大会已采纳了一项呼吁所有冲突各方寻求政治解决的决议。
- 13. Our factories hum to the rhythm of robot assembly arms.
- 我们的工厂嗡嗡地响着机器人装配手臂的声音。
- 14. The Central Motor plant is the first new assembly factory Toyota.
- 中央动力厂是丰田建立的是第一家新的汽车装配厂。
- 15. The instructions on the package said you need to do some assembly yourself.
- 包装上的说明说你需要自己做一些组装工作。
- 16. It was not until the following year that the General Assembly reluctantly considered the proposal.
- 直到第二年的那天,大会才勉强考虑这一建议。
- 17. The UN had the foresight to convene a "world assembly on ageing" back in 1982, but that came and went.
- 联合国早在1982年就有远见地召开了“老龄化问题世界大会”,但后来还是不了了之。
- 18. Assembly supervisors oversee workers who put together products by using power tools or other dangerous equipment.
- 装配主管监督那些使用电动工具或其他危险设备组装产品的工人。
- 19. Although using RAD during the assembly phase is a fairly common practice, many IT businesses are very specialized with only legacy systems.
- 尽管在组装阶段使用RAD是一种很常见的做法,但很多IT企业仅在使用遗留系统方面非常专业。
- 20. In its first function as WHO Goodwill Ambassador, a quartet from the Orchestra performed this morning at the opening of the World Health Assembly.
- 作为世卫组织亲善大使的第一个职能,该乐团的一个四重奏小组今天上午在世界卫生大会开幕式上进行了演出。
- 21. The national assembly has voted to adopt the budget.
- 国民议会已表决通过预算。
- 22. The present assembly will be dissolved on April 30th.
- 本届议会将于4月30日解散。
- 23. He waited until complete quiet settled on the assembly.
- 他等到集会者完全安静下来。
- 24. The Council of Ministers is responsible to the Assembly.
- 内阁须向议会负责。
- 25. The assembly arrogated to itself the right to make changes.
- 议会攫取了进行修改的权利。
- 26. Several proposals are under consideration by the state assembly.
- 几项提案正由州议会审议。
- 27. The court ruled that laws passed by the assembly remained valid.
- 该法庭裁定由议会通过的法律仍然有效。
- 28. Sovereign power will continue to lie with the Supreme People's Assembly.
- 至高无上的权力将继续掌控在最高人民议会。
- 29. He didn't enlarge on the form that the interim government and assembly would take.
- 他未详述临时政府和议会将会采取的形式。
- 30. What he is better remembered for is the introduction of the moving assembly-line in Detroit in 1913.
- 他更加令人铭记在心的是曾在1913年将流动生产线引入底特律。