- 1. They got taken by a scam artist.
- 他们被一个假冒的艺术家骗了。
- 2. He is little known as an artist.
- 几乎没人知道他是个艺术家。
- 3. I explained that I was an artist.
- 我解释说我是一位艺术家。
- 4. She continues to grow as an artist.
- 她作为艺术家不断有所提高。
- 5. She has great potential as an artist.
- 她很有潜质,是一位可造就的艺术家。
- 6. Whoever made this cake is a real artist.
- 制作这个蛋糕的人真是个艺术大师。
- 7. The artist has caught her smile perfectly.
- 艺术家惟妙惟肖地画出了她的微笑。
- 8. "You are an artist," she said respectfully.
- “您是一位艺术家,”她毕恭毕敬地说。
- 9. He earned a precarious living as an artist.
- 作为一个艺术家,他过的是朝不保夕的生活。
- 10. She's an artist whose work I really admire.
- 她这位艺术家的作品令我赞赏不已。
- 11. The artist had depicted her lying on a bed.
- 画家画了她躺在床上的画像。
- 12. As an artist he was always financially insecure.
- 作为一名艺术家,他在经济上总是没有保障。
- 13. 'Are you really an artist?' Sara asked curiously.
- “你真是画家吗?”萨拉好奇地问道。
- 14. An artist sculpted a full-size replica of her head.
- 一位艺术家雕塑了一尊她头部的全幅头像。
- 15. The artist is making sketches for his next painting.
- 画家正为他的下一幅作品画素描。
- 16. Dreams can be a rich source of inspiration for an artist.
- 梦境可以成为艺术家灵感的丰富源泉。
- 17. His mother was a painter, and he's no mean artist himself.
- 他的母亲是画家,他本人也是很出色的艺术家。
- 18. A talented artist, he was, moreover, a writer of some note.
- 他是一位有才华的艺术家,同时也是颇有名气的作家。
- 19. He played a major role in rehabilitating Magritte as an artist.
- 他对恢复玛格里特艺术家的名誉起了重要的作用。
- 20. The programme gives us a rare glimpse of a great artist at work.
- 这个节目使我们难得地体会伟大艺术家工作时的情况。
- 21. Trying to please an audience is the kiss of death for an artist.
- 试图取悦观众对艺术家来说无疑是自取灭亡。
- 22. The artist has rendered the stormy sea in dark greens and browns.
- 画家用了深绿色和棕色来表现波涛汹涌的大海。
- 23. His books are enormously easy to read, yet he is a serious artist.
- 他的书极易读,然而他却是一位严肃的文学艺术家。
- 24. The Hayward exhibition has been curated by the artist Bernard Luthi.
- 海沃德展览会是由艺术家伯纳德·卢西组织的。
- 25. She studied painting from 1926 and also worked as a commercial artist.
- 她从1926年开始研究绘画,同时也是一名商业美术家。
- 26. She was an accomplished pianist, a superb swimmer, and a gifted artist.
- 她曾是一位很有造诣的钢琴家、一流的游泳健将和天才艺术家。
- 27. Eight drawings by French artist Jean Cocteau will be auctioned next week.
- 法国艺术家让·科克托的8幅画作将在下周拍卖。
- 28. I know a sculptor who swaps her pieces for drawings by a well-known artist.
- 我知道有个雕塑家用她自己的作品去换一位著名画家的画作。
- 29. The film is eloquent as it explores the relationship between artist and instrument.
- 这部影片探讨艺术家与乐器之间的关系,意味深长。
- 30. Never argue with an artist.
- 绝对不要和艺术家争论。