- 1. The town is under heavy artillery fire.
- 该市镇处于密集的炮火之下。
- 2. From 1935 to 1937 he was in the artillery.
- 从1935年到1937年他在炮兵部队。
- 3. Using tanks and heavy artillery, they seized the town.
- 他们使用坦克和重炮攻下了这座城市。
- 4. Rebel artillery units have regularly bombarded the airport.
- 叛军的炮兵部队经常炮轰机场。
- 5. The city has been flattened by heavy artillery bombardments.
- 该城市因遭重炮轰击而夷为平地。
- 6. The artillery barrage on the city was the heaviest since the ceasefire.
- 此次对城市的连续炮击是自停战以来最猛烈的。
- 7. Kabul resounded to the crack of Kalashnikov fire and a flood of artillery.
- 卡拉什尼科夫冲锋枪的声音和连续不断的大炮声在喀布尔回荡。
- 8. They were asked to pull back from their artillery positions around the city.
- 他们被要求从城市四周的炮兵阵地上撤退。
- 9. Thousands of tanks, artillery pieces and armoured vehicles will be cut up for scrap.
- 成千上万的坦克、大炮和装甲车将被切割成废金属。
- 10. They formed up in battle line, infantry in the center, cavalry on the wings, artillery to the rear firing over their heads.
- 他们排成作战队形,步兵在中央,骑兵在两翼,炮兵在后面朝他们头顶上方开火。
- 11. The marble-and-sandstone Amber Fort has intricate carvings; the immense Jaigarh Fort once served as a center of artillery production.
- 大理石砂岩建造的琥珀堡拥有错综的雕刻;巨大的斋格尔堡曾经充当火炮生产中心。
- 12. The artillery has more firepower than the infantry.
- 炮兵火力比步兵大。
- 13. So, held back here the heavy artillery.
- 那么,藏在后面的是重炮。
- 14. Our artillery fire bombarded the enemy post.
- 我们炮火炮击敌人兵营。
- 15. North Korea could flatten Seoul with artillery.
- 朝军的炮兵火力足以掀翻汉城。
- 16. Confederate artillery broke up the northern attack.
- 南方军的炮火粉碎了北方军的进攻。
- 17. The heavy artillery bombardment reduced the village to ruins.
- 猛烈的炮火使这个村庄变成一片废墟。
- 18. She said the sound of artillery fire could be clearly heard.
- 她表示,现在已经能够清晰地听到炮火的声音。
- 19. Napoleon was an artillery officer, and felt the effects of this.
- 拿破仑是使炮的能手,他自己也这样觉得。
- 20. It's the first time that we are hearing artillery fire in the daytime.
- 这是我们第一次在白天听到炮火的声音。
- 21. The key to his victory was to make the artillery converge on one point.
- 集中大炮火力于某一点,那便是他胜利的秘诀。
- 22. They heard artillery shells exploding near their villages, and they ran.
- 他们听到炮弹在他们的村庄附近爆炸,他们逃离家园。
- 23. South Korea announced last Thursday plans for another artillery test.
- 韩国上周四宣布准备举行新一轮炮兵演习。
- 24. Today we’ll visit an artillery brigade from the Western Military District.
- 今天我们将参观俄罗斯西部军区的炮兵某旅。
- 25. The defenders' artillery was posted to the rear of the main line of trenches.
- 防守一方的炮位被布置在这些主堑壕后方。
- 26. The data will include the location of hostile rockets, mortars, and artillery.
- 该数据将包括敌方火箭、迫击炮和炮弹的位置。
- 27. McClellan decided to wait. He did not want to attack Yorktown without artillery.
- 麦克莱伦将军决定等待,因为他不想在没有这些大炮的情况下进攻约克镇。
- 28. The Mikhaylovka casemate artillery unit was built in the north of Sevastopol Bay.
- 米哈伊洛夫卡炮台炮兵基地建立在塞瓦斯托波尔湾北部。
- 29. Some told harrowing tales of their confinement for weeks under heavy artillery fire.
- 一些人讲述了几周以来在猛烈炮火中痛苦和被限制的生活。
- 30. Some told harrowing tales of their confinement for weeks under heavy artillery fire.
- 一些人讲述了几周以来在猛烈炮火中痛苦和被限制的生活。