- 1. The article caused (an) uproar.
- 这篇文章引起了轩然大波。
- 2. The article was highly defamatory.
- 这篇文章充满诽谤。
- 3. I thought it was a very bad article.
- 我以为那是一篇很低劣的文章。
- 4. The article is full of inaccuracies.
- 这篇文章里的错误比比皆是。
- 5. Yes, I wrote the article. What of it?
- 是的,文章是我写的。那又怎么样呢?
- 6. The article must be amusingly written.
- 这篇文章肯定写得好笑。
- 7. The article was crammed full of ideas.
- 这篇文章包含着许多想法。
- 8. Generally, the article reads very well.
- 总的说来,这篇文章读起来很不错。
- 9. The article is full of technical terms.
- 这篇文章满篇皆是专业术语。
- 10. The tone of the article is intemperate.
- 该文章的语气过激了。
- 11. I cut this article out of the newspaper.
- 我从报纸上剪下了这篇文章。
- 12. My article was published in truncated form.
- 我的文章以节录的形式发表了。
- 13. The article covered a wide range of topics.
- 这篇文章讨论了一系列广泛的论题。
- 14. The article captured the mood of the nation.
- 这篇文章把国民的情绪把得很准。
- 15. The article is very good PR for the theatre.
- 这篇文章有助于加强该剧院的公共关系。
- 16. My article has been accepted for publication.
- 我的文章已被采用准备发表。
- 17. The article was headlined "Tell us the truth."
- 该文章题为“告诉我们真相。”
- 18. Your article brought back sad memories for me.
- 你的文章勾起了我悲伤的回忆。
- 19. The article was condensed into just two pages.
- 这篇文章被简缩成两页。
- 20. The article was intended to provoke discussion.
- 这篇文章旨在引发讨论。
- 21. The article accurately reflects public opinion.
- 文章如实反映了公众的意见。
- 22. I've already written a fair chunk of the article.
- 我已写出文章的大部分。
- 23. The article offended her religious sensibilities.
- 那篇文章伤害了她的宗教感情。
- 24. The article presents these proposals as misguided.
- 文章把这些提案评为误导的产物。
- 25. That's my article for the magazine done and dusted.
- 这就是我为该杂志写的文章,已经脱稿。
- 26. She made several interesting points in the article.
- 她在文章中提出了几个有趣的观点。
- 27. These issues were outside the scope of the article.
- 这些问题不属本文论述范围。
- 28. This article will form the basis for our discussion.
- 这篇文章将作为我们讨论的基点。
- 29. Sgt. Norwood complained that the article defamed him.
- 诺维德中士抱怨这篇文章诽谤他。
- 30. The murders are graphically described in the article.
- 这篇文章对几起凶杀案作了血淋淋的描述。